Katmai Bearcams Wiki
89 Backpack July 2021 NPS Photo 2022 Bears of Brooks River book page 67

89 Backpack July 2021 NPS photo

Adult Male

Year First Identified:  2006 as spring cub, 2008 as an independent subadult

Year Last Observed: 2024

Offspring Of:  Mother: 435 Holly Father: UNKNOWN

Genetics Study Samples Obtained:  There were no darting attempts (successful or unsuccessful)  of 89 Backpack by Ranger Michael Saxton in 2016, 2017, or 2018.


2012 Brown Bears of Brooks Camp iBook:  89 is a medium-small young adult.  He has a distinctive face with dark, round eye-rings and a straight muzzle.  His coat is usually very blonde, but it does darken in the fall.

2014 Bears of Brooks River book:   89 Backpack is a medium-sized young adult bear. He has a distinctive face with dark, round eye-rings and a straight muzzle. His coat is usually very blonde, but it does darken in the fall.

2015 - 2018 Bears of Brooks River books:  89 is a medium-sized young adult bear. He has a distinctive face with dark, round eye rings and a straight muzzle. His coat is usually dark blond in early summer, but it changes to a grizzled, dark blond or brown in the fall.

Young male bears like 89 sometimes look small compared to older adult males, but 89 is not small .  He has grown significantly since 2008 and likely will grow much more as he continues to mature.

Distinctive Behaviors:[]

2012 Brown Bears of Brooks Camp iBook:  For a young bear, he seems tolerant of other bears, even at Brooks Falls.  He will come to Brooks Falls in July, but is not yet able to compete with other bears for fishing spots.  Instead, 89 will scavenge fish from older bears. During early July 2012, 89 was frequently observed traveling and playing with 130 Tundra.

2014 Bears of Brooks River book:  89 seems tolerant of other bears, even at Brooks falls.  He will fish at Brooks Falls in July, but is usually displaced by larger, more mature males.  89 will scavenge fish from older bears.  

2015 - 2018 Bears of Brooks River books:  He seems tolerant of other bears, even at Brooks Falls. He will fish at Brooks Falls in July, and like many young adult males he is ascending the hierarchy of bears at Brooks River, but is still displaced by larger, more mature males. Young male bears like 89 sometimes look small compared to older adult males, but 89 is not small .   In July 2014, 89 would regularly fish at Brooks Falls near much larger bears that tolerated his presence. He can be a playful bear too. In 2014 and 2015, for example, he was seen play fighting with 32, 151, 274, and 474.

Life History:[]

89 is one of the falls well known bears his mother is 435 Holly and 89 Backpack was born in 2006. He was first observed as an independent bear in 2008.

2006:  Spring Cub with 435 Holly, Speculated[]

89 Backpack is the 2006 offspring of 435 Holly, her 1st known litter.  

Please note: the NPS photograph that appears below was provided to cam viewers/wiki contributors by KNP&P staff and was identified as 435 Holly and her spring cub (known as 89 Backpack when he was assigned his bear monitoring number by the KNP&P bear monitoring staff in 2008).

June 2006:[]

2006.06.??:  435 Holly and her spring cub, 89 Backpack, can be seen beginning at 5:37 into this video by Jose Vigano:


Alaska - Katmai National Park - grizzly bears 2006 Season by Jose Vigano

July 2006:[]

2006.07.??:  B52starr posted a Flickr photo album titled "Piggy Back Bears" on July 12, 2006. 435 Holly can be seen with spring cub 89 Backpack riding on her back in all 9 photos.

2006.07.12:  Photographer Bonney captured this photo of 435 Holly and spring cub, 89 Backpack.

2006.07.13:  Photographer Bonney captured these photos (#1 435 Holly , #2 435 Holly standing on hind legs in the Brooks River , #3 spring cub 89 Backpack , #4 435 Holly with spring cub, 89 Backpack , #5 spring cub, 89 Backpack standing on his hind legs , #6 435 Holly standing on hind legs in the river & #7 435 Holly in the river ) of 435 Holly and spring cub, 89 Backpack.

2006.07.17:  Park visitor and cam viewer, CathieL observed and photographed a very nervous first time mom 435 Holly and her spring cub 89 Backpack treed in Brooks Camp near Brooks Lodge.  

Please request CathieL's permission prior to using her photos!

September 2006:[]

2006.09.09:  John Pennoyer captured this photo of 435 Holly and her spring cub (now 89 Backpack).  He also captured this photo of 435 Holly.

2006.09.11:  John Pennoyer captured these photos (photo #1 & photo #2 ) of 435 Holly.

2006.09.16:  John Pennoyer captured these photos (photo #1 & photo #2 ) of 435 Holly and spring cub (89 Backpack).

2007:  Yearling with 435 Holly, Speculated[]

As a yearling in 2007 89 Backpack injured his right front leg and limped noticeably throughout the summer, 435 Holly would wait for him to catch up as they walked. By the early fall, his leg appeared to be healed. As a yearling cub, 89 was very recognizable and as a result he is one of the few bars whose mother, 435 Holly, is known.  

89 Backpack and 435 Holly can be seen at 1:22 into this video by GrizBear44


89 Backpack limping with 435 Holly at 1 22 into this 2007 video by GrizBear44

By the fall of 2007 his leg was healed and the leg did not seem injured in 2008. Just shows how resilient bears are.

2007 Season:[]

During the 2007 season yearling, 89 Backpack was observed playing with one of 410's spring cubs.  Former KNP&P Ranger Mike Fitz shared this information on July10, 2017.:

"Cubs from different litters rarely interact, but we've seen it happen before at the river.  When 89 Backpack was a yearling in 2007, for example, we saw him play with one of 410's spring cubs."

July 2007:[]

In early summer 2007, 435, nicknamed Holly, arrived with a yearling cub. The cub was limping noticeably, and it would put no weight on one of his front legs. With impaired mobility, this bear family was competitively disadvantaged. #435 would not visit Brooks Falls to fish and the cub would not be able to flee any threats.

435 and yearling (89 Backpack) modified their behavior to deal with the injury.  435 reacted to her yearling’s limited mobility by fishing around the mouth of Brooks River where larger, more aggressive bears are less frequently seen. She also appeared to move more slowly to allow the injured yearling to keep pace. 

2007.07.??: July 2007 stock photos by Pat Kerrigan of 89 Backpack (#1) and 435 Holly (#2 and #3).

2007.07.07:  Ranger Jeanne's photo of 89 Backpack with injured right front paw.

2007.07.11: Thai Ta captured this 7/11/2007 photo of 435 Holly resting on the spit with her yearling 89 Backpack. Thai Ta's comment below the photo "Holly and Backpack returned this year with Backpack already injured; the Park doesn't know exactly why. I did not see him use the injured leg so he only limped on the good three. He's had his injury for at least a month by the time that I left. As it's nature, the future of the cub is unknown but obviously, it's a major injury and life will be more difficult if the leg doesn't heal. The injured leg is the raised one."

2007.07.25:  Ranger Jeanne's photo of 89 backpack on the deck of the floating bridge.

Ranger Jeanne's photo of 89 Backpack eating the sandbag next to the floating bridge deck on the platform side of the river.  

September 2007:[]

2008:  2.5 Year-Old Subadult, 1st Year Identified as Independent Subadult[]

89 Backpack's 2007 front leg injury was not noticeable in 2008, which was his first summer as an idependent subadult.  This is another example of the resilient nature of bears and their ability to persevere through significant injuries.

On September 30, 2017 Mike Fitz (former KNP&P ranger) commented about how bear skulls change shape as the bear ages:

"Bear skulls change shape as they age. I didn't tend to see this change as something sudden. It was more gradual. This is most noticeable when you compare the relative location of ears on subadult bears and cubs to adults. Ears on young bear are generally higher on their head. As bears grow into adults, their skull widens and the ears sort of slide more toward the sides as you can see in these photos of 89 Backpack in 2008 and 2015 respectively. 

In general, the ears on older subadult bears and young adult bears (4.5-6.5 years-old) remain relatively high on their head. From what I've observed, the change in ear position is much more noticeable as they approach full maturity after a few more years of growing." 

Below is the 2008 photo of 89 Backpack that Mike Fitz shared in that comment (note:  the 2015 photo of 89 Backpack that Mike Fitz shared on 09/30/2017 is below in the 2015 section):

July 2008:[]

2008.07.19:  Ranger Jeanne's photo of 89 Backpack.

September 2008:[]

The NPS photo below can also be seen with Ranger Mike's September 15, 2015 09:29 comment .

2009:  3.5 Year-Old Subadult[]

June 2009:[]

September 2009:[]

2009.09.13:  Ranger Jeanne's photo of 89 Backpack.

2010:  4.5 Year-Old Subadult[]

2010 Season:[]

4.5 year-old subadult 89 Backpack can be seen in this video by Timberpak Video Productions - Ken Roggow.  Here is their description of the video:  "The salmon run is over and many of the bear have left Brooks Falls.  We now find a mother, her cubs and a young sub-adult bear at the falls.  The few adult bear, due to their fustration in trying to find some salmon, are more intent on chasing the young bear than pursuing their futile attempt at finding salmon.":


GRIZZLIES OF BROOKS FALLS, ALASKA- 2 2010 Season by Timberpak Video Productions Ken Roggow

July 2010:[]

2010.07.15: Brett Nickeson's 7/15/2010 photo of 89 Backpack sitting on a rock near the falls. 489 Ted is the bear to his left.

2010.07.16:  Ranger Jeanne's photo #1 and photo #2 of 89 Backpack near Brooks Falls.  Ranger Jeanne's photo of 89 Backpack picking up scraps.

2010.07.26: 89 Backpack on the lip of Brooks Falls, 7/26/2010 photo by croft.de. A 2nd 7/26/2010 photo by croft.de shows 89 Backpack standing on a rock.

450earl captured multiple photos of 89 Backpack on 7/26/2010. Photos #1 and #2 have a date of 5/30/2010. Photos #3 and #4 are dated as 7/26/2010. As the photos are in a series, the dates of all 4 photos are assumed to be 7/26/2010.

September 2010:[]

2011:  5.5 Year-Old[]

July 2011:[]

2011.07.16:  Ranger Jeanne's photo of 89 Backpack standing on a rock below Brooks Falls.

2012:  6.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]

89 Backpack was included in the 2012 Brown Bears of Brooks Camp iBook.:

July 2012:[]

2012.07.xx:  89 Backpack at Brooks Falls video by 5831a:


89 Backpack July 2012 video by 5831a

2012.07.06:  89 Backpack (lone bear in the beginning) video by endoplasmic1357.  Please note, 89 was not a cub at the time of this video.:


Alaska 20120706 17 Bear cub at Brooks Falls-0

On April 11, 2017, Mike Fitz commented at 08:15 and identified the bears in the above video by endoplasmic1357.

September 2012:[]

2013:  7.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]

89 Backpack has grown significantly since 2008 and likely will grow much more as he conitnues to mature.  

July 2013:[]

In July 2013, 89 Backpack would regularly fish at Brooks Falls near much larger bears that tolerated his presence.  

2013.07.07:  89 Backpack alamy stock photo by Sekar Balasubramanian 

2013.07.10: Randy Finley's 7/10/2013 photo of 89 Backpack in the far pool.

2013.07.11:  Ranger Jeanne's photo of 89 Backpack (left) and 814 Lurch (right).  Ranger Jeanne's photo of 89 Backpack, and her photo of 89 Backpack with his fish..

2013.07.14:  Katmai Terrane Blog:  The Resilient Bear by Ranger Michael Fitz.

2013.07.20: Theresa Bielawski shared a 7/20/2013 photo of 89 Backpack on 6/7/2022. Theresa Bielawski also shared these 07/20/2013 photographs of 89 Backpack with 274 Overflow (#1 - 89 left w/274 right & #2 - 89 near w/274 far).

Please request Theresa Bielawski's permission prior to using her photographs!

Fall 2013:[]

89 Backpack and 32 Chunk video by Expeditions Alaska (the trailer):

This is the information provided with the video:  

"I'll put a clip of the highlights from this bout together shortly; in the meantime, here's the trailer for it!

I watched these 2 grizzly bears scrap for over an hour .. I shot mostly stills but collected some video as well. I wish I'd been able to shoot both. Amazing treat to watch."


2 Adult Alaska Grizzly Bears Fighting Fall 2013 by Expeditions Alaska

This may be the video of the highlights mentioned above:

Here is the information provided with this video:  

"Here's the video of these 2 grizzly bears fighting. These grizzly bears aren't really fighting, just playing around, like 2 friends wrestling.  I should've shot more video, but switched to my still cameras for some photos. The bears wrestled and sparred for over an hour, which is pretty unusual for grown adult male grizzly bears, especially this late in the year - they're usually concerned primarily with eating in the fall.

I've photographed both of these boars for nearly 10 years now, it was fun to watch them bump into each other and, like old friends, start to play. Generally, adult male grizzly bears aren't considered to be very sociable toward one another, but I've seen this kind of behavior a number of times. 

After they wound down, they went on about their business (catching salmon), in separate directions. A few days later they passed each other again with not so much as a glance toward each other. Who knows what was different about this particular time.

This is from my Grizzlies in the Fall Photo Tour, to Katmai National Park, 2013.

Grizzly bears in this area are also known as brown bears; same species.

Love to hear your thoughts and comments on the video.



Alaska Grizzly Bears Fighting Alaska Brown bears wrestling by Expeditions Alaska (Fall 2013?)

September 2013:[]

2013.09.19:  Ranger Jeanne's photos (#1 , #2 & #3 ) of 89 Backpack. 2013.09.24:  Juergen's gif of 89 Backpack.  When Juergen shared the gif in the comments, here is what Juergen had to say:  "89 Backpack fishing the Riffles, and the Brooks falls and is cleaning the falls....LOL"

October 2013:[]

2013.10.??:  89 Backpack gif created by Martina. 2013.10.07:  89 Backpack appeared to have a left front paw injury video by Janie Nook:


Bear 89 Backpack and left front paw October 7, 2013 4 42 55 PM video by Janie Nook

2013.10.04:  89 Backpack can be seen fishing in the lower river at 0:22 into this video by Linda Jett.:


Miscelaneous Bears 1 10 4 2013 11 01 28 AM 1 by Linda Jett

Linda R. Jetts 10/4/2013 video of 89 Backpack "just chillin at Brooks Falls."


Backpack Just Chillin at Brooks Falls 1 10 4 2013 3 59 33 PM 1

Video by Linda R. Jett

2013.10.05:  89 Backpack video by Linda Jett.:


Backpack 89 Brooks Falls 1 October 5 2013 805am Part 1 by Linda Jett

2013.10.09:  89 Backpack video by JBirdyHome:


Katmai Park Brooks Falls BACKPACK 10 9 13 On Rock video by JBirdyHome

2013.10.10:  89 Backpack video by Janie Nook:


Bear 89 Backpack chillin on rock October 10, 2013 1 17 02 PM video by Janie Nook

Martina shared this collage of 89 Backpack snapshots taken October 10, 2013.:

2013.10.12:  Martina shared this collages (#1 & #2 ) of 89 Backpack snapshots taken October 12, 2013.:

2014:  8.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]

89 Backpack was included in the 2014 Bears of Brooks River book on page 17,:

2014.??.??: 89 Backpack can be seen in this 2014 award winning film by Tim Plowden. 89 Backpack can be observed from 5:00-5:28 in the far pool.


The Return Of The Salmon 2016

Film by Tim Plowden

2014 Season or Prior:[]

2014 or prior:  89 Backpack outside of the Brooks Camp Visitor Center.  KNP&P video published January 28, 2015.


89 Backpack outside of the Brooks Camp Visitor Center KNP&P video

2014 Season:

2014.??.??:  NPS photo of 89 Backpack from KNP&P's June 10, 2015 tweet :

Dr Arif Herekar captured video of 89 Backpack and 151 Walker fishing near each other on the lower river in 2014. 89 Backpack is the lighter of the 2 bears.


A couple of bears natural habitat at Brooks Dr Arif Herekar, 2014 video

June 2014:[]

2014.06.17:  Bears commonly walk through Brooks Camp. These two young adults spent an hour wandering around camp (keeping rangers busy and people entertained). These photos were taken from inside of the Brooks Camp Visitor Center..   89 Backpack (the bear closest to the photographer) is a 8 year old male. 130 Tundra is 7 year old female.

NPS Photos :  #1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 , #6 , #7 , #8 , #9 , #10 , #11 , #12 , #13 , #14 , #15 , #16 , #17 & #18 :

2014.06.29:  Ranger Jeanne's photos (#1 & #2 ) of 89 Backpack.

July 2014:[]

In July 2014, 89 Backpack would regularly fish at Brooks Falls near much larger bears that tolerated his presence. He can be a playful bear too. In 2014, for example, he was seen play fighting with 32, 151, 274, and 474.

2014.07.??:  89 Backpack courting 289 in this video by Hermosa Paul.:


Browns Bears of Katmai National Park, Alaska. Bully me off the rock but I get the fish and run July 2014 by Hermosa Paul (289 & 89 Backpack)-0

2014.07.??:  89 Backpack with his fish being chased by another bear (who ?, 92 Enigma maybe?) video (published July 24, 2014) by laddnshirl:


Bear chasing bear with salmon - Brooks Falls, Katmai National Park July 2014 by laddnshirl

2014.07.03:  Ranger Jeanne's photo of 89 Backpack.

2014.07.19:  89 Backpack snapsho t by Lingo.

2014.07.22:  89 Backpack on the beach of Naknek Lake video by JBirdyHome.:


Katmai Park Brooks River What is this Bear Doing? September 22, 2014 by JBirdyHome

2014.07.23:  In this first episode of As The River Churns, 128 Grazer swoops in and steals a kiss from 89 Backpack, who is left in a state of discombobulation.128 Grazer kisses 89 Backpack video by DTB.:


23 July 2014 BF As The River Churns Grazer kisses BP by DTB

September 2014:[]

2014.09.03:  89 Backpack video by JoeBear:


Backpack drying off September 3, 2014 video by JoeBear

2014.09.05:  For nearly an hour around 9 or 10 in the morning 89 Backpack and 32 Chunk indulge in some fun playing video by JBirdyHome:


Katmai Park Bear Cam Chunk and Backpack Play Wrestling 09 05 2014 video by JBirdyHome

2014.09.07:  "What ‘cha gonna do when Chunk and all of his Chunk-o-maniacs run wild on you?

Bears 32 Chunk (darker brown) and 89 Backpack (grizzled brown) spar in an extended play fight. This play fight last for nearly 20 minutes. Young, well fed bears that are tolerant of one another will often play flight. This play mimics the motions of real fighting between bears. These young males are ascending the bear hierarchy each summer. It is quite possible that they will be fighting for real over fish or females in the next few years."


32 Chunk and 89 Backpack play fight September 7, 2014 (published 09 12 2014) video by KNP&P

Ranger Jeanne's flickr album with 21 photos of 89 Backpack and 32 Chunk play fighting on September 7, 2014.

Ranger Jeanne;s flickr album with 26 photos of 89 Backpack and 32 Chunk play fighting on September 7, 2014.

89 Backpack and 32 Chunk wrestlemania video by JoeBear:


Backpack and Chunk in Wrestlemania September 7, 2014 by JoeBear

Ranger Jeanne's photos (#1 , #2 , #3 , #4#5 ) of 89 Backpack.

2014.09.07 - 2014.09.14:  Juergen's flickr album containing 94 snapshots taken of 89 Backpack between September 7, 2014 and September 14, 2014.

2014.09.08:  89 Backpack gif created by Juergen.

2014.09.11:  89 Backpack rematch with 32 Chunk video by JoeBear:


Wrestlemania 2 - The Rematch September 11, 2014 by JoeBear (89 Backpack & 32 Chunk)

2014.09.17: Tim Plowden 9/17/2014 stock photo of 89 Backpack at the falls.

2014.09.19-.09.25: Park visitor Laszlo Molnar posted this video which is believed to be from 9/19-9/25/2014 based on a 2nd video that had those dates. 89 Backpack can be seen fishing at the falls at 30:21, 33:20-33:46 and 34:11.


Brooks Falls,Alaska

Video by Laszlo Molnar

2014.09.30: Arvind Agrawal's 9/30/2014 photo and video of 89 Backpack on his rock.

October 2014:[]

2014.10.14:  Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack on his rock.:


89 Backpack on his rock video by Tzz Oha:


2014 10 15 Backpack 89 on his throne (or stone)

89 Backpack on his rock gif #1 & gif #2 created by PhotoBearsBry.:

89 Backpack eating salmon with the magpies and ravens.  One of the magpies jumps up on 89 Backpack's back.  Video by Tzz Oha:


2014 10 15 Magpie on BP (Backpack, son of Holly) video by Tzz Oha

2014.10.16:  Jen shared these snapshots (#1 & #2 ) of 89 Backpack on his rock.  Jen also shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack on his rock.  Jen then shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack on his rock.  Jen found this snapshot of 89 Backpack on his rock. Jen's 6th snapshot of 89.:

2014.10.17:  Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack on his rock.  Jen also shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack.  Jen then shared this 89 Backpack snapshot .:

2014.10.20:  89 Backpack and 32 Chunk play on the beach snapshots by Larinor:

Jen shared these snapshots (#1 & #2 ) of 89 Backpack on his rock. shanta created these gifs (#1 & #2) of 89 Backpack on his rock (p 10/20/2024 12:17).:

2014.10.24:  Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack on his rock.

2015:  9.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]

89 Backpack is included in the 2015 Bears of Brooks River book on page 54.:

2015 Season:[]

89 Backpack can be a playful bear. In 2014 and 2015, for example, he was seen play fighting with 32, 151, 274, and 474. On September 30, 2017 Mike Fitz (former KNP&P ranger) shared this 2015 photo of 89 Backpack (see above for the 2008 photo and other information in the 2008 section).

2015.??.??:  89 Backpack video by Arlo Tol.:


Bear walking the waterfall at Brooks Falls 2015 by Arlo Tol

June 2015:[]

2015.06.10:  KNP&P's tweet with 2014 photo of 89 Backpack :

2015.06.27: 89 Backpack with a fish at the falls, 6/27/2015 photo by Max Goldberg.

Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack.  Jen also shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack.  Jen then shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack. Another 89 Backpack snapshot by Jen .:

2015.06.29 or PRIOR:  Brown Bear (89 Backpack) licks his lips at Brooks Falls, video by MSO Belle, 6/29/2015 or prior.


Brown Bear licks his lips at Brooks Falls, video by MSO Belle, 6 29 2015 or prior

July 2015:[]

2015.07.01:  Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack and "Alice".:

2015.07.04:  Volunteer in Park Anna-Marie AZ captured these photos (#1 & #2 ) of 89 Backpack (left) with 410 (right).:

Please request Anna-Marie AZ's permission prior to using her photographs!

Mike Fitz' photo of 89 Backpack (left) and 410 (right).

2015.07.05:  Mike Fitz' photo of 89 Backpack (left) and 151 Walker (right) play fighting.

September 2015:[]

2015.09.??:  89 Backpack and 474 play fight video by ytb53151:


89 Backpack & 474 "wrestling" September 2015 video by ytb53151

2015.09.??: Stephen Brkich captured a September 2015 photo of 89 Backpack and three photos of 89 Backpack playing with 474, #1, #2 and #3. Note: In early to mid September 2015 when 474 was observed, he was initially misidentified as 45 Tatonka.  With additional observations and comparisions to prior season photos, it was determined that the fall 2015 bear originally believed to be 45 Tatonka was actually 474.

2015.09.??:  870 Topper / Jeffrey Soulliere shared this photo of 89 Backpack.

2015.09.??:  Instagrammer Peterphotogram posted this photo of 89 Backpack.  Peter also shared this photo that was taken in the end of September.

2015.09.09:  89 Backpack video by Victoria White:


89 BackPack at Katmai NP ~ 2015 09 09 video by Victoria White

89 Backpack snapshot by MrsBoomer:

2015.09.11:  854 Divot bluff charges 89 Backpack video by JoeBear:


Bridge Bluff Charge - 89 Backpack and 854 Divot September 11, 2015 video by JoeBear

89 Backpack and 854 Divot video by Victoria White.:


Divot & Backpack ~ 2015 09 11 by Victoria White-0

12gizmo16 captured this 9/11/2015 video of "89 Backpack Rock Star."


89 Backpack Rockstar ~ 9.11.15 Brooks Falls, Katmai NPP, AK, video by 12gizmo16.

2015.09.13:  The Explore Recorder captured video of 89 Backpack at the falls on 9/13/2015.


Brooks Falls - Katmai National Park, Alaska Cam 09-13-2015 09 16 35 - 09 21 30

2015.09.14:  89 Backpack and 474 video by Victoria White.:


89 Backpack& 474 (not 45 Tatonka) 2015 09 14 by Victoria White

Ranger Mike commented on April 19, 2016 at 08:51 , that 45 Tatonka was misidentified in 2015, it was 474 that was playing with Backpack.   On April 19, 2016 at 08:54, Ranger Mike commented that 45 Tatonka was misidentified, it was 474.  On August 5, 2017 at 08:06, Mike Fitz commented that this bear is 474, not 45 Tatonka that is play fighting with 89 Backpack.  On July 11, 2018 at 14:10, Mike Fitz commented that the bear is 474.

2015.09.15:  89 Backpack was observed at Brooks Falls .  

89 Backpack and 474 (not 45 Tatonka as originally thought) play fight vdieo by Victoria White from Brooks Falls live cam.:


89 Backpack & 474 (not 45 Tatonka as originally thought( ~ 2015 09 15 by Victoria White

89 Backpack and 474 play fight video by ytb53151, park visitor:


Brown Bears "wrestling" - Brooks Lodge 2015 by ybt53151 (89 Backpack & 474 September 15, 2015))

Ranger Mike commented on April 19, 2016 at 08:51 , that 45 Tatonka was misidentified in 2015, it was 474 that was playing with Backpack.   On April 19, 2016 at 08:54, Ranger Mike commented that 45 Tatonka was misidentified, it was 474.  On August 5, 2017 at 08:06, Mike Fitz commented that this bear is 474, not 45 Tatonka that is play fighting with 89 Backpack.  On July 11, 2018 at 14:10, Mike Fitz commented that the bear is 474.

2015.09.16:  Mike Fitz' photo of 89 Backpack sitting on his rock.

89 Backpack playing with 474 (not 45 Tatonka as originally thought) video by Victoria White.:


89 & 474 (not 45) playing at BF ~ 2015 09 16 by Victoria White

2015.09.17:  89 Backpack and 480 Otis video by Victoria White:


Backpack & Otis 2015 09 17 by Victoria White-0

2015.09.19:  89 Backpack and 151 Walker playfighting in this video by Peter Photogram.  Please note:  There is no known relation between 89 Backpack and 151 Walker at this time.  89 Backpack and 151 Walker were both classified as adult males at the time this footage was captured.:


KatmaiNationalPark 89 Backpack & 151 Walker September 19. 2015 video by Peter Photogram

2015.09.24:  Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack.  Jen also shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack.  Jen then shared this snapshot  of 89.  :

Explore Recorder video of 89 Backpack (beginning at 1:30 mark):


Brooks Falls - Katmai National Park, Alaska Cam 09-24-2015 10 18 24 - 10 23 19 Explore Recorder

Explore Recorder video of 89 Backpack:


Brooks Falls - Katmai National Park, Alaska Cam 09-24-2015 10 23 28 - 10 28 25 Explore Recorder

October 2015:[]

2015.10.17:  Juergen's gif of 89 Backpack.

2016:  10.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]

89 Backpack was included in the 2016 Bears of Brooks River book on page 64.:

2016 Season:[]

Jen shared these snapshots (#1 , #2 & #3 ) of 289 wtih 89 Backpack from the 2016 season.  Jen also shared these 2016 snapshots (#1 , #2 & #3 ) of 289 mating with 89 Backpack.:

May 2016:[]


89 Backpack KNP&P video :


89 Backpack at the falls May 31, 2016 KNP&P video

89 Backpack photos from the evening of May 31, 2016 when Ranger Anela Ramos and Ranger David Kopshever observed 89 at the falls for approximately 30 minutes:

June 2016:[]

2016.06.01:  89 Backpack 2016 Fat Bear Week Contest NPS photo :

2016.06.23:  89 Backpack courting 289 at approximately 11:30 AM AKDT in this video by Mickey Williams.:


11 3? am 6-23-2016 three bears 89 Backpack follows 289 video by Mickey Williams-0

89 Backpack and 289 courting and attempted mating information and photo from Ranger Daniel Lombardi:

Gary Arndt (Travel Photos Everything Everywhere) visited Brooks Camp in June 2016. On 6/23/2016 he captured photos of 289 alone, #1 and #2 and 289 being courted by 89 Backpack, #3 and #4. These photos appear to be around the same time as Ranger Daniel Lombardi's photos above. Note: The date stamp on all photos in his Katmai National Park 2016 album are posted as 2015 when they are actually 2016.

2016.06.24 16:45:  435 Holly bluff charges 89 Backpack video by Mickey Williams:


4 45 pm 06-24-2016 435 Holly bluff charges 89 Backpack video by Mickey Williams

In a 2nd 6/24/2026 video by Mickey Williams, 435 Holly moves for 89 Backpack.


3;47pm 6-24-16 Holly 435 moves for 89 Backpack Katmai National Park and Explore

Video by Mickey Williams

2016.06.26:  This June 26, 2016 video by Martina shows some interesting behavior by 410.  Goldilocks Canada shared these observations :

"At the beginning, it looks like 289 being followed by 89/Backpack. As she climbs on shore, you can see 410 sitting just upriver of the island (she was known to “attempt to share/share” fish that 747 would eat on the island). 747 appears from the area of the “J”. And follows 289 behind the downriver side of the platform. As 747 goes out of frame you can see 410 come into frame on the left. She follows the “prospective couple” out of frame.
410 had BIG “lady balls”.
Normally, the only bear that would dare to follow a courting 747 would be 856!
I believe 410 “knew” the power of courting the most dominant males. And how to use it to her benefit. She would fish the falls, with impunity from other bears, under their protective guard.....and took full advantage of that fact....day, after day, after day. ;))) She had not been seen with a new litter of cubs since 2007.
Have often wondered, was she courting for procreation, or open access to her favourite fishing spot???
Why would she follow them? Was she trying to protect her “fishing rights”?"


BF 2016 06 26 by Martina 89 Backpack courting 289, 410 just off island, 747 follows courting couple, 410 follows 747-1

2016.06.27 14:05:  89 Backpack is displaced by 814 Lurch video by Mickey Williams:


2 05 pm 814 Lurch chases 89 Backpack June 27, 2016 video by Mickey Williams

Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack (far) with 410 (near).:

Ratna's video of 89 Backpack and 410 catching and eating fish.:


Backpack and 410 catch and eat fish! June 27, 2016 by Ratna-0

2016.06.28:  Ranger Jeanne's photo of 89 Backpack.

2016.06.29:  89 Backpack, 274 Overflow and 289 video by Ratna part 1.:


Backpack, overflow bear and unknown female part 1 June 29, 2016 by Ratna

Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack (near) with 755 Scare D Bear (far).  Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack.:

2016.06.30:  Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack (near) and 83 Wayne Brother (far).:

June 2016 - July 2016:[]

2016.06.?? or 2016.07.??:  274 Overflow and 89 Backpack video by Mocha.:


Bear Showdown 89 Backpack & 274 Overflow by Mocha-0

Mocha also captured another video where 89 Backpack is seen briefly. 747 (not 856) does an extended cowboy walk for 814 Lurch's benefit. 89 Backpack (near) and 410 (far) are seen on the lip at 2:46. 


747 (not 856) cowboy walks (RIP 814), video by Amalia Garduno

July 2016:[]

2016.07.01:  89 Backpack snapsho t by Posting Real .:

2016.07.02:  89 Backpack and his mother 435 Holly fishing below Brooks Falls video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.


07.02.2016 - 89 Backpack, 435 Holly video by Brenda D

Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack (left) with 151 Walker (right).:

89 Backpack eating his catch video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.


07.02.2016 - 89 Backpack eating his catch by Brenda D

2016.07.03:  Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack.  Jen also shared this snapshot of  89 Backpack.:

Pleiadians Bear captured this 7/3/2016 video of 89 Backpack hungrily eating his catch.


08 ?? am , 07 03 2016. Bear eat Breakfast - brooks falls live cam

Video by Pleiadians Bear

2016.07.04 18:13:  89 Backpack naps in a belly hole on the North side of the Brooks River video by Mickey Williams:


6 13 pm 07.04016 89 Backpack sleeping bear on shore video by Mickey Williams


Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack:

89 Backpack fishing in the far pool video by Juergen:


2016 07 05 89 Backpack in salmon cockaigne video by Juergen

12:16:  89 Backpack fishing the lip video by Mickey Williams:


12;16 PM 07.05.16 89 BACKPACK fishing the lip video by Mickey Williams

2016.07.06:  Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack (near) and 480 Otis (far).  Jen also shared this snapshot  of 89 Backpack (near) and 480 Otis (far).:


16:39:  89 Backpack and 32 Chunk video by Mickey Williams:


4 39 pm 07.07.16 32 Chunk and 89 Backpack video by Mickey Williams

89 Backpack above the falls and 32 Chunk below the falls video by Ratna:


Backpack on the falls and Chunk below July 7, 2016 by Ratna


89 Backpack was observed mating with 289 in the riffles.  89 and 289 were interrupted by 856 during their mating session.

89 Backpack and 289 mating in the riffles (the other bear is 151 Walker) video by st mango.:


89 & 289 picking berries 2016 07 07 20 44 04 443 by st mango

89 Backpack and 289 the beginning video by Mickey Williams:


07.07.16 the beginning of 89 Backpack and 289 video by Mickey Williams

856 approaches and ends the mating session between 289 and 89 Backpack video by Mickey Williams.  856 was observed courting 289 later the same evening. (see 289's wiki page for video):


07.07.16 the ending of 89 Backpack and 289 video by Mickey Williams-1

September 2016:[]

2016.09.09:  89 Backpack 2016 Fat Bear Week Contest NPS photo :

2016.09.13:  Who(?) with 151 Walker and then 89 Backpack joins in on the fog fishing in the mist video by Ratna.:


And Backpack returns, and displaces Walker Sept 13, 2016 by Ratna

12gizmo16 captured 89 Backpack at Brooks Falls, video from 9/13/2016. 151 Walker leaves as 89 Backpack arrives at 0:44.


89 Backpack ♥ Returns To Brooks Falls ~ 9.13.16 Katmai NPP, AK, video by 12gizmo16

2016.09.16:  856 displaces 89 Backpack from the far side near the log in the beginning of this video.  At approximately 0:45 into this video by Melissa Freels 89 Backpack makes his way to his rock and then fishes around the island.:


89 Backpack returns to his rock; 289 likes that idea - September 16, 2016 video by Melissa Freels-0

October 2016:[]

2016.10.12:  2016 Fat Bear Week Contest Round 1.1:  89 Backpack vs 151 Walker

Round 1.1 :  151 Walker vs 89 Backpack:  

FatBearWeek begins with a matchup between two of Brooks River’s finest young bachelor bears: 151 Walker and 89 Backpack. These two up-and-coming young adults have been busy getting fat all year, for their winter survival and in an effort to rise the ranks of the bear hierarchy. The beefier these bears get, the better access they’ll have to preferred fishing locations next year. And that means they can get swoll even quicker. Bigger is definitely better in the bear world, but which of these two young bucks is fattening up best?

151 Walker was declared the winner of round 1.1 .  

The votes are in! 151 Walker wins by a landslide: 698 to 154. 

2017:  11.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]

89 Backpack is included in the 2017 Bears of Brooks River book on page 68.:

June 2017:[]

July 2017:[]

2017.07.02:  89 Backpack fishing at the falls in the early morning with lots of salmon video by Arlene Beech.:


89 Backpack & Lots of salmon at Brooks Falls! 02 July 2017 by Arlene Beech

89 Backpack video by Victoria White:


89 Backpack ~ 2017 07 02 by Victoria White

2017.07.03:  During the late night hours, approximately 22:32 of July 3, 2017, 89 Backpack was observed courting 402.

2017.07.04:   89 Backpack video by Rossetro:


Bear 89 (Backpack) 2017 07 04 video by Rossetro

89 Backpack and who(?) (801 maybe ~ the 801 in the 2018 Bears of Brooks River book page 83) video by Ratna:


89 Backpack and Who (801 maybe) MB? having words 7 4 2017

89 Backpack fishing alone below Brooks Falls video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.


07.04.2017 - 89 Backpack All Alone video by Brenda D

89 Backpack in featured for the majority of this Explore video beginning at approximately the 12:20 mark.  (Note: 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings are in the beginning of this video):: (The time noted on this video may be Pacific Time not Alaska Time)


Bear Cam - Brooks Falls Cam 07-04-2017 23 00 07 - 23 59 59 (89 Backpack at approx the 12 20 mark to end)

Late night on July 4, 2017 (before 22:57 AKDT) 89 Backpack video by Ratna (not July 5, 2017):


Backpack for Posting real 7 4 2017 late night by Ratna (not 7 5 2017)

2017.07.06:  89 Backpack successfully fishing on the North side of Brooks River below the falls video by Victoria White:


89 Backpack ~ 2017 07 06 video by Victoria White

Posting Real shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack.:

2017.07.07:  89 Backpack video by Ratna (July 7, 2017 not July 8, 2017):


Backpack lip fishing 7 7 2017 not 7 8 2017 by Ratna (see published date)

2018:  12.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]

89 Backpack was included in the 2018 Bears of Brooks River book on page 69.:

2018 Season:[]

Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this video of 89 Backpack live cam observations during the 2018 season:


89 Backpack 2018 Season by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd)

JG shared these snapshots (#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 ,#6 , #7 , #8 , #9 , #10#11 , #12 , #13 , #14 , #15 , #16 & #17 ) of 89 Backpack from the 2018 season taken between June 30, 2018 and July 15, 2018.:

dust-up between 89 Backpack and 775 Lefty (starts at 1:05) can be seen in this 2018 video by Arturo de Frias.:


GRIZZLY BEARS IN ALASKA by Arturo de Frías 2018

Arturo de Frias' website has a couple of pics fom the video.

Two alamy stock photos from the same 89 Backpack vs 775 Lefty dust-up:  #1 & #2

July 2018:[]

2018.07.01:  Jen shared this snapshot of 89 Backpack.:

2018.07.02:  Ratna's video of 89 Backpack at the falls.:


Backpack at the falls 7 2 18 by Ratna

89 Backpack is seen on the right in the mist in this 7/2/2018 video by Erum Chad.


Bear 89 Backpack at Brooks falls Katmai Explore 2018-07-02, video by Erum Chad

2018.07.03:  89 Backpack video by Ratna:


Backpack lip fishing 7 3 18 by Ratna-0

2018.07.06:  Park visitor and cam viewer NWBearLove92 captured 4 photos of 89 Backpack playing with 503 and 89 standing alone. The photos were shared on chat on 3/18/2020,  #1, #2, #3 and #4.  

Please request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!

2018.07.07 or PRIOR:  Park visitor shantietjen posted this video of a contact interaction between 747 and 89 Backpack to their instagram on July 7, 2018.

NWBearLove92 shared this 7/7/2018 photo of 89 Backpack (left) and 503 Cubadult (right) in the riffles on 5/7/2020.  Of interest, 89 Backpack's mother is 435 Holly. 503 is the adopted son of 435 Holly. NWBearLove92 shared this 7/7/2018 photo of 89 Backpack on 5/4/2020.

Please request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!

2018.07.09:  89 Backpack attacks 39 who is begging food from him. 503 looks for the scraps, 7/9/2018 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack and 39 fight over fish 7 9 2018, video by Lani H

2018.07.10:  89 Backpack and 128 Grazer video by Lani H.:


128 Grazer and 89 Backpack have words 7 10 2018 appx 11 pm AK by Lani H

Bookmom shared these snapshots (#1 & #2 ) of 89 Backpack.:

89 Backpack eats his catch on the top of the falls, 7/10/2018 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack 7 10 2018 appx 6 15 am AK time, video by Lani H

2018.07.11:  89 Backpack charges an unknown boar, 7/11/2018 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack charges unknown boar 7 11 2018 appx 9 15am, video by Lani H AK

2018.07.12:  89 Backpack and 503 play in the jacuzzi, 7/12/2018 video by Lani H.


503 and 89 Backpack play in the jacuzzi 7 12 2018 appx 10 10pm AK, video by Lani H

2018.07.16:  Lani H recorded a 7/16/2018 video of 89 Backpack (left) confronting an unknown bear.


89 Backpack confronts unknown 7 16 2018 appx 5 30am AK, video by Lani H

September 2018:[]

2018.09.15:  89 Backpack, 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult in the jacuzzi: Part 1 video by Birgitt.:


Boars 89 Backpack, 151 Walker & 503 Cubadult Sharing the J & Playing Pt 1 2018-09-15 by Birgitt-0

Part 2 video by Birgitt:


Boars 89 Backpack, 151 Walker & 503 Share the J & Play Fight Pt 2 2018-09-15 by Birgitt

Mckate also captured video of 503 (back left), 89 Backpack (back to camera with blonde tipped ears) and 151 Walker (sitting). 


15 Sep 2018 89 Backpack Retuns to the Falls, video by mckate

Lani H captured video of 89 Backpack trying to play with 151 Walker who is not interested. 503 comes along and plays with 89, 9/15/2018.


89 Backpack, 151 Walker and 503 play session 9 15 2018, video by Lani H

2018.09.16 - 2018.09.22:  Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this video of highlights from September 16-22, 2018.  89 Backpack can be seen at 13:06 with 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult.:


Sept 16 to 22 2018 by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd)

2019:  13.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]

2019 Season:[]

Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this video titled "Bear 89 Backpack 2019."


Bear 89 Backpack 2019, video by Deanna Dittloff

June 2019:[]

2019.06.??:  Melissa Freels shared this June, 2019 photo of 89 Backpack in chat on 3/19/2020. Melissa Freels shared two June 2019 photos of 89 Backpack on 2/19/2023, #1 and #2 with 854 Divot. "Whispering sweet nothings in Divot's ear ... and yes, they did leave the falls together!"

Please request Melissa Freels' permission prior to using her photographs! 

2019.06.24-2019.07.08:  Truman Everts shared 2 photos of 89 Backpack in chat from his 6/24/2019-7/8/2019 trip to Brooks Camp, photo #1 and #2.

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

2019.06.26:  For a brief period of time, 435 Holly, 89 Backpack (435 Holly's 2006 offspring)  and 503 Cubadult (435 Holly's adopted 2014 yearling) were fishing in close proximity in the far pool; video by mckate:


26 Jun 2019 435 Displaced by Her Son 89 by Mckate

Flyer 7474 captured video of 89 Backpack, 503 and 435 Holly on 6/26/2019. "89 Backpack, the offspring of 435 Holly and 503 (offspring of 402) adopted by 435, show up at Brooks Falls. 435 moves away as 89 enters from atop of the falls."


89-503 and 435 at Brooks Falls 2019 06 26, video by flyer 7474

2019.06.27:  "89 Backpack takes his fish to go. I saw him eat at least 12 fish in the morning and early afternoon", 6/27/2019 video by mckate.


27 Jun 2019 89 Backpack Takes His Fish to Go, video by mckate

2019.06.29:  89 Backpack June 29, 2019 NPS photo by Ranger Tammy Carmack KNP&P Flickr.

89 Backpack and 503 greet each other in this 6/29/2019 video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.


06.29.2019 - 503 and 89 Backpack-2

Video by Brenda D

Scooch posted this 6/29/2019 GIF of 89 Backpack on 3/18/2020.

2019.06.30:  Truman Everts captured this photograph at 16:56 (p 12/05/19 06.33 ).  Truman Everts captured this photograph at 17:00 (p 12/08/19 01:09 ).  Truman Everts captured this photograph at 17:04 (p 12/10/19 07:04 ).: Truman Everts shared this June 30, 2019 photo of 89 Backpack on 5/3/2020. Truman Everts shared this 6/30/2019 photo of 89 Backpack on 5/8/2020. Truman Everts shared four additional 6/30/2019 photos of 89 Backpack on 4/11/2021, #1, #2, #3 and #4.

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

503 tries to get 89 Backpack to play by swatting at him, 6/30/2019 video by mckate.


30 Jun 2019 503 Tries to Get 89 to Play, video by mckate

July 2019:[]

2019.07.01: Katmai Conservancy Ranger Naomi Boak shared photos of 89 Backpack alone and with his mother 435 Holly on 3/18/2020 , photo #1 and #2.

Permission to use her NPS photos posted on the bearcam comments  

Truman Everts shared this 7/1/2019 photo of 89 Backpack in the far pool on 4/11/2021.

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

2019.07.02:  89 Backpack and 83 Wayne Brother have a kerfuffle during a Mike Fitz play by play, video by Lani H, 7/2/1019.


Brooks Falls PBP Backpack and Wayne brother kerfuffle 7 2 2019, video by Lani H

2019.07.06:  747 chases 89 Backpack across the top of the falls where 402 and her 3 yearlings and 806 are fishing. 402 and her cubs scatter while 806 backs away, 7/6/2019 video by mckate.


6 Jul 2019 All Hell Breaks Loose, video by mckate

Ratna Narayan also captured video of 747 chasing 89 Backpack on 7/6/2019. 402 and her cubs run off the lip.


Super scary moment at the falls 402 and cubs and 747 7 6 2019, video by Ratna Narayan

Park visitor Jaysea C filmed the same event in this 7/6/2019 video. 89 Backpack can be seen being chased by 747 at 3:48.


The Bears of Katmai National Park, ALASKA, video by Jaysea C-0

2019.07.07: 89 Backpack sitting under the Brooks Falls platform, 7/7/2019 video by Ratna Narayan.


89 Backpack 7 7 2019, video by Ratna Narayan

Cam watcher and Brooks Camp visitor NWBearLove92 shared 8 photos of 89 Backpack in chat on 3/18/2020. The photos were taken on 7/7/2019, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 and #8. NWBearLove92 shared a 7/7/2019 photo of 89 Backpack on 6/20/2020.

Please request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!

Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor Olatz Azcona Munárriz shared seven 7/7/2019 photos of 89 Backpack on 4/10/2022, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7. In the last photo, 747 is seen on the conveyer. "89 Backpack, the bear that seems to smile at times (look at picture #6), showed up at the falls the evening of July 7, 2019. He walked down the steep path on the far bank and headed to his favorite spot in the far pool, after drinking some water. But he didn´t stay long. The lack of fish and 747 forced him to walk around and try the Jacuzzi for a few minutes before sitting right bellow the falls platform. There, after spending some time pondering his options, he decided to finally leave somewhere else."

Please request Olatz Azcona Munárriz's (aka Olatz) permission prior to using their photographs!

2019.07.26:  89 Backpack is observed with a number of other bears "midnight fishing", 7/26/2019 video by mckate. 89 Backpack is standing in the far pool.


26 Jul 2019 Midnight Fishing, video by mckate

2019.07.29:  89 Backpack on the Lower River, 7/29/2019 video by mckate.


29 Jul 2019 89 Backpack on the Lower River, video by mckate

2019.07.30:  89 Backpack enters the jacuzzi, 7/30/2019 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack enters the jacuzzi 7 30 2019, video by Lani H

2019.07.31:  Katmai Conservancy Ranger Naomi Boak shared this 7/31/2019 photo of 89 Backpack in chat.

89 Backpack is seen in the far pool, 7/31/2019 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack in the far pool 7 31 2019, video by Lani H

August 2019:[]

2019.08.01:  "856 scares the poo out of 89 Backpack", video  by Lani H on 8/1/2019.


856 scares the poo out of 89 Backpack 8 1 2019, video by Lani H

2019.08.03:  89 Backpack won't give up his spot to 83 Wayne Brother video by Lani H.:


89 Backpack won't give up his spot to 83 Wayne Brother 8 3 2019 by Lani H-1

2019.08.04:  89 Backpack takes a wide stance and a cowboy walk video by mckate.  151 Walker is the other bear.:


4 Aug 2019 89 Takes a Wide Stance by mckate

Goof_n shared an 8/4/2019 photo of 89 Backpack in the jacuzzi on 3/18/2020 .

Please request Kacko & Goof_n's permission prior to using their photographs!

DanteV2000 shared two 8/4/2019 photos of 89 Backpack on 8/25/2020, #1 and #2.

Please request DanteV2000's permission  prior to using their photographs! 

2019.08.05:  Cam watchers and Brooks Camp visitors Kacko and Goof_n shared 2 photos of 89 Backpack in chat on 3/18/2020. The photos were taken on 8/5/2019, photo #1 and #2. Goof_n shared an 8/5/2019 photo of 89 Backpack on 3/18/2020. 89 Backpack is the bear that is on the left in the back.

Please request Kacko & Goof_n's permission prior to using their photographs!

2019.08.08:  469 Patches has words with 89 Backpack (left front), 8/8/2019 video by Lani H. 469 had just arrived that day after not being observed since 2013 except for a brief appearance in 2018.


469 Patches has words with 89 Backpack 8 8 2019, video by lani H

September 2019:[]

2019.09.18:  89 Backpack (right) at the falls with 480 Otis, 856, and 503 9/18/2019, video by Lani H.


89 Backpack at the falls with 480 Otis, 856, and 503 9 18 2019, video by Lani H.

October 2019:  []

2019.10.03:  89 Backpack visits the falls at 01:35, 10/3/2019 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack visits the falls 10 3 2019, video by Lani H

2020:  14.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]

89 Backpack was included in the 2021 Bears of Brooks River book page 63.

Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this 2020 season video of 89 Backpack "Bear 89 Backpack 2020."


Bear 89 Backpack 2020

Video by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd)

June 2020:[]

2010.06.23:  89 Backpack made his return to Brooks Falls the morning of 6/23/2020. He could be seen sitting in the jacuzzi, exploring the far pool and exiting above the falls. He did not stay very long.

Lani H 6/23/2020 video.


89 Backpack returns to Brooks Falls 6 23 2020, video by Lani H.

Erum Chad 6/23/3030 video.


Bear 89 Back pack returns to Brooks Falls Katmai June 23, 2020, video by Erum Chad

Cam viewer 6/23/2020 snapshots of 89 Backpack.

2020.06.24:  89 Backpack at the falls, 6/24/2020 video by Ratna Narayan.


Backpack89 at the falls June 24th 2020, video by Ratna Narayan

2020.06.29: 89 Backpack was seen in the oxbow area on 6/29/2020, video by Lani H.


89 Backpack near the oxbow 6 29 2020, video by Lani h

2020.06.30:  89 Backpack on the spit, 6/30/2020 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack on the spit 6 30 2020, video by Lani H

Mckate's 6/30/2020 video of 89 Backpack on the spit.


30 Jun 2020- 89 Backpack Walks the Spit

Video by mckate

July 2020:[]

2020.07.01:  Lani H captured this 7/1/2020 video of 89 Backpack mating in the riffles with 482 Brett. ====


89 Backpack mating with 482 Brett in the riffles 7 1 2020, video by Lani H

89 Backpack mates with 482 Brett, 7/1/2020 video by mckate.


1 Jul 2020- 89 Backpack and 482 Brett Mate

Video by mckate

2020.07.03: 89 Backpack in the riffles, 7/3/2020 video by Lani H.

89 Backpack in the riffles 7 3 2020, video by Lani H

GreenRiver's 7/3/2020 snapshot of 89 Backpack.

2020.07.04: NSBoak (aka Ranger Naomi Boak) shared this 7/4/2020 photo of 89 Backpack in December, 2020. "My boy Backpack!!!" Please request NSBoak's (aka Ranger Naomi Boak) permission prior to using her photographs!

2020.07.06: 503 Cubadult and 89 Backpack do a little play fighting, 7/6/2020 video by Lani H.


503 and 89 Backpack 7 6 2020, video by Lani H.

Mckate's 7/6/2020 video of 89 Backpack playing with 503.


6 Jul 2020- 503 Plays with 89 Backpack

Video by mckate

2020.07.18: 89 Backpack and 775 Lefty fishing in the far pool. 7/18/2020 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack and 775 Lefty fishing in the far pool 7 18 2020, video by Lani H

2020.07.27:  480 Otis wants to play with 89 Backpack who is playing with 503, 7/27/2020 video by Birgitt.


480 Wants to Play with 89 Who is Playing with 503 2020-07-27 23-20-28-206.mp4

Video by Birgitt

480 Otis (left) briefly plays with 89 Backpack (right) July 27, 2020 gif by oregonshefisher.

Ratna Narayan's 7/27/2020 (not 7/28) video of 89 Backpack and 480 Otis at the falls.


Beautiful backpack 89 and Otis at the falls July 28th 2020, video by Ratna Narayan

Birgitt's 7/27/2020 video of 480 Otis and 89 Backpack in the far pool.


89 & 480 Close Up in Far Pool 2020-07-27 23-11-29-751

Video by Birgitt

2020.07.28:  89 Backpack on the far bank, 7/28/2020 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack on the far bank 7 28 2020, video by Lani H

2020.07.30: 89 Backpack wrestles 503 and 801, 7/30/2020 video by mckate. "89 Backpack has stamina. It was nice of him to accommodate 801 who wanted to join in the fun."


30 Jul 2020- 89 Wrestles 503 and 801

Video by mckate

August 2020:[]

2020.08.24: 89 Backpack pops in to the falls, 8/24/2020 video by mckate. "And 747 chases him off. Of course. I wonder why 747 has it in for 89 Backpack?"


24 Aug 2020- 89 Pops In

Video by mckate

2020.08.25: Hey Princess 8/25/2020 video "a closer look at 89 Backpack."


A closer look at 89 Backpack 08.25.20

Video by Hey Princess

2020.08.28: 89 Backpack in the far pool, 8/28/2020 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack in the far pool 8-28-2020

Video by Lani H

Lani H 8/28/2020 video of 89 Backpack scavenging at the falls.


89 Backpack scavenging 8-28-2020

Video by Lani H

2020.08.29: 89 Backpack shows a keen interest in 907's fish, 8/29/2020 video by mckate.


29 Aug 2020- 89 Shows Keen Interest in 907's Fish

Video by mckate

2020.08.31: 747 and 89 Backpack share the far pool, 8/31/2020 video by mckate. "747 was keeping an eye on 89 Backpack, but showed no signs of wanting to run him off. He's usually pretty intolerant of 89 for some reason, so this was nice to see."


31 Aug 2020- 747 and 89 Share the Far Pool

Video by mckate

September 2020:[]

2020.09.01: 89 Backpack fishes in the far pool, 9/1/2020 video by flyer 7474.


89 Backpack on 09 01 2020

Video by flyer 7474

2020.09.02: 89 Backpack in the far pool, 9/2/2020 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack in the far pool 9-2-2020

Video by Lani H

2020.09.03: Owl&Osprey<3 captured this 9/3/2020 snapshot of 89 Backpack in the far pool.

2020.09.07: 89 Backpack arrives at the falls and fishes in the far pool, 9/7/2020 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack arrives at the falls 9-7-2020

Video by Lani H

2020.09.09: Lani H 9/9/2020 video of 89 Backpack checking out his rock.


89 Backpack checks out his rock 9-9-2020

Video by Lani H.

2020.09.10: 89 Backpack enters the jacuzzi, 9/10/2020 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack enters the jacuzzi 9-10-2020

Video by Lani H

2020.09.18: 503 greets 89 Backpack in the far pool before catching his breakfast, 9/18/2020 video by Hey Princess.


503 greets 89 Backpack in the far pool before catching his breakfast 09.18.20

Video by Hey Princess

Lani H 9/18/2020 video of 503 and 89 Backpack fishing in the far pool.


89 Backpack and 503 in the far pool 9-18-2020

Video by Lani H

2020.09.25: 89 Backpack makes a quick pass through the falls, 9/25/2020 video by mckate. "He's even more elusive than 634 this fall."


25 Sep 2020- 89 Passes Through Falls

Video by mckate

Lani H 9/25/2020 video of 89 Backpack's quick visit to the falls.


89 Backpack visits the falls 9-25-2020

Video by Lani H

October 2020:[]

2020.10.02: 89 Backpack drops by the falls and 480 Otis is annoyed, 10/2/2020 video by Lani H.


89 Backpack drops by the falls 10-2-2020

Video by Lani H

2020.10.12: The last time 89 Backpack was seen was on 10/12/2020, video by Lani H. He posed on his rock for cam viewers so they could get their snapshots.


89 Backpack visits his rock 10-12-2020

Video by Lani H

2021:  15.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]

89 was included in the 2022 Bears of Brook River book page 67.

89 Backpack's page in the 2022 Bears of Brooks River book page 67

89 Backpack's page in the 2022 Bears of Brooks River book page 67

2021 Season:[]

Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this 2021 season video of 89 Backpack, "89 Backpack 2021."


89 Backpack 2021

Video by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd)

June 2021:[]

2021.06.??: Melissa Freel's June 2021 photo of 89 Backpack. Melissa Freels shared this June 2019 photo of 89 Backpack on 2/19/2023.

Please request Melissa Freels' permission prior to using her photographs!  

2021.06.28: 89 Backpack made his first cam appearance on 6/28/2021, video by mckate. 912 is the 2nd bear seen in the jacuzzi.


28 Jun 2021- 912 and 89 Backpack Arrive

Video by mckate

Hey Princess's 6/28/2021 video. 912 can also be seen in the jacuzzi in this video.


89 Backpack arrives at the falls 06.28.21

Video by Hey Princess

2021.06.29: Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) shared two 6/29/2021 photos of 89 Backpack, #1 and #2. "89 Backpack at the falls. A couple days later he tried to pirate a fish from 503, but I only got a blurry photo of 503 as he ran past the platform with his fish, which he did keep. - Jun 29, 2021."

Please request Bonnie Hankins' (aka NutsBoutBears) permission prior to using her photographs!

Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) shared her 6/29/2021 video of 89 Backpack at the falls. "89 Backpack Jun 29, 2021. This was before the salmon headed upstream and very few fish were being caught."


89 Backpack at the falls - Jun 29, 2021

Video by Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears)

89 Backpack's long fishing session at the falls, 6/29/2021 video by Cheryl B.


6-29-2021 6-30 PM AKDT 89 Backpack looks like he's boogie boarding @ BF Explore.org

Video by Cheryl B

2021.06.30: Truman Everts shared this 6/30/2021 photo of 89 Backpack.

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

89 Backpack marks the island, 6/30/2021 video by mckate.


30 Jun 2021- 89 Backpack Marks the Island (from explore org)

Video by mckate

July 2021:[]

2021.07.??: In this July 2021 video by Scott Nagel, 89 Backpack (right) can be seen play fighting with 812 left (3:55-4:34).


Brown Bears of Brooks Falls-4

July 2021 video by Scott Nagel

2021.07.01: 89 Backpack heads to the J, 7/1/2021 video by flyer 4477.


89 on 2021 07 01 Courtesy of Explore.org

Video by flyer 4477

2021.07.02: Ratna Narayan's 7/2/2021 video of 89 Backpack on the spit road.


Beautiful Backpack on spit road Explore.org 7-2-2021

Video by Ratna Narayan

2021.07.03: NWBearLove92 shared two 7/3/2021 photos of 89 Backpack (left) with 151 Walker (right), #1 and #2. "151 Walker was trying to give 89 Backpack a hard time. He wasn’t having it. 7/3/21." NWBearLove92 shared a 7/3/2021 photo of 89 Backpack "with a mouthful of grass near the island." NWBearLove92 shared a 7/3/2021 photo of 89 Backpack. "Cautious 89 Backpack checked out his surroundings before he entered the far pool. Photo from 7/3/21….I hope we see him again soon."

Please request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!

89 Backpack charges 503 and exchanges some words, 7/3/2021 video by flyer 4477.


89-503 on 2021 07 03 Courtesy of Explore.org

Video by flyer 4477

2021.07.04: NWBearLove 92 shared a 7/4/2021 photo of 89 Backpack. "89 Backpack was around everyday during my July trip. He was usually patiently waiting for salmon near the conveyor belt. He looks so much like his mom 435 Holly. 7/4/21." NWBearLove92 shared two additional 7/4/2021 photos of 89 Backpack, #1 and #2. "89 had an interesting shed pattern on his belly and inner leg area in 2021. You can see his bald belly in these photos 7/4/21."

Please request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!

812 and 89 Backpack argue over 503's scraps, a gull is the winner, 7/4/2021 video by JG.


812 and 89 argue over 503's scraps, a gull wins - Explore.org July 4, 2021

Video by JG

2021.07.05: Truman Everts shared this 7/5/2021 photo of 89 Backpack.

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

89 Backpack charges 503 when 503 starts getting too close, 7/5/2021 video by flyer 4477.


89-503 on 2021 07 05 Courtesy of Explore.org

Video by flyer 4477

2021.07.06: 89 Backpack at the falls, 7/5/2021 snapshot by ErCat58.

2021.07.07: NWBearLove92 shared a 7/7/2021 photo of 89 Backpack. "89 Backpack on top of the falls during a light rain storm. His coat looks great in any kind of weather. 7/7/21." Please request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!