Katmai Bearcams Wiki
910 July 2021 NPS photo 2022 Bears of Brooks River book page 62

910 July 2021 NPS photo


Year First Identified:  2018 as an independent 2.5 year-old subadult, 2016 year of birth

Year Last Identified: 2024

Known Offspring Of:   There is speculation in the 2018 bear monitoring notes that 910 is the darker female offspring of 409 Beadnose's 2016 litter , however there is no way to really confirm the link between subadults to the mother and siblings without DNA results.

Known Litters of Cubs:  1 (2022, 1 spring cub) (Adopted niece, 909's 2.5 year-old in 2023)

Genetics Study Samples Obtained:  There were no known genetics study samples obtained from 910 by Ranger Michael Saxton from 2016 through 2018. 


910 is a smaller female. She has darker more rounded ears than her sibling 909. 910 is a suspected offspring of 409 Beadnose. As of 2021, 910 is considered an adult.

Meet Bear 910 video by Explore with Resident Naturalist, Mike Fitz. 910 has fascinated viewers over the last two years (2023 & 2024). Her adoption of her sister's (909's) cub is one of the most unique events on bear cam in memory.

503 Cubadult would like to remind you that he was the 1st Brooks River bear known to be adopted and that 435 Holly was the 1st documented Brooks River adoptive sow.


Meet Bear 910 - Bears of Brooks Falls

video by Explore with Resident Naturalist, Mike Fitz

Distinctive Behaviors:[]

910 is often seen with sibling 909 playing or fishing throughout the river. 910 had a limp in the summer of 2018 but appeared healed by fall.

Life History:[]

2016:  Spring Cub with 409 Beadnose & Female Littermate (909)[]

June 2016:[]

2016.06.18 (Not June 6, 2018, cams not live that early in the season):  409 Beadnose and her two spring cubs (909 & 910) make their live cam debut in this video by Mickey Williams.:


Katmai National Park and Explore Mom & 2 COYs on spit road AM 6-18-16 (NOT JUNE 6, 2016 CAMS NOT LIVE THAT EARLY IN SEASON) by Mickey Williams-1

2016.06.20:  409 Beadnose with her two spring cubs (909 & 910) forage on Spit Road video by Mickey Williams.  For 409, it looks like the foraging was for food; in the case of the little 409 offspring it looks like they were taking turns foraging for mooring ropes for boats.


409 Beadnose and COYs forage on spit rd. 6-20-16 Katmai National Park and Explore bu Mickey Williams-1

2016.06.23:  409 Beadnose nursing her 2 spring cubs (909 & 910) video by Martina.:


409 Beadnose nursing her cubs LR 2016-6-23 Explore org LR Cam by Martina-1

A closer look at 409 Beadnose and her two spring cubs (909 & 910) near the floating bridge, video by Mickey Williams.:


12;25am 6-23-16 Part 1 Beadnose 409 and cubs Katmai National Park and Explore by Mickey Williams-0

2016.06.27:  409 Beadnose with her 2 spring cubs (909 & 910) take a swim across the river in this video by Mickey Williams.  When 409 Beadnose won't permit the COY to hitch a ride on her back, the COY take off on their own.


2;20pm 6-27-16 409 Beadnoseand cubs swm across river Katmai National Park and Explore by Mickey Williams-1

July 2016:[]

2016.07.07:  When mother bears collide video by Mike Fitz.  "When two mother bears encounter one another how will they react? This is footage of 128 Grazer and cubs encounter 409 Beadnose and cubs on July 7, 2016 at Brooks River in Katmai National Park Alaska. Note how the bears stand their ground, but avoid an actual fight. Bears attempt to avoid fights far more often than they engage in them. Please read my breakdown of the interaction at Wandering At Large blog:  When Mother Bears Collide .":


When Mother Bears Collide July 7, 2016 by Mike Fitz-0

2016.07.15:  409 Beadnose with her 2 spring cubs (909 & 910) on the lower river video by st mango.:


409 plus 2 cubs LR 2016 07 15 10 30 am approx by st mango-0

2016.07.19:  Truman Everts captured this photograph of 409 Beadnose with her 2 spring cubs at 15:41 (p 02/02/2020 07:58 ).  Truman Everts captured this photograph of 409 Beadnose's two spring cubs (909 & 910, 1 cub standing on hind legs) at 20:07 (p 02/02/2020 08:05 ).  Truman Everts captured this photograph of 409 Beadnose's two spring cubs (909 & 910) at 20:07 (p 02/02/2020 08:13 ).:
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

2016.07.21:  409 Beadnose with her 2 spring cubs (909 & 910) at 10:51 photograph by Truman Everts (p 02/02/2020 07:39 ).  409 Beadnose with her 2 spring cubs (909 & 910) at 10:53 photograph by Truman Everts (p 02/02/2020 09:07 ). 409 Beadnose with her 2 spring cubs (909 & 910) at 10:53 photograph by Truman Everts (p 02/02/2020 09:23 ).:
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

September 2016:  []

2016.09.06:  Melissa Freels captured this video of 409 Beadnose and her 2 spring cubs (909 & 910) close-up on the grassy point.:


409 Beadnose and Cubs - Up Close! September 6, 2016 by Melissa Freels-2

Park visitor, Ronald Woan captured approximately 60 photographs of 409 Beadnose and her two spring cubs on September 6, 2016, his 2nd day at Brooks Camp.  Click here for the first photograph and then click the right arrow to view more of his photographs. 

Ratna Narayan captured this video of 409 Beadnose and her 2 spring cubs (909 & 910):


Beady and her beads P5 best cub rolling video ever September 6, 2016 by Ratna Narayan-1

2016.09.10:  Park visitor Ana captured this video of 409 Beadnose having a vocal interaction with 94.  909 is believed to be one of 409's cubs at the time of this interaction  94 also had a male yearling cub with her at the time.


Audio of bear spat September 10, 2016 409 Beadnose w 2 cubs & 94 w 1 cub by Ana-2

October 2016:[]

2019.10.03:  409 Beadnose's cubs (909 & 910) urinating, they are both female, video by Martina.:


2016 10 03 409`s cubs (909 & 910) peeing by Martina-0

2016.10.08:  409 Beadnose and her 2 spring cubs (909 & 910) video by Ratna Narayan:


Beady and the beadettes October 8, 2016 by Ratna Narayan-0

2016 - 2018:  2016 Spring Cubs to 2018 Independent 2.5 Year-Old Subadults[]

2016 Season - 2018 Season:[]

GreenRiver created this slideshow video of snapshot of 409 Beadnose with her two spring cubs from the 2016 season to their first season as independent subadults, 909 & 910, during the 2018 season.:


Sisters, Brooks River Brown Bears 909 and 910 from the 2016 Season (spring cubs) - the 2018 season (independent subadults) by GreenRiver-1

2017:  Yearling Cub with 409 Beadnose & Female Littermate (909 )[]

2017 Season:[]

2017.??.??:  Mikey Wright captured this video of 747 displacing and then chasing 409 Beadnose and her two yearlings (now 909 & 910).

June 2017:  []

2017.06.24:  409 Beadnose with her 2 yearlings (909 & 910) in the riffles at 17:50 photograph by Truman Everts (p 02/02/2020 11:26 ).  409 Beadnose's two yearlings (909 & 910) wading after 409 in the river at 17:56 photograph by Truman Everts (p 02/02/2020 09:37).  409 Beadsnose with her 2 yearlings (909 & 910) at the falls at 18:00 photograph by Truman Everts (p 02/02/2020 09:45 ).  409's yearling cubs (later to be 909 & 910) tree themselves for safety, while 409 executes a long series of fruitless lunges in the slim pickings of early summer...until finally getting hold of a fish at 20:13...... photograph by Truman Everts (p 02/02/2020 10:07 ).  409 Beadnose with her 2 yearlings (909 & 910 at 20:24 photograph by Truman Everts (p 02/02/2020 12:13 ).:
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

2017.06.26:  Truman Everts captured this photograph of 409 Beadnose's two yearlings (909 & 910) sitting on the same rock watching 409 fish on June 26, 2017 at 19:18 (p 02/02/2020 12:45 ).  Truman Everts captured these photographs (#1 & #2 ) of 409 Beadnose and her two yearlings (909 & 910) fishing the lip of Brooks Falls at 19:22 (p 02/02/2020 12:55 01 & p 02/02/2020 16:13 02 reply).  Truman Everts captured this photograph of 409 Beadnose with her 2 yearlings (909 & 910) at 19:25 (p 02/02/2020 13:51 ).:
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

July 2017:  []

2017.07.01:  Truman Everts captured this photograph of 409 Beadnose and her two yearlings (909 & 910) at 15:27 (p 02/02/2020 19:39 ).:

2017.07.17:  409 Beadnose and her heebie geebies (yearlings, 909 & 910) video by DTB:


409 & Her Heebie Geebies July 17, 2017 by DTB-1

2017.07.21:  409 Beanose's yearlings and a subadult video by Melissa Freels.  Yearling girls  (909 & 910) considering an encounter with a subadult as 409 rests unconcerned:.  


Subadult and Beady's Cubs, July 21, 2017 by Melissa Freels-0

2017.07.30:  409 Beadnose's yearling (910 ) "towelling " off after getting out of the river video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.


07.30.2017 - 409's Cub Dries Off (910) by Brenda D-0

2018:  Newly Emancipated 2.5 Year-Old Subadult[]

2018 Season:[]

910 made her debut in the 2019 Bears of Brooks River book on page 35.

2018.??.??:   Deanna DIttloff (aka deelynnd) created this video of 909 & 910 observation from the 2018 season:


The Beadettes 909 & 910 2018 Season by Deanna DIttloff (aka deelynnd)-0

2018.??.??:  Photographer, Lisa Skelton captured this photograph of 902 (rear) with cousins 909 & 910 (front) during the 2018 season.  Lisa shared this information with the photograph:  "Young brown bears at Katmai National Park. These were three of eighteen bears which surrounded the lower viewing platform during the afternoon; fishing, sleeping and socialising at such a close proximity that we were unable to leave that platform for over 4 hours."  "... missed my lunch, delayed my flight out and got me a special escort back to the lodge!"

July 2018:[]

910 in July 2018, NPS photos:

2018.07.03:  910 is seen with her sibling 909 in this 7/3/2018 photo that Truman Everts shared in chat on 3/25/2020. "So I'm evidently just 52 days late with this 909 & 910 pic. Thank you, again, 409...you won't be forgotten."
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

Brooks Camp visitor Ryan009 Explorer (aka ryan009) captured 7/3/2018 video of 909 and 910 playing. The video appears to be around the same time as Truman's photo.

2018.07.04:  909 and 910 are newly emancipated. They see 900 with a fish and follow her up behind the falls video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.


07.04.2018 - 2 Subs (909 & 910) on Bank, Give Chase (900) to Pirate a Fish by Brenda D-0

2018.07.13:  409 Beadnose chasing off her offspring 909 & 910 video by Casper Pike:


409 chasing off Beadettes 2018 07 13 09 35 16 412 by Casper Pike-0

2018.07.14:  909 & 910 sit on the bank near the Brooks Falls Low Cam and observed the bears fishing at the falls video by Cruiser.:


Beadette's take fishing 101 notes from the sidelines 7-14-18 by Cruiser-0

Xander-Sage created this gif of 909 and 910 (p 02/02/2020 18:14 ).:

910 and 909 at the falls video by Birgitt.:


The Beads, 909 and 910 at Falls Pt 1 2018-07-14 by Birgitt-0

2018.07.15:  503 rebukes 719 909 & 910 confront subs + 912 video by Birgitt.  909 and 910 when first emancipated join the Sub-Scrum at the falls. 910 waits until her sister joins her before confronting the pesky sub hanging out too close to her.:


503 Rebukes 719 909 & 910 Confront Subs 912 2018-07-15 15-48-29-330 by Birgitt-0

2018.07.26:  Finding themselves alone (emancipated) in 2017, the Beads (909 in particular) discovered that the were much more formidable together. Here they are meeting a bigger and older 812 in what was probably one of their first interactions with him.  A larger subadult brown bear, 812, appears near the bridge. Sisters 909 and 910 skirt around the bus with it and then form a united front to confront the larger bear.  The larger bear looks like it might want to play, but the girls are defensive..  Video by Birgitt.:


909 & 910 Stand United Against 812 2018-07-26 09-19-48-725 by Birgitt-1

2018.07.27:  Shel shared these snapshots (#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 , #6 , #7 , #8 , #9 & #10 ) of 910 (left) with 909 (right) (p 02/02/2020 08:05 )  Some of these snapshots show that 909's ears tend to angle out to the side a bit more than 910's, but they sometimes move their ears enough that it makes it harder to tell the difference.  Shel also shared these snapshots (#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 & #6 ) of 910 (p 02/02/2020 08:05 ).:

The footage of the above snapshots can be seen beginning at 43:22 into the below Explore Recorder video.  Then at 48:44, footage of 909 (on the left) and 910 (on the right) on July 27, 2018 - Explore Recorder video :


Brooks Falls Brown Bears 07-27-2018 19 01 22 - 20 01 23 Explore Recorder video

Birgitt's 7/27/2018 video, 909 and 910 find scraps as other subs swirl around. "July 2018 was the Time of the New Subs with 39, 128, 284, 409, 708 and 854 all dropping off litters at the falls. This was the largest influx of new subs in a decade. It was also a time that siblings learned to stay together and others learned to make friends."


909 & 910 Find Scraps Other Subs Swirl Around 2018-07-27

Video by Birgitt

2018.07.29:  435 Holly chases 909 & 910 video by mckate.:


29 Jul 2018 435 Chases 909 and 910 by mckate-1

910 Bucking Bear video by mckate.  909 and 910 create a bear jam. 910 appears to celebrate making humans wait. Go bears!


29 Jul 2018 910 Bucking Bear by mckate-0

2018.07.31:  903 and his body guards 909 & 910 video by mckate.:


31 Jul 2018 903 and His Body Guards 909 and 910 by mckate

August 2018:[]

2018.08.04:  717 takes on 909 & 910 video by mckate.  All 3 of these subadults are believed to possibly be 409 Beadnose offspring ~ 717 from 409's 2012 litter and 909 & 910 from 409's 2016 litter.:


4 Aug 2018 717 Takes on 909 and 910 by mckate-1

2018.08.31:  910 spots 474 in the lower river area and limps off video by Birgitt Evans:


910 Spots 474 & Limps Off 2018-08-31 22-52-49-911 by Birgitt Evans-0

September 2018:  []

910 September 2018 NPS photographs from 2019 Bears of Brooks River book, page 35.:

2018.09.05:  610 & 821 follow 909 & 910 down Spit Road video by Birgitt.:


610 & 821 Follow 909 & 910 Down Spit Road 2018-09-05 by Birgitt-2

2018.09.17:  910 plays gif (p 01/13/2021 06:49) and video by Cruiser.  Not even an injured paw can slow 910 down, she is going to dance like nobody is watching.:

910 GIF 2018.09.17 CRUISER POSTED 2021.01.13 06

910 plays September 17, 2018 gif created by Cruiser


Bear 910 Plays - RW 09 17 18 by Cruiser

910 (or is this 909 , not 910 ?) glamour shots video by Birgitt.:


910 Glamour Shots 2018-09-17 20-58-00-395 by Birgitt

A sleepy sleuth of subs video by mckate.  902 and 903 in the back. 909 and 910 in the front and one of the 854s on the left -- either 904, 905, or 906..


17 Sep 2018 A Sleepy Sleuth of Subs by mckate-0

910 greets 903 and plays with 902 "Fifi"/"Bonsai" while 909 lurks in the bushes video by Birgitt.:


910 Greets 903 & Plays with 902 (909 Lurks in Bushes) 2018-09-17 20-59-21-397 by Birgitt-2

284 "Electra" runs past 909 & 910 video by Birgitt.  284 Electra charges subadult 910 on LR.  910's sister 909 comes out of the water to investigate.  The bear 909 was playing with, her cousin 903 walks towards the cam.:


284 Runs Past 910 & 909 & 903 Come out of Water LR 2018-09-17 09-23-00-951 by Birgitt-0

Lee (aka RiverPA) captured these photographs (#1 , #2 & #3 ) of 902 with 909 & 910 during her trip to Brooks Camp.
Please request Lee's (aka RiverPA )  permission prior to using her photographs!

2018.09.28:  909 and 910 meet 94 and her 3 spring cubs on the Spit video by Birgitt:


94 & Spring Cubs Meet Sisters 910 & 909 on the Spit 2018-09-28 by Birgitt-1

Video by Casper Trout:


94 3 and Beadettes 2018 09 28 13 09 01 778 by Casper Trout-0

2019:  3.5 Year-Old Subadult Female[]

2019 Season:[]

Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this video of 909 & 910 during the 2019 season.:


The Beadettes 2019 Season by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd(-0

2019.??.??:  GreenRiver shared this snapshot of 909 and 910 on the lip during the 2019 season (p 02/02/2020 08:35 ).:

2019.??.??:  910 & 909 can be seen a few times in this 2019 Fishing Brooks Falls video by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd).:


Fishing at Brooks Falls 2019 by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd)-1

2019.??.??: Mike Fitz shared this 2019 season photo of 910 duing a 6/23/2020 text chat. "Last summer, 910's attempt to catch salmon by standing on her hind legs below the falls was quite unique."
Please request Mike Fitz's permission  prior to using his photographs!

June 2019:  []

2019.06.25:  2019 Katmai Conservancy Ranger Naomi captured these NPS photos (#1 & #2 ) of 909 & 910 on the lower river on June 25, 2019 (p 02/02/2020 06:30 ).  Naomi said "909 & 910 were so frisky.".:

2019.06.29:  909 & 910 with 132 and her remaining yearling video by Casper Pike:


Drama at falls 132 1Y and 910 & 909 2019 06 29 13 10 08 136 by Casper Pike-2

2019.06.30:  909 says "nope" to sis (910) video by mckate.  909 was on the lip for about an hour before catching this fish, so it's understandable that she would not want to share with her sis 910.:


30 Jun 2019 909 Says "Nope" to Sis by mckate-0

July 2019:[]

2019.07.03:  910 learns popcorn fishing video by mckate.  Mckate shared this information in the description of the video:  "There's more than one way to fish the J, particularly when the fish are popping like this. I believe this is 909, but it may be her sis 910. I've revised the title to 910 because she was doing this below her sis 909 a few days later.":


3 Jul 2019 910 Learns Popcorn Fishing by mckate

2019.07.04: 909, 910 and 901 take on 821, 7/4/2019 video by Birgitt.


909, 910 & 901 Take on 821 2019-07-04 2-20PM

Video by Birgitt

2019.07.05:  910 standing up on the lip of Brooks Falls video by mckate.:


5 Jul 2019 910 Encourages Fish to Jump Higher by mckate

909 & 910 "Sisters are doin' it for themselves" video by mckate.:


5 Jul 2019 909 & 910 "Sisters are Doin' It For Themselves" by mckate

910 learning to fish at the falls video by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd).:  (turn your sound up)


Subadult 910 learning to fish the falls July 5 2019 video by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd0

2019.07.06:  910 & 909 take the lip in the pink dawn video by Birgitt.:


Beady's Girls 909 & 910 Take the Lip in the Pink Dawn 2019-07-06 by Birgitt-0

Scooch created these gifs (#1 & #2 ) of 909 fishing the lip while 910 goofs off at sunrise on July 6, 2019 (p 02/02/2020 01:13 ).

(Wiki won't permit gifs to be loaded in a gallery, file may be too large ~ LTC 2020.02.02)

909 & 910 early morning fishing video by mckate.:


6 Jul 2019 909 & 910 Early Morning Fishing by mckate-0

909 & 910 fishing the lip video by Birgitt.  910 near with 909 far.:


The Beads Who is Who? 910 Closer to Cam 909 Behind Her 2019-07-06 11AM by Birgitt-0

909 & 910 fish the lip together, 910 successfully and eats her catch with her head on swivel.  Video by Casper Pike.:


909 & 910 on lip together 910 gets and eats fish 2019 07 06 11 17 21 419 by Casper Pike-0

More 909 & 910 lip fishing video by Casper Pike.:


Some Intense 909 &910 Lip Fishing 2019 07 06 13 06 38 945 by Casper Pike-0

Queue forms for the lip video by mckate.  854 Divot decided to do some lip fishing. 909 and 910 waited somewhat patiently behind her. 806 followed and was the first to make a catch.:


6 Jul 2019 Queue Forms on Lip by mckate-0

2019.07.07:  Olatz Azcona Munárriz shared three 7/7/2021 photos of 909 and 910, #1, #2 and #3. on 2/23/2022. "909 and 910 showed up together at the falls during my first evening in Brooks River, on July 7, 2019. The next day, I briefly saw 909 on the lower river at dawn, and her sister, 910, with her Mickey Mouse ears, stole the show at the falls in the evening. 909 and 910 - July 7, 2019."

Please request Olatz Azcona Munárriz's (aka Olatz)  permission prior to using their photographs!

Kat <3 Bears shared this snapshot of 909 & 910 on the lip (p 02/02/2020 07:12 ).:

Truman Everts shared this 7/7/2019 photo of a subadult believed to be 910 on 5/23/2020. Truman Everts shared a 7/7/2019 photo of a subadult believed to be 910 on 5/24/2020.
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

2019.07.08: Olatz Azcona Munárriz shared six 7/8/2021 photos of 910 on 2/23/2022, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6. "909 and 910 showed up together at the falls during my first evening in Brooks River, on July 7, 2019. The next day, I briefly saw 909 on the lower river at dawn, and her sister, 910, with her Mickey Mouse ears, stole the show at the falls in the evening."

Please request Olatz Azcona Munárriz's (aka Olatz)  permission prior to using their photographs!

2019.07.18:  Seeing double, 909 followed by 910 video by mckate:


18 Jul 2019 Seeing Double by mckate-0

2019.07.22:  2019 Katmai Conservancy Ranger Naomi captured these NPS photographs (#1 & #2 ) of 909 & 910 on July 22, 2019 when they came to the NPS employee cabins to dig up the sewer line. Both Ranger Carl (pictured in the 2nd NPS photo) and Ranger Leslie had a hard time getting them to move on (p 02/02/2020 06:30 ).:

Park visitor Debbie Tubridy captured this photo of 610 (right), 910 (left) and 909 (back) on the lower river, 7/22/2019. 

2019.07.26:  910 July 26, 2019 NPS photo by Ranger Tammy Carmack KNP&P Flickr.

909 & 910 lip fishing video by Casper Pike.:


909 and 910 lip fishing 2019 07 26 08 08 12 015 by Casper Pike-0

2019.07.27:  Wolf and 910 on Lower River video by Birgitt:


Wolf & 910 on LR 2019-07-27 23-40-01-874 by Birgitt

August 2019:  []

2019.08.02:  909 & 910 lip fishing video by Casper Pike.:


909 and 910 fish the lip. 2019 08 02 10 54 10 057 by Casper Pike-0

2019.08.03 - 2019.08.05:  Kacko & Goof_N captured these photographs (#1 , #2 , #3 909 only, #4 910 only, #5 910 only & #6 910 only) of 909 & 910 between August 3, 2019 - August 5, 2019 (p 02/03/2020 19:58 ). Goof_n shared this 8/3-8/5/2019 photo of 909 and 910 on 6/17/2020. Goof_n shared this 8/3/2019 photo of 901 (left) and 910 (right ) on 5/8/2022.
Please request Kacko & Goof_n's permission prior to using their photographs!

2019.08.06:  910 & 909 take quick turns on the lip video by mckate.:


6 Aug 2019 910 & 909 Take Quick Turns on the Lip by mckate

2019.08.09:  284 "Electra" pirates from 910 video by mckate.:


9 Aug 2019 284 Electra Pirates from 910 by mckate

2019.08.09 - 2019.08.10:  Izzy52 captured these photographs (#1 , #2 & #3 ) of 909, 910, and 821 (p 02/02/2020 04.32 ).:
Please request Izzy52's permission prior to using her photographs!

2019.08.14:  909 invites 821 to play video by mckate.  She really wanted to play and he obliged, although he seemed just a little bit reluctant. Maybe he had some place to be? 910 wasn't sure she approved of any of this.:


14 Aug 2019 909 Invites 821 to Play by mckate-0

910 and 909 board the lip video by mckate.:


14 Aug 2019 910 and 909 Board the Lip by mckate-0

910 and 909 on the lip video by Lani H.:


909 and 910 on the lip 8 14 2019 by Lani H-0

909 & 910, 910 forces 821 to leave video by Casper Pike.:


909 and 910... 910 forces 821 to leave 2019 08 14 14 11 19 253 by Casper Pike-1

910 has words with 821 on the lip video by Lani H.:


910 has words with 821 on the lip 8 14 2019 by Lani H-0

2019.08.18:  854 Divot jumps unknown bear video by mckate.  Don't snorkel too close to Divot! 812, 909, and 910 watch with interest. 812 looked like he might want to intervene, but then wisely thought better of it.:


18 Aug 2019 854 Divot Jumps Unknown Bear by mckate-2

2019.08.21:  909 asks 910 for her spot video by mckate.:


21 Aug 2019 909 Asks 910 for Her Spot by mckate

2019.08.22:  910 has productive time on the lip video by Casper Pike.:


910 has productive time at the lip. Gulls enjoy the bounty. 2019 08 22 11 02 37 444 by Casper Pike

2019.08.23:  909 shares, 910 doesn't video by mckate.:


23 Aug 2019 909 Shares, 910 Doesn't by mckate-0

909 & 910 ask 812 to share video by mckate.  812 doesn't share and gets bit for his trouble.:


23 Aug 2019 910 and 909 Ask 812 to Share by mckate-1

Cruiser's 8/23/2019 gif of 812, 909 and 910, "Everybody jump now! " 910 gives 812 a bite.

812 (laying down), 909 (left) and 910 (right) August 23, 2019 gif by Cruiser

812 (laying down), 909 (left) and 910 (right) August 23, 2019 gif by Cruiser

Two bears against one...909 & 910 "gang" up against 812 video by Ratna Narayan.:


Two against one, 812, 909 and 910 8 23 2019 by Ratna Narayan-0

910 and 909 strut their stuff video by mckate.:


23 Aug 2019 910 and 909 Strut Their Stuff by mckate-1

2019.08.24:  GreenRiver shared these snapshots (#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 , #6 & #7 ) of 910, some with 909 rock sitting (p 02/02/2020 07:57 ).:

910 gives salmon a standing ovation video by mckate.:


24 Aug 2019 910 Gives Salmon a Standing Ovation by mckate

The Clapper video by tm saneda.  910 stands by the Falls and claps for the Salmon as 909 fishes in the far pool and 747 watches them curiously from the jacuzzi::


The Clapper 24Aug2019 by tn saneda

909 & 910 play in the jacuzzi video by mckate.:


24 Aug 2019 909 and 910 Play in the J by mckate-0

910 and 909 "Greet" 821 video by mckate.:


24 Aug 2019 910 and 909 "Greet" 821 by mckate

2019.08.29:  910 searches for her sister (909) video by mckate.:


29 Aug 2019 910 Searches for Her Sis (909) by mckate

2019.08.30:  909 and 910 scout the lower river video by mckate.:


30 Aug 2019 910 and 909 Scout the Lower River by mckate-0

September 2019:  []

2019.09.14:  Birgitt captured this video of 910 napping on the spit.:


910 Napping on Spit Pt 2 2019-09-14 17-42-02-475 by Birgitt-0

Scooch captured this photograph of 910 with 901 on September 14, 2019 (p 02/09/2020 15:13 ).  Scooch also located this snapshot in the gallery that was taken by a cam viewer at approximately the same time as her photograph.:
Please request Scooch's permission prior to using her photographs! 

Birgitt captured this video of 910 greeting 901 and another subadult.:


910 Greets 901 & Another Sub on Spit After Her Nap 2019-09-14 17-45-55-517 by Birgitt-0

2019.09.14 - 2019.09.18:  Scooch captured these photographs (#1 & #2 ) of 910 on the spit during her trip to Brooks Camp (p 01/04/2020 01:42 ).  Scooch also located this live cam snapshot of 910 that a cam viewer had taken at the same time as Scooch was capturing her photographs on the ground at Brooks Camp.
Please request Scooch's permission prior to using her photographs!

2019.09.20:  909 & 910 walking and playing down Spit Road video by Casper Pike:


909 and 910 playing and walking down spit road. 2019 09 20 12 14 50 705 by Casper Pike-0

2019.09.30:  909 and 910 together again video by mckate.:


30 Sep 2019 909 and 910 Together Again by mckate-0

October 2019:[]

2019.10.21:  Subadult (910 maybe?) in the riffles video by Lani H.:


Subadult in the riffles (910?) 10 21 2019 by Lani H

2020:  4.5 Year-Old Subadult Female[]

910 was included in the 2021 Bears of Brooks River book page 58.

2020 Season:[]

Deanna Dittloff (aka Deelynnd ) created this video of 2020 season observations of sibling 909 and 910:


Bears 909 and 910 The Beadettes 2020

Bears 909 and 910 The Beadettes 2020 by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd)

June 2020:[]

2020.06.30:  910 was observed on the morning of 6/30/2020 on the point. 910's classic big ears and playful personality were obvious as she swung her head round and played with a stick, video by Lani H.

Cruiser shared these 6/30/2020 gifs, #1 and #2 .

Cruiser also recorded this 6/30/2020 video.


910 plays again LR 6 30 20, video by Cruiser

McKate created this video of 910 getting silly on June 30, 2020:


30 Jun 2020- 910 Gets Silly

910 Gets Silly June 30, 2020 by McKate

July 2020:[]

2020.07.02:  910 is seen on the point in the beginning of this 7/2/2020 video by Erum Chad. She is then joined by 812 and 820.


Young bears playing 910, 812 & 820 LR Brooks Falls 2020 07 02, video by Erum Chad

2020.07.06: 910 was seen on the lower river on 7/6/2020 catching a fish and eating it by the bridge, video by Erum Chad.


Young Bear 910 having meal LR Brooks Falls 2020 07 06, video by Erum Chad

Cam viewers captured 7/6/2020 snapshots of 910.

2020.07.08: Subadult bear 910 having a meal, later joined by 901, 7/8/2020 video by Erum Chad.


Sub adult Bear 910 having meal later joined by 901 RW 2020 07 08

Video by Erum Chad

2020.07.16: 910 snacks at the picnic area, 7/16/2020 video by mckate.


16 Jul 2020- 910 Snacks at the Picnic Area

Video by mckate

2020.07.18: Lee Pastewka (aka RiverPA) captured a 7/18/2020 photo of 910 near the bridge.

Please request Lee's (aka RiverPA )  permission prior to using her photographs !

2020.07.21: 910 catch and release 7/21/2020 video by mckate. "I wonder if she was looking for roe? Shame that the fish she finally selected slipped away from her."


21 Jul 2020- 910 Catch and Release

Video by mckate

2020.07.29: 910 (left) and 901 (right) are drawn to a log on the lower river, 7/29/2020 video by mckate. "This log was sitting further upriver until yesterday when another sub dislodged it. The same old toy in a new spot is enough to entertain the subs."


29 Jul 2020- 910 and 901 Drawn to Log

Video by mckate

2020.07.30: 901? and 910 digging on the riffles bank, 7/30/2020 video by Lani H.


901? and 910 digging on the riffles bank 7-30-2020

2020.07.31: Birgitt's 7/31/2020 video of 910 scavenging in the riffles.


910 Scavenging in Riffles 2020-07-31 23-23-15-700

Video by Birgitt

August 2020:[]

2020.08.02: Sisters 910 and 909 at odds in 3 parts, 8/2/2020 video by mckate. "There's definite tension between 909 and 910. This is how I read their interactions, but of course I could be completely off base. In their first meeting this morning, 910 approaches 909 and is not warmly received. In their second meeting, 909 approaches 910 to possibly make amends, but 910 mostly gives her the brush off. (The roars heard in the background are not them.) In their third meeting 909, possibly not appreciating the brush off she got earlier, announces herself with a big splash and 910 takes the bait. It culminates in butt biting and roaring. It's a shame that these two are at odds. They were so close for so long, but it did seem like 909 wanted to break free of sisterly bonds last season. So maybe this is kind of like a second emancipation for them -- first from their mom and now from each other."


2 Aug 2020- Sisters at Odds, In Three Parts

Video by mckate

2020.08.03: 910 gives up her dinner to 747, 8/3/3030 video by flyer 7474.


910 Gives Up His Dinner To 747 2020 08 03, video by flyer 7474.

Video by flyer 7474

2020.08.04: 910 (near) makes a nice catch on the lip, 8/4/2020 video by flyer 7474. 907 is to her right.


"Nice Catch"" 910 on the Lip 2020 08 04

Video by flyer 7474

2020.08.05: 747 says NO to 910, 8/5/2020 video by flyer 7474.


747 Says "NO!" to 910 2020 08 05, video by flyer 7474

Video by flyer 7474

2020.08.28: Could this subadult be 910 in this 8/28/2020 video by Lani H?


Subadult on the picnic area 8-28-2020

Video by Lani H

September 2020:[]

2020.09.07: 909 and 910 say hello, 9/7/2020 video by Lani H. 910 is seen on the left and 909 on the right at 5:19.


909 and 910 say hello 9-7-2020

Video by Lani H

Mckate's 9/7/2020 video of 910 on the lower river.


7 Sep 2020- 910 on the Lower River

Video by mckate

2020.09.07-09.09: Park visitor Lee Pastewka (aka RiverPA) captured photos of 910 on her trip to Brooks Camp. 910 photo on 9/7/2020 and two photos on 9/9/2020, #1 and #2.

Please request Lee's (aka RiverPA )  permission prior to using her photographs !

2020.09.08: 910 checks out 901's fish, 9/8/2020 video by mckate. "910's nose. As big as she is, I think 901 might still outweigh her."


8 Sep 2020- 910 Checks Out 901's Fish

Video by mckate

2020.09.09: Lani H video of 910 snorkeling on the lower river, 9/9/2020.


910 snorkeling 9-9-2020

Video by Lani H

2020.09.12: 910 is seen right under the cam in this 9/12/2020 video by mckate.


12 Sep 2020- 910 Under the Cam

Video by mckate

2020.09.12-09.17: Theresa Bielawski shared September 12-September 17, 2020 photos of 910 on December 20, 2020, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6.Theresa commented "Here are a few 910 pics from Sept 2020." Theresa Bielawski shared three additional photos of 910 on 6/10/2021, #1, #2 and #3. "Here are a few shots of 910 from Sept 2020 - will try to do 2 bears/day. The first pic is not clear, but thought she looked cute."

Please request Theresa Bielawski's permission prior to using her photographs!

2020.09.13: 9/13/2020 video by Lani H of 910 snorkeling on the lower river.


910 snorkeling by the picnic area 9-13-2020

Video by Lani H

2020.09.15: 910 along the far bank, 9/15/2020 video by Lani H.


910 along the far bank 9-15-2020

Video by Lani H

2020.09.18: 910 scavenging along the lower river, 9/18/2020 video by Lani H.


910 scavenging 9-18-2020

Video by Lani H

2020:09.21: Lani H 9/21/2020 video of 910 scavenging near the oxbow.


910 scavenging near the oxbow 9-21-2020

Video by Lani H

2020.09.23: 435 Holly and her spring cub chase off a bear that may be 910, 9/23/2020 video by Lani H.


435 Holly and Coy chase off 910?? 9-23-2020

Video by Lani H

2020.09.24: Photographer Laszlo Molnar's 9/24/2021 slideshow in 8K. 910 is seen frequently and is looking quite large for September. She can be viewed at at 0:31, 0:45, 1:25-1:44, 2:05 and 2:54.


Brooks Falls, Alaska 2021.September 24. 8K sideshow

Slideshow by Laszlo Molnar

910 resting then fishing near the corner, 9/24/2020 video by Lani H.


910 near the corner 9-24-2020

Video by Lani H

October 2020:[]

2020.10.04: Lani H 10/4/2020 video of 910 fishing out by the oxbow.


910 out by the oxbow 10-4-2020

Video by Lani H

2020.10.05: Is this 910 out by the oxbow in this 10/5/2020 video by Lani H?


910? out near the oxbow 10-5-2020

Video by Lani H

2021: 5.5 Year-Old Adult[]

910 was included in the 2022 Bears of Brooks River book on page 62.

910's page in the 2022 Bears of Brooks River book page 62

910's page in the 2022 Bears of Brooks River book page 62

2021 Season:[]

Deanna Dittloff created this 2021 season video of 910, "910 2021."


910 2021

Video by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd)

June 2021:[]

2021.06.??: Ranger Naomi posted in chat on 6/20/2021 that "910 was seen without cubs."

2021.06.21: 910 made her first cam appearance on 6/21/2021, video by Hey Princess. She could be seen eating her greens under the Brooks Falls platform. Her distinctive large ears were noted.


910 visits the falls Explore.org 06.21.21

Video by Hey Princess

Cam viewers captured gifs and snapshots of 910 on 6/21/2021. Gifs by Blair-55, #1 and #2. Snapshot by Owl&Osprey<3. Screenshot by mazey.

2021.06.26: Ranger Naomi stopped in chat on 6/26/2021 and shared a photo of 910. She had taken a trip to the falls and observed 910 on top of the falls. "Went to the falls with two friends and saw what you all probably saw, 910 checking out the lip of the falls. She is a Beadnose girl."
Please request NSBoak's (aka Ranger Naomi Boak) permission prior to using her photographs!

910 was also on observed on the bear cams on 6/26/2021. Mckate's 6/26/2021 video of 910 surveying the lip. "Looked like she was assessing the log hazards. With her sis being out of action because of cubs, 910 will have one less lip competitor. I hope she really takes to it this season."


26 Jun 2021- 910 Surveys the Lip

Video by mckate

910 checks out the falls, 6/26/2021 video by Hey Princess.


910 checks out the falls Explore.org 06.26.21

Video by Hey Princess

Cam viewer 6/26/2020 snapshots, angrbodha's snapshot,, angrbodha's snapshot, Brenda05's snapshot.

2021.06.29: 910 (left) is seen on the spit in this 6/29/2021 snapshot by WinterchillsCO.

July 2021:[]

2021.07.??: Rita Peace&Love shared this July 2021 gif of 910's spectacular blooper:

2021.07.04: 910 was observed at the falls after sunset on both the high and low cams, 7/4/2021 video by JG. She tried fishing the lip without success.


910 after sunset - Explore.org July 4, 2021

Video by JG

2021.07.05: 910's quick visit to the falls, 7/5/2021 video by mckate.


5 Jul 2021- 910 Checks Out Fish Situation at Falls (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.07.06: 910 takes to the lip, 7/6/2021 video by mckate.


6 Jul 2021- 910 Takes to the Lip (explore org)

Video by mckate

Birgitt's 7/6/2021 video, 910 and the boars.


910 & the Boars- 812 on Lip 856 in J 634 Below Lip 503 in the Hole 2021-07-06 16-56-50 (explore.org)

Video by Birgitt

2021.07.07: NWBearLove92 shared this 7/7/2021 photo of 910. "The gorgeous 910. 7/7/21." NWBearLove92 shared this 7/7/2021 photo of 910. "I was having a hard time positively IDing her with her ears back and then noticed the scar in several of my photos. Here’s a photo with her ears on full display with the scar."

Pease request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!

910 can be seen on the spit road in this 7/7/2021 snapshot by SaraPNW.

2021.07.08: Brooks Camp visitor NWBearLove92 shared this 7/8/2021 photo of 910 on 7/23/2021. "I think this is the adorable 910. 7/8/21." NWBearLove92 shared this 7/8/2021 photo of 910. "910 sitting on the fish ladder waiting for the salmon to arrive. She has a scar on her forehead that helps me ID her closeup…and of course those great ears. Photo from 7/8/21." NWBearLove92 shared these two comparison photos of 409 Beadnose and her daughter 910. The photos were taken 3 years apart in almost the exact same spot. Photo #1 of 409 Beadnose was taken on 7/5/2018 and photo #2 of 910 was taken on 7/8/2021. "Throwback Thursday: 409 Beadnose near the island 7/5/18…Her daughter 910 near the island on 7/8/21. How cool is that 409’s other daughter 909 has a spring cub this year and is such a great mom. It’s such a privilege to be able to watch these generations of bears year after year."
Pease request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!

910 rests below the platform waiting for her chance to fish the lip, 7/8/2021 gif by LunaCre.

2021.07.09: Brooks Camp visitor NWBearLove92 shared this 7/9/2021 photo of 910. "910 fishing the lip with her classic one paw up technique. 7/9/21."
Pease request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!

Mckate's 7/9/2021 video of 910 and 505 sharing the lip. 505 attempts to steal 910's fish but she seems to have escaped without losing it.


9 July 2021- 910 and 505 Share the Lip (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.07.10 or Prior: Jiajie Yuan captured this video of a close encounter with 910 on the trail to Brooks Falls.:

Jiajie Yuan shared the following information in the description of their video: "A young bear approached my family from the behind when we were returning from Brooks Fall. We backed up for a while until the bear lost interest in my wife and daughter and continued to follow me for another minute, when I started to film. Then I saw a young man (in green jacket) and a boy (with a red hat) stand still on the trail side, maybe brothers. The young man told me I can stand on the side and let the bear go and I followed, which was actually not the best idea according to a ranger we asked later. Although I stepped on the side, the bear still turned to me, and I retreated to the bushes more. The bear then got attracted by the boy, about whom I was worried but didn’t know what to do. Thanks to God, it looked like the bear smelt something it didn’t like and finally walked away.

The right way to deal with the bear is stay at least 50 yards away from the bear. Try to find 90 degree turn way while backing up. Extend arms to make oneself bigger and speak loud to the bear to let it recognize you are a human." Note: this video was made private.


Katmai National Park Bear Encounter — too Close!!

Close encounter with 910 on the trail to Brooks Falls July 10, 2021 or prior by Jiajie Yuan

2021.07.11: 913 causes 910 to fall off the lip, 7/11/2021 video by Casper Pike


913 pushes 910 off lip 2021 07 11 10 07 06 explore.com

Video by Casper Pike

2021.07.12: Young adults fish the oxbow, 7/12/2021 video by mckate "I like the coordinated run at the beginning. I'm not sure who all this was, but I believe I see 910 (2nd from the right at 0:00), 901, and maybe 719."


12 Jul 2021- Young Adults Fish the Oxbow (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.07.16: 910 gets 913 to give up his spot, 7/16/2021 video by mckate.


16 Jul 2021- 910 Gets 913 to Give Up His Spot (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.07.17: 128 Grazer's cub and 807 cause her to lose a fish, she isn't happy about it, 7/17/2021 video by JG. "Low and High view, 910 almost got the fish in the mix up."


128's cub and 807 cause her to lose a fish, she isn't happy about it - Explore.org July 17, 2021-2

Video by JG

2021.07.18: 910 rests below the falls platform, 7/18/2021 video by JG.


910 rests on the bank - Explore.org July 18, 2021

Video by JG

2021.07.19: 910 is seen in the oxbow during a salmon boil, 7/19/2021 video by markindify. 910 can be seen entering from the back left at 0:20.


2021 07 19 Explore.org RW cam-2

Video by markindify

2021.07.23: 910 shows off her dance moves, 7/23/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 July 23, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 July 23, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.07.24: 910 falls near 747 after arguing with 128 Grazer, 7/24/2021 video by JG.


910 falls near 747 after arguing with 128 - Explore.org July 24, 2021

Video by JG

2021.07.25: 910 below the platform, 7/25/2021 snapshot by Blair-55.

2021.07.26: 910 makes a quick catch, 7/26/2021 video by mckate.


26 Jul 2021- 910 Makes a Quick Catch (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.07.28: 901 asks 910 for her seat, 7/28/2021 video by mckate.


28 Jul 2021- 901 Asks 910 for Her Seat (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.07.29: 910 enjoys her catch on the lip, 7/29/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 July 29, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 July 29, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.07.30: 910 shows off her paws and claws, 7/30/2021 video by Hey Princess.


910's paws and claws Explore.org 07.30.21

Video by Hey Princess

2021.07.31: A full 910 does not object to a pirating bear, 7/31/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 July 31, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 July 31, 2021 gif by LunaCre

August 2021:[]

2021.08.??: 910 is seen at 6:11, 6:23 and 6:30 in this August 2021 video by Patrick Galvin.


Trip to Katmai National Park & Brooks Falls - Aug 2021

Video by Patrick Galvin

2021.08.02: "PJ" pushes his way onto the lip, 8/2/2021 video by mckate. "He took 910's spot from her, but didn't seem to have much luck. I did see him catch a fish up there early this morning, but the light wasn't good for recording. That's 903 and 912 beside him."


2 Aug 2021- PJ Pushes His Way onto the Lip (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.08.04: Can you clue us in 910? 910 interacts with an unknown bear at 0:45, 8/4/2021 video by mckate. "She knew who this bear was. It looks really familiar, but I can't quite place it. I wonder if it was a bear I was mistaking for 25 last fall?"


4 Aug 2021- Can you clue us in 910? (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.08.06: 910 (left) and 901 (right) in the riffles, 8/6/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 (left) and 901 (right) August 6, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 (left) and 901 (right) August 6, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.08.08: 910 watch another bear pouncing for fish, 8/8/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 (right) August 8, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 (right) August 8, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.08.09: 910 on the lip, 8/9/2021 video by mckate.


9 Aug 2021- 910 on the Lip (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.08.10: 910 in the riffles, 8/10/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 August 10, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 August 10, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.08.15: 910 displays her "signature move", grabbing her muzzle and shaking her head back and forth, 8/15/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 August 15, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 August 15, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.08.19: 910 (left) and 903 (right) enjoy their fish, 8/19/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 (left) and 903 (right) August 19, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 (left) and 903 (right) August 19, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.08.20: 910 sits and waits, 8/20/2021 video by mckate.


910 sits and waits Explore.org 08.20.21

Video by Hey Princess

2021.08.21: 910 fishes the lip next to sister 909 and her cub, video by JG.


910 fishes the lip next to sister 909 and her cub - Explore.org August 21, 2021

Video by JG

2021.08.22: 910 tries fishing the riffles, 8/22/2021 video by Cheryl B.


8-22-2021 Bear in the riffles Explore.org

2021.08.24: 910 passes 902 who is eating her catch, 8/24/2021 gif by LunaCre.

902 (left) and 910 (right) August 24, 2021 gif by LunaCre

902 (left) and 910 (right) August 24, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.08.27: 910 rests by the lower river bridge, 8/27/2021 video by Cheryl B.


8-27-2021 On the LR with some bear lighting effects Explore.org

Video by Cheryl B

2021.08.28: 910 on the lower river, 8/28/2021 video by mckate.


28 Aug 2021- 910 on the Lower River (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.08.30: 910 does her ritual moves on the lip, 8/30/2021 video by Hey Princess.


910 doing her ritual moves on the lip Explore.org 08.30.21

Video by Hey Princess

Sisters 910 and 909 with her cub fishing the lip, 8/30/2021 video by Hey Princess.


Sisters 910 and 909 with her cub fishing the lip Explore.org 08.30.21-2

Video by Hey Princess

2021.08.31: 910 falls off the falls while making her way to the fish ladder gif created by JG.:

910 falls down the fish ladder, 8/31/2021 video by mckate.


31 Aug 2021- 910 Falls Down Fish Ladder (explore.org)

Video by mckate

910 catches a nice fish, 8/31/2021 video by mckate.


31 Aug 2021- 910 Catches a Nice Fish (explore.org)

Video by mckate

September 2021:[]

2021.09.02: 910 (far) and 903 (near) fish the lip, 9/2/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 (far) and 903 (near) September 2, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 (far) and 903 (near) September 2, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.09.03: 910 demonstrates aerobic lip fishing, 9/3/2021 video by GA Bear. "Cross your paw, flex your toes, up, down, look around. Shout it out! Great aerobic workout while fishing!"


Brooks Falls - 910 demonstrates aerobic lip fishing - explore.org 9-3-21

Video by GA Bear

2021.09.04: 910 stands on a rock to get a better view, 9/4/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 September 4, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 September 4, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.09.06: 910 on the spit, 9/6/2021 video by JG.


910 - Explore.org September 6, 2021

Video by JG

2021.09.07: The looks! 821 (left) and 910 (right) discuss fishing spots and "Bucky" walks away with the fish, 9/7/2021 video by Buddy's Mom.


The looks! 821 & 910 discuss fishing spots & Bucky walks away with the fish! Explore.org 9-7-21-2

Video by Buddy's Mom

2021.09.09: 907 and 910 (not 908) together at the falls, 9/9/2021 video by Hey Princess.


907 and 908 together at the falls Explore.org 09.09.21

Video by Hey Princess

2021.09.10: 910 (R) was a little dismayed that 812 (L) wouldn’t share his salmon, 9/10/2021 gif by LunaCre.

812 (laft) and 910 (right) Septemnber 10, 2021 gif by LunaCre

812 (left) and 910 (right) September 10, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.09.11: 910 surveys the falls, 9/11/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 September 11, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 September 11, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.09.13: Theresa Bielawski shared six 9/13/2021 photos of 910 on 2/24/2021, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6.

Please request Theresa Bielawski's permission prior to using her photographs!

2021.09.14: 811 and 910 (on the rock) meet in the riffles, 9/14/2021 video by Hey Princess.


811 and 910 meet in the riffles Explore.org 09.14.21-2

Video by Hey Princess

2021.09.16: 910 walks the spit, 9/16/2021 video by alisa.


16 Sep 2021 - 910 walks the spit - Explore.org

Video by alisa

2021.09.18: 910 being adorable, 9/18/2021 video by Cruiser.


910 being adorable LR 09-18-2021

Video by Cruiser

LunaCre's 9/18/2021 gif of 910 being her goofy self.

910 September 18, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 September 18, 2021 gif by LunaCre

Rayeskiphoto's Instagram photos that appear to be from the same day posted on 9/22/2021, #1 and #2.

2021.09.19: 910 fishing along the lower river, 9/19/2021 video by JG.


910 - Explore.org September 19, 2021-2

Video by JG

2021.09.28: 910 walks the spit, 9/28/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 Septmber 28, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 Septmber 28, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.09.30: 910 makes a brief stop at the falls, 9/30/2021 video by mckate.


30 Sep 2021- 910 Makes Brief Stop at Falls (explore.org)

Video by mckate

October 2021:[]

2021.10.01: 910 at the falls, 10/1/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 October 1, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 October 1, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2021.10.05: 910 was last observed resting on the cutbank, 10/5/2021 gif by LunaCre.

910 October 5, 2021 gif by LunaCre

910 October 5, 2021 gif by LunaCre

2022: 6.5 Year-Old Adult Female with 1 spring cub[]

2022 Season:[]

Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this 2022 season video of 910 and her spring cub, "Bear 910 and Cub 2022 June-July."


Bear 910 & Cub 2022 Explore Org 1

Video by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd)

Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this 2022 season video of 910 and her spring cub, "Bear 910 and Cub 2022 August -October."


Bear 910 & Cub Aug To Oct 2022 Explore Org 1

Video by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd)

Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this 2022 season video of 910, "Bear 910 and Cub 2022 Snapshots."


Bear 910 & Cub 2022 Snapshots Explore Org 1

Video by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd)

Explore's 2022 season video "Sisters 909 and 910's Unique Relationship | Memorable Moments in Bear Cam History." 909 and 910 are sisters. This year on bear cam they played, shared fish and mothered together, something we had never seen before on bear cam.


Sisters 909 & 910 Unique Relationship - Memorable Moments in Bear Cam History

Video by Explore

"Sister Act, The Story of Two Mother Bears Who Form a Family in the Summer of 2023 at Brooks River, Alaska." 909 and 910 are littermates, the last cubs produced in 2016 by the large and dominant sow, 409 Beadnose.

Birgitt's compilation of videos from September 2017 through October 17, 2022.

June 2022:[]

2022.06.25: A sow appearing to be 910 was observed on the lower river the evening of 6/25/2022. The sow had 1 spring cub. This has not been confirmed by the Rangers. Mckate captured a video.


25 Jun 2022- 910 Arrives with a Cub? (explore.org)-2

Video by mckate

Cam viewers captured gifs, LunaCre's gifs, #1 and #2, SteveCa's gif and Blair-55's gif.

Truman Everts captured this 6/25/2022 photo on the first day that 910 was seen with her spring cub. "First peek at 910's precious little gift to the Brooks community." Truman Evert's 6/25/2022 photo of 910 and her spring cub in the river. Truman's 6/25/2022 photo of 910 and cub. 910 and her spring cub, 6/25/2022 photo by Truman Everts. "910 checks over her right shoulder, to make sure her spring cub is attracting no unwanted attention. Cubbie, for her part is doing the achieving the Balducci Levitation despite running to keep up....." 910 and spring cub photo by Truman Everts, 6/25/2022. "One of a sow's necessary qualities is patience. Here new mom 910 demonstrates this, as her showroom fresh little spring cub just can't swim nearly as fast as her."

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

2022.06.26: Truman Evert's 6/26/2022 photo of 910 and her spring cub. " I especially cherish scenes in which cubbie is an absolute carbon copy of Mum." Truman Evert's 6/26/2022 photo of 910 and her spring cub. "Adorable little spring cub, of course, dutifully followed in Mum's footsteps, as best she could (though this foot placement isn't quite as perfect as in the previous pic."

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

910 and her spring cub travel along the back portion of the lower river, 6/26 (not 6/27) video by Ratna Narayan.


910 and coy on RW Explore.org 6-27-22

Video by Ratna Narayan

2022.06.27: 910 and her spring cub on river watch, 6/27/2022 video by Cruiser.


910 & coy on RW 27Jun22 explore.org

Video by Cruiser

2022.06.28: Melissa Freels's four 6/28/2022 photos of 910 and her spring cub from Flickr, #1, #2, #3 and #4.

Please request Melissa Freel's permission prior to using her photographs!

910 and her cub are briefly seen on the spit road, 6/28/2022 video by twelve22.


910 and Her Cub - June 28, 2022 (explore.org)

Video by twelve22

2022.06.29: 910 and cub resting on the spit road, 6/29/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


910 and coy Lower River cam Explore.org 6-29-2022

Video by Jen Schneider

2022.06.30: 910 and her spring cub swim to the spit, 6/30/2022 video by Cruiser. The cub is nervous when mom goes out to fish.


910 & Coy on Lower River 30Jun2022 explore.org-2

Video by Cruiser

July 2022:[]

910 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in July 2022.

2022.07.?? Roadtrip Ramblers July 2022 video of 910 playing with her spring cub on the spit. "


Momma Bear 910 and Cub Play at Brooks River - Katmai National Park

July 2022 video by Roadtrip Ramblers

Roadtrip Ramblers July 2022 video 910 and her spring cub."One of the most adorable mom and cub pairs at Katmai National Park. Mom 910 and cub horse around, cub plays with a stick, mom gets concerned when a male bear approaches."


910 and Her Spring Cub - Katmai National Park

July 2022 video by Roadtrip Ramblers

2022.07.01: Truman Evert's 7/1/2022 photo of 910's spring cub. 910 snuggles her spring cub, 7/1/2022 photo by Truman Everts. 910's spring cub, 7/1/2022 photo by Truman Everts. Truman Everts 7/1/2022 photo of 909's spring cub sitting up. 910 and her spring cub photo by Truman Everts. 910's spring cub explores the bridge while mom fishes, 7/1/2022 photo by Truman Everts. 910's spring cub dances, 7/1/2022 photo by Truman Everts. 910's cub wants mom to play, 7/1/2022 photo by Truman Everts. Truman Evert's 7/1/2022 photo of 910's spring cub. Truman Evert's 7/1/2022 photo of 910 and her spring cub. "910 remembers what it's like to be 6 months old (and a bit loopy!" ). Truman's 7/1/2022 photo of 910's spring cub. "The tiny 910 spring cub looks around in all directions, as she leisurely follows Mum from the road, back into the woods."

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

910 and her spring cub on the spit, 7/1/2022 video by Birgitt.


910 & Coy on the Spit Pt 1 2022-07-01 09-44-07 (explore.org)-2

Video by Birgitt

2022.07.02: 910 and cub briefly on the spit road, 7/2/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


910 and coy Lower River cam Explore.org 7-2-2022-2

Video by Jen Schneider

2022.07.03: 910 and her cub from the spit to the bridge, 7/3/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


910 and spring cub Lower River cam Explore.org 7-3-2022

Video by Jen Schneider

2022.07.04: On 7/4/2022 910 and her spring cub had a brief separation, 7/4/2022 video by JG. The spring cub can be seen alone at the beginning of the video. She runs under the bridge at 1:44. A bear is seen on the valley road at 1:45 followed by 910 who is searching for her cub. She has her nose to the ground scenting her cub and heads down the valley road. At 2:31, 910 is seen on the spit road reunited with her cub. Perhaps she went through the marsh and found her cub near the spit road. The family was later observed playing on the spit.


910 and cub have a brief separation, later play - Explore.org July 4, 2022-2

Video by JG.

910 goof running, 7/4/2022 video by Birgitt.


910 Goof Running 2022-07-04 20-20-43 (explore.org)

Video by Birgitt

2022.07.05: 909 and her yearling and 910 with her spring cub are both seen at the oxbow, 7/5/2022 video by markindify. The sisters and their cubs do not interact


2022.7.5 Explore.org Action at RW with sisters 910+909 and their cubs..

Video by markindify

2022.07.06: 910 and her cub at the falls, 7/6/2022 video by Ratna Narayan


910 and Lil Bead at the falls BF Explore.org 7-6-22

Video by Ratna Narayan

2022.07.07: Super cute and adorable 910 and her cub on the brooks falls low cam, 7/7/2022 video by Hey Princess.


Super cute and adorable 910's spring cub Explore.org 07-07-22

Video by Hey Princess

2022.07.08: 910 and her cub at the falls, 7/8/2022 video by mckate. "Being able to tuck under mom is one advantage to being a single cub, at least until you are too big to fit."


8 Jul 2022- 910 and Her Cub at the Falls (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.07.10: 909, 910 and their cubs at the falls, 7/10/2022 video by JG. Both moms attempt to fish below the falls due to 128 Grazer and cubs being on the lip. There is no interaction between the two families.


Sisters 909 and 910 and their cubs at the falls - Explore.org July 10, 2022

Video by JG

2022.07.11: 910 and cub fish at the riffles, 7/11/2022 video by Flyer 4477.


2022 07 11...910 and Coy..Courtesy of Explore.org-2

Video by Flyer 4477

2022.07.12: 910 prevents 128 Grazer from entering the lip, 7/12/2022 video by Hey Princess.


910 prevents 128 Grazer from entering the lip Explore.org 07-12-22

Video by Hey Princess

910's cub goes from a tree, to the wall, has a young bear visit her and then goes back up the tree, 7/12/2022 video by JG.


(Long) 910 and cub - Explore.org July 12, 2022

Video by JG

2022.07.13: NWBearLove92's four 7/13/2022 photos of 910's spring cub, #1, #2, #3 and #4. "910’s coy would not stop being cute while patiently waiting for mom to catch some salmon at the falls…so, I could not stop taking photos of them. 7/13/22."

Please request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of her photographs!

910's cub gets spooked by 128 Grazer, 7/13/2022 video by Cruiser.


910 coy spooked by 128 Grazer BFL 13Jun2022 explore.org-3

Video by Cruiser

The river adventure of 910's spring can, 7/13/2022 video by Flyer 4477. "910s coy showing a lot of courage and determination as the small coy fights the current of the Riffles section of the Brooks River. Bonus 910 coy bluff charge."


2022 07 13...The River Adventure of 910s Coy..Courtesy of Explore.org-2

Video by Flyer 4477

2022.07.15: 910 and cub on the spit, 7/15/2022 video by Ratna Narayan.


910 and Ms. Bead on RW Explore.org 7-15-22-2

Video by Ratna Narayan

2022.07.16: 910 and cub eating scraps below the platform, 7/16/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


910 and cub eating scraps Brooks Falls Low cam Explore.org 7-16-2022-2

Video by Jen Schneider

2022.07.17: 910 and her spring cub spend some time in the lower river, 7/17/2022 video by Ratna Narayan. Footage starts at 1:10.


910 and Ms. Bead on RW Explore.org 7-17-22-2

Video by Ratna Narayan

2022.07.18: BACK OFF! 910's cub gets aggressive with another bear and tries to slap it (at 2:56), 7/18/2022 video by Flyer 4477.


2022 07 18..."BACK Off!"..Courtesy of Explore.org

Video by Flyer 4477

910's cub wants to nurse, 7/18/2022 video by Birgitt.


910's Cub Wants to Nurse 2022-07-18 20-28-07 (explore.org)

Video by Birgitt

2022.07.19: 910's cub waiting patiently for Mom 910 to make a catch, 7/19/2022 video by Cruiser.


Coy waiting patiently for Mom 910 to make a catch. BF 19Jul2022 explore.org

Video by Cruiser

2022.07.20: Brian Lashchuk's 7/20/2022 video of 910's spring cub climbing a tree by the falls. The cub is seen going to join 910 at the end of the video.


910 spring cub going up tree by falls 7-20-2022 playing peek a boo

Video by Brian Lashchuk

"Just one of those things", 7/20/2022 video by Flyer 4477. "Well, 910s coy turns its head for half a second, and the fish is gone. Then 910 loses a slippery one."


2022 07 20..."Just One of Those Things"..Courtesy of Explore.org

Video by Flyer 4477

2022.07.22: 909 and 910 have a little disagreement on the lip, 7/22/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


909 and 910 have a little disagreement Brooks Falls cam Explore.org 7-22-2022-2

Video by Jen Schneider

910's cub is a little spitfire - swats mom in the face twice, 7/22/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


910's cub is a little spitfire - swats mom in the face twice -) Brooks Falls Low Explore.org 7-22-22

Video by Jen Schneider

2022.07.23: 910 and her spring cub enjoy fresh caught fish, 7/23/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


910 and cub mowing down Brooks Falls Low cam Explore.org 7-23-2022-2

Video by Jen Schneider

2022.07.25: 910's spring cub finds a fallen visitor hat to chew on, 7/25/2022 video by twelve22.


The 910s - July 25, 2022 (explore.org)-2

Video by twelve22

2022.07.26: 910's cub on the lip trying to imitate mom catching fish, 7/26/2022 video by Cheryl B.


7-26-2022 BFL 910's cub on the lip trying to imitate mom catching fish Explore.org

Video by Cheryl B

2022.07.27: 910's cub had a rough day on 7/27/2022. She slid off the lip twice! 910's cub slips the lip video by mckate. "The cub was nervously watching 806 approaching and lost its footing. 910 ran to the rescue, but the cub managed to swim out of the J on her own."


27 Jul 2022- 910's Cub Slips the Lip (explore.org)-2

Video by mckate

In a second incident, 910's cub washes over their lip, video by mckate. "This is all kind of hard to see, but you can catch it if you focus on the top of the screen. In the first clip from the riffles cam, 910 is walking above the falls and stands on a rock. You can see her cub struggling to follow her. She sees the cub go over and walks up to the lip, but must decide the cub has things in hand so begins to fish. The second clip is a repeat of the first except from the falls cam. The reaction of the bear who sees the cub wash by is amusing. The last clip shows 910 fishing the far pool and her cub running around above her having made it back to safety. 910 must have decided it might be better not to tempt the cub to cross again.


27 Jul 2022- 910's Cub Washes Over Far Lip (explore.org)-2

Video by mckate

2022.07.28: 910's cub enjoys salmon scraps, 7/28/2022 video by twelve22.


910's Cub Enjoys Salmon Scraps - July 28, 2022 (explore.org)

Video by twelve22

2022.07.29: 910's cub gets bored and tries a little shaking of her favorite tree, 7/29/2022 video by Buddy's Mom.


BFL. 910Jr gets bored and tries a little tree shaking. Explore.org 7-29-22

Video by Buddy's Mom

2022.07.30: 910's cub charges at 306, 7/30/2022 video by twelve22.


910's Cub Charges at 806 Junior - July 30, 2022 (explore.org)

Video by twelve22

2022.07.31: Lori Hocking's (aka Lovethebears1) three 7/31/2022 photos of 854 Divot (left) with 910 (right), #1, #2 and #3.

Please request Lori's (aka Lovethebears) permission prior to using her photographs!

A long look at 910 and her spring cub at the riffles and fishing the lip, 7/31/2022 video by JG.


(Long) 910 and cub - Explore.org July 31, 2022-2

Video by JG

910's spring cub keeps an eye on 306, 7/31/2022 video by twelve22. 910's tiny bodyguard made sure 806 Junio r(306) kept her distance.


910's Cub Keeps an Eye on 806 Junior - July 31, 2022 (explore.org)-2

Video by twelve22

August 2022:[]

2022.08.01: 910 and her cub have a long fishing session downriver from the falls, 8/1/2022 video by JG.


910 and cub - Explore.org August 1, 2022-2

Video by JG

910 is entertain to watch on the lip, 8/1/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


910 is so entertaining! Brooks Falls cam Explore.org 8-1-2022

Video by Jen Schneider

2022.08.02: 910's cub chews her feet, 8/2/2022 video by twelve22.


910's Cub Chews on Her Feet - August 2, 2022 (explore.org)-2

Video by twelve22

The 910s, their fish and a begging thief, 8/2/2022 video by markindify.


2022 08 02 Explore.org BFL 910`s, their fish and begging thief

Video by markindify

821 forces 910 off the lip, 8/2/2022 video by Buddy's Mom.


BF. 821 “strikes” again and 910 goes down. Explore.org. 8-2-22-2

Video by Buddy's Mom

2022.08.03: 910's spring cub in her favorite tree and spending time on the fish ladder wall, 8/3/2022 video by Judy Simon.


910's LO 2022-08-03 15-18-56-494-3

Video by Judy Simon

910 should win the Best Lip Dancer contest, 8/3/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


910 should win the Best Lip Dancer contest! Brooks Falls cam Explore.org 8-3-2022-2

Video by Jen Schneider

2022.08.04: A beautiful close up of 910's spring cub, video by Jen Schneider.


Close-up of 910's cub's unbelievably adorable face Brooks Falls Low cam Explore.org 8-3-2022-2

Video by Jen Schneider

The 909 and 910 sisters and their cubs have a short meet up at the falls, 8/4/2022 video by twelve22. 909 and 910 cautiously greet each other then 909 sniffs her niece (910's spring cub). The spring cub does a little hop charge at her cousin. This interaction was the beginning of an amazing relationship between the 909 and 910 families that would continue for the rest of the season.


909 and 910 interaction Brooks Falls Low cam Explore.org 8-4-2022

Video by twelve22

2022.08.05: 910's cub tumbles from a tree but lands on lower branches, 8/5/2022 video by Cruiser.


910 coy tumbles from tree BFL 05Aug22 explore.org-2

Video by Cruiser

910's cub is curious about 402's cubs, 8/5/2022 video by twelve22.


910's Cub is Curious about 402's Cubs - August 5, 2022 (explore.org)

Video by twelve22

2022.08.06: 910's spring cub bluff charges a bear below from her perch in a tree, 8/6/2022 gif by Cruiser. That's a first on Bear Cams.

910's spring cub August 6, 2022 gif by Cruiser

910's spring cub August 6, 2022 gif by Cruiser

2022.08.07: 910's cub snuggling with mom, 8/7/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


910's cub snuggling with mom Brooks Falls Low cam Explore.org 8-7-2022-2

Video by Jen Schneider

The 402s meet the 910s, 8/7/2022 video by veeriabroadcast. 910's cub later broke the camera for a few minutes. The CamOps were able to reposition it remotely.


402s meet 910s. 910’s later broke the camera 😂 for a few minutes. Aug 7, 2022. Explore.org

Video by veeriabroadcast

2022.08.08: 910's cub eats her fish below the platform, 8/8/2022 video by veeriabroadcast.


910’s cub eating fish. Aug 8, 2022. Explore.org. Brooks falls.

Video by veeriabroadcast

2022.08.09: 909's yearling splashes her aunt 910, 8/9/2022 gif by DanteV2000.

910 and 909 and yearling August 9, 2022 fif by DanteV2000

910 and 909 and yearling August 9, 2022 gif by DanteV2000

910 eventually joins 909 and her yearling to fish the lip, 8/9/2022 video by Hey Princess.


909 and 910 fishing the lip together Explore.org 08-09-22

Video by Hey Princess

2022.08.10: The 909s greet the 910s, 8/10/2022 video by mckate. "Roxie (909's yearling) was curious about her little cousin and got to say 'hi' to her aunt 910. Nice to see these sisters meeting up again."


10 Aug 2022- 909s Greet 910s (explore.org)-2

Video by mckate

2022.08.11: LunaCre's 8/11/2022 gifs of 910 and her cub. 910 arrives to the falls early and lets out a big yawn gif. Her spring cub was still sleepy but waited patiently with mom gif.

2022.08.13: Things to do while mom fishes, multiple gifs of 910's spring cub by Oh_Arana, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6.

2022.08.14: 910 and her cub do a swim-by on the underwater cam and seen on the River Watch cam, gifs by Blair-55, #1 and #2.

910 and her spring cub fish the lower river, 8/14/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


910 and cub River Watch cam Explore.org 8-14-2022

Video by Jen Schneider

2022.08.15: 910 and cub spend time below the falls platform, 8/15/2022 video by JG.


910 and cub - Explore.org August 15, 2022-2

Video by JG

910's chubby spring cub ventures back out to the lip with mom, 8/15/2022 video by twelve22.


910's Chubby Spring Cub Ventures Back Out on the Lip - August 15, 2022 (explore.org)

Video by twelve22

2022.08.16: The 909 and 910 families meet up, 8/16/2022 video by JG.


909 and 910 families meet up - Explore.org August 16, 2022

Video by JG

910 is the babysitter tonight? 8/16/2022 video by Buddy's Mom. Description: "A little long for me, but interesting interactions. 910Jr sitting on the bank when Auntie 909 and cousin walk up. 910Jr seems a little frightened. 910 was on the lip. 909 goes to the lip and a bear in the background comes down, I’m assuming 910. But she goes around the platform and comes up from the Riffles side to check on the kids, who looked fine together!"


BF. 910 is the babysitter tonight? Confused? Me too! See description Explore.org. 8-16-22

Video by Buddy's Mom

2022.08.17: 909 and 910's cubs play, 8/17/2022 video by JG.


909 and 910's cubs playing - Explore.org August 17, 2022

Video by JG

2022.08.18: Cousins play, 8/18/2022 video by mckate. "910 got roped into babysitting again, but didn't seem to mind. 909's girl seemed to be dutifully following her aunt's instructions here while her mom fished the lip. What a sweet scene!"


18 Aug 2022- Cousins Play in the River (explore.org)

Video by mckate

Even more cousin play, 8/18/2022 video by mckate. "910 was still overseeing the play, but did get a little time on the lip with her sister 909."


18 Aug 2022- Even More Cousin Play (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.08.19: 910's cub, 8/19/2022 video by JG.


910's cub - Explore.org August 19, 2022-3

Video by JG

2022.08.20: 910’s cub caught up with mom and they headed home after a day’s work, 8/20 2022 gif by LunaCre.

910 and spring cub August 20, 2022 gif by LunaCre

910 and spring cub August 20, 2022 gif by LunaCre

The 910s fish on the lower river, 8/20/2022 video by twelve22.


The 910s Fish on the Lower River - August 20, 2022 (explore.org)-2

Video by twelve22

2022.08.21: Markindify's 8/21/2022 video of the 910's (0:00-1:39) and the 909s (1:40-3:14).


2022 08 21 Explore.org BF "The Beadettes" and their Girls

Video by markindify

2022.08.22: 910's spring cub is favoring her right front paw/foot, 8/22/2022 gif by Blair-55.

910's spring cub August 22, 2022 gif by Blair-55

910's spring cub August 22, 2022 gif by Blair-55

Buddy's Mom 8/22/2022 video of 910's cub. "This sequence took place in the span of about 45 minutes. She was walking on her ankle, then jumping on the fish ladder, climbing the tree and back down walking again."


BFL 910Jr has an ouch, but all is good! Explore.org 8-22-22

Video by Buddy's Mom

2022.08.23: 909 and 910 play with each other while their cubs watch, 8/23/2022 video by Birgitt.


909 & 910 Play with Each Other While Their Cubs Watch 2022-08-23 17-00-59 (explore.org)

Video by Birgitt

2022.08.24: 910's spring cub is happy to see mom bring a fish, 8/24/2022 gif by LunaCre.

910 and spring cub August 24, 2022 gif by LunaCre

910 and spring cub August 24, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.08.25: JG's 8/25/2022 video, 909 and 910 families cross paths some more.


909 and 910 families cross paths some more - Explore.org August 25, 2022

Video by JG

910 and her spring cub take a break, 8/25/2022 video by JG. The cub rests in a tight spot between two trees.


910 and cub take a break - Explore.org August 25, 2022

Video by JG

910's cub objects to the Nanny Cam, 8/25/2022 video by mckate. "She was sure keeping the cam-op busy. I guess she wanted to keep her play with her cousin private."


25 Aug 2022- 910's Cub Objects to Nanny Cam (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.08.26: 910 showing off her lip maneuvers, 8/26/2022 gif by Birgitt.

910 August 26, 2022 gif by Birgit

910 August 26, 2022 gif by Birgitt

909 and 910's cubs wait as their moms fish, 8/26/2022 video by JG.


Cousins wait as their moms fish (909 and 910's cubs) - Explore.org August 26, 2022

Video by JG

2022.08.28: 910 and her cub share some clay, 8/28/2022 video by twelve22.


910 and Her Cub Share Some Clay - August 28, 2022 (explore.org)

Video by twelve22

909 (right) and 910 share a fish, 8/28/2022 video by twelve22.


909 and 910 Share a Fish - August 28, 2022 (explore.org)

Video by twelve22

2022.08.29: 910 and cub on the far side of the falls, 8/29/202 video by veeriabroadcast.


910 and cub. Aug 29, 2022. Explore.org

Video by veeriabroadcast

2022.08.30: 909 and 910 family play time Part 1, 8/30/2022 video by GA Bear.


Katmai Bear Cam-Lower River - 909 & 910 family play time Part 1 - explore.org 8-30-22

Video by GA Bear

909 and 910 family play time Part 2, 8/30/2022 video by GA Bear.


Katmai Bear Cam-River Watch-909 & 910 family play time Part 2 - explore.org 8-30-22

Video by GA Bear

The 909 and 910 families play in the oxbow area, 8/30/2022 video by GA Bear. The moms play too.


Katmai Bear Cam - River Watch - 909 and 910 families play (the Moms play too!)-explore.org 8-30-22

Video by GA Bear

2022.08.31: 910 and her spring cub hard at work on the lower river, 8/31/2022 video by twelve22.