519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" September 9, 2024 photograph by Amy Incillo (aka NWBearLove92) (p 09/28/24 16:36).
Please request Amy Incillo's permission PRIOR to using her photograph!
Subadult Female (aka "Zoom"/"Zippy")
Year First Observed: 2024 as 2.5 Year-Old Subadult
Year of Birth: 2022
Year Last Observed: 2024
Known Offspring Of: 719
Known Litters of Cubs: None as of 2024
Genetics Study Samples Obtained: None
KNP&P's bear monitor, Ranger Tammy Carmack used the nicknames "Zoom" and "Zippy" to track 519 prior to assigning her bear monitoring number is 2024 because she was often observed "zooming" and "zipping" around the river during her first independent season as a recently emancipated subadult.
In August of 2024, Blair-55 created this slo-mo gif of 519 "Zoom's"/"Zippy's" identification markings on her left side that may help identify her as this season and future seasons progress (p 08/31/2024 18:07). 519's prominent natal collar appears to have left her with some ways to help identify 519 in the near future. 519 also has an almost tilted heart-shaped left hip wound/scar that may be visible during shedding as it appears in the gif below.

Slo-mo gif of 519 "Zoom's"/"Zippy's" markings for identification August 31, 2024 gif created by Blair-55 (p 18:07)
Distinctive Behaviors:[]
Add here
Life History:[]
2022: Female Spring Cub with 719[]
June 2022:[]
2022.06.26-06.30: Melissa Freels shared this photo of 719's spring cub taken during her 6/26-6/30/2022 trip to Brooks Camp. "While it's quiet, I thought I'd share a pic of 719's new spring cub. We met up with them on Valley Road on our way to the falls, so we turned and walked back down to the bridge. They arrived soon after and we were able to take a few photos. They didn't stay long, though. 719 seemed stressed--possibly by some subadult activity and anglers nearby."
Please request Melissa Freel's permission prior to using her photographs!
Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) shared photos of 719 and her spring cub on 7/2/2022, #1 and #2. "Hands down the highlight of my trip to Brooks this year. 719 Princess returns with a coy. Now I really must put down the laptop and take care of the unpacking and that little matter of not having eaten since dinner in Anchorage last night." Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) shared a June 2022 photo of 719 and her spring cub on 1/29/2023.
Please request Bonnie Hankins' (aka NutsBoutBears) permission prior to using her photographs!
2022.06.29: 719 returned to Brooks Camp on 6/29/2022 (on the cams) with 1 spring cub, her 2nd known litter. She can be seen on the spit road with her cub in this video by twelve22.
Melissa Freels 6/29/2022 photo of 719 and her spring cub shared via Bookmom in chat.
Please request Melissa Freel's permission prior to using her photographs!
2022.06.30: 719 and her spring cub make a brief appearance on the lower river and then head towards the falls, 6/30/2022 video by JG.
July 2022:[]
719 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in July 2022.
2022.07.01: 719 with her spring cub by the bridge, 7/1/2022 video by Jen Schneider.
719 and her spring cub by the bridge, 7/1/2022 photo by Truman Everts. "There's no way around how this bridge piling 100% wrecks the scene. However, I also know that most of you will still want to see 719 and her perfect little 6 month-old springer! This photo may have been taken around the same time as the above video."
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!
2022.07.02 or prior: Instagram video of 719 and her spring cub by travelbunny1617 (Stephanie Hill), taken on 7/2/2022 or prior.
2022.07.05: 719's spring cub hangs onto momma, 7/5/2022 video by Hey Princess.
2022.07.06: Truman Evert's 7/6/2022 photo of 719 and her spring cub on a service road. Truman Evert's 7/6/2022 photo of 719 and her spring cub.
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!
719 brings her cub to the riffles, 7/6/2022 video by mckate.
2022.07.07: NWBearLove92's four 7/7/2022 photos of 719 and her spring cub, #1, #2, #3 and #4. "We ran into 719 and her coy on the Valley Road. We moved off trail and they stopped right by us. 719 scratched her back on a nearby tree and then kept going. It was so awesome to see them so close. 719 then decided to fish for salmon in the river. Her coy waited on the bank and was very vocal about being left alone. It was crying and then finally decided to follow mom into the water. The coy was not happy about swimming. It continued to bawl and grunt while it made its way over to mom. 7/7/22."
Please request Amy's (aka NWBEARLOVE92) permission prior to using any of her photographs!
2022.07.08: Truman Everts shared a 7/8/2022 photo of 719 and her spring cub on 7/11/2022. "I imagine many of you saw this moment on the cams just 3 days ago: Second time mom 719 took her showroom condition spring cub out into the riffles, so Mum could fish. It was immediately evident that the little one's developing swimming skills were no match for Brooks River...so cubbie quickly learned to stay on the rocks. 719 was a ferocious defender, taking an almost 128-esque proactive approach and charging any bear that might remotely be considered a threat. Both appear to be looking into the camera, here, but they are actually looking at a bear just beneath me...a bear that did not seem to be a genuine threat. But better safe than sorry." Truman shared a 2nd 7/8/2022 photo of 719 and her spring cub. "Well...here's that same face, before the ears got wet and pinned back...What do you two think?" 719's cub sits on a riffles rock, 7/8/2022 photo by Truman Everts. 719 in the riffles with her cub, 7/8/2022 photo by Truman Everts. Truman Evert's 7/8/2022 photo of 719 and spring cub. Truman Evert's 7/8/2022 photo of 719 and her spring cub. "There wasn't much doubt that 719's little spring cub was not enjoying this expedition into the river. The water was running too fast for her, and big scary bears were all over. So it's tempting to read this pic as her trying to tell 719 this." Truman's 7/8/2022 photo of 719's spring cub. "719's tiny spring cub reluctantly swims in the bustling riffles, in early July." Truman's 7/8/2022 photo of 719 and her spring cub. "The last time I got to see 719 & springer, 719 was doing her "water curtain" routine." Truman's 7/8/2022 photo of 719 and her spring cub. "I have a special place in my heart for when cubbies exactly match their Mums (719, here)..when they're "Mini-Me" bears tiny...but with the full grown version right next to them."
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!
719's cub struggles to keep up with 719 in the riffles, 7/8/2022 video by Flyer 4477. The cub does a fairly good job until she gets carried downstream at 10:17. 719 quickly goes after her cub.
2022 07 08...719-1coy..Brooks Falls Katmai National Park. Courtesy of Explore.org
Video by Flyer 4477
2022.07.10: 719 (not 710) and her cub are seen resting at the top of the cutbank. 719 senses a danger and quickly hurries away with her cub, 7/10/2022 video by Ratna Narayan.
2022.07.12 or prior: Meg Nelson's 7/12/2022 or prior Instagram photo of 719 and her spring cub.
2022.07.12: 719 and her spring cub fish the lower river, 7/12/2022 video by Itzy LO 335.
2022.07.13: 719 and her cub enjoy a nice quiet morning, 7/13/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.07.14: 719 and her cub fish at the cutbank, 7/14/2022 video by Ratna Narayan (at 3:10).
2022.07.16: 719 and her spring cub fish the lower river and oxbow, 7/16/2022 video by JG.
2022.07.17: 719's cub stays close as they fish the lower river, 7/17/2022 video by JG.
2022.07.19: 719 gives her cub a workout, 7/19/2022 video by Jen Schneider.
2022.07.21: 719 and cub graze below the bridge, 7/21/2022 video by JG.
2022.07.22 or prior: Kara Stenberg's 7/22/2022 or prior Instagram photo of 719 and her spring cub.
2022.07.22: A quick look at 719 and her cub, 7/22/2022 video by Jen Schneider.
2022.07.23: Brian Lashchuk's 7/23/2022 video of 719 and her spring cub fishing by the bridge.
719's cub gets swept down the riffles, 719 follows the cub, 7/23/2022 video by Cheryl B.
7-23-2022 RF 719 cub goes down RF Mom followed her, then the cam moved away Explore.org
Video by Cheryl B
2022.07.25: A 2022 spring cub, of Alaskan brown bear sow 719, temporarily loses sight of mom and wanders into a quick moving river current while searching for her. After a short drift, the cub is able to get onto land and locates mom, who doesn't seem to have noticed they were missing, 7/25/2022 video by NO Juju.
Spring Cub Loses Sight of Mom 719 & Drifts in the River Before Reuniting - Explore.org-2
Video by NOJuju
2022.07.27: 719 and cub on the spit with a cameo by 435 Holly (719's mom and the cubs grandmother), 7/27/2022 video by JG.
2022.07.28 or prior: 719 and her spring cub Instagram photo, 7/28/2022 or prior by meg nielson.
2022.07.29: 719 and her spring cub fish the lower river, 7/29/2022 video by markindify.
2022.07.30: 719's and 811's cubs are curious about each other, 7/30/2022 video by twelve22.
719's Cub and 811's Cubs are Curious About Each Other - July 30, 2022 (explore.org)
Video by twelve22
2022.07.31: 719 and cub on the low falls cam, 7/31/2022 video by JG.
LunaCre's 7/31/2022 gif of 719's cub.
August 2022:[]
2022.08.02: 719's adorable cub rubbing on a tree, 8/2/2022 video by Jen Schneider.
719's adorable cub rubbing on the tree River Watch cam Explore.org 8-2-2022-2
Video by Jen Schneider
2022.08.03 or prior: Jose Cabrera's 8/3/2022 or prior Instagram photo of 719 and her spring cub.
2022.08.03: Jayharwigphotography captured 719 and her spring cub on the lower river from 0:10-1:28, 8/3/2022 video.
719 and her spring cub in the riffles, 8/3/2022 video by markindify.
2022.08.04: 719's precious spring cub hanging out on the fallen tree, 8/4/2022 video by Jen Schneider.
719's precious spring cub hanging out on the fallen tree Brooks Falls cam Explore.org 8-4-2022-2
Video by Jen Schneider
719 and her cub share lunch, 8/4/2022 video by Buddy's Mom.
2022.08.05 or prior: 719 and her spring cub on the trail at dusk, 8/5/2022 or prior Instagram photo by Danieltyee.
719 and her spring cub eat grass by the bridge, 8/5/2022 video by Cheryl B.
2022.08.06: 719 and cub fish the lower river and then head to the spit, 8/6/2022 video by JG.
2022.08.07: 719 chases her little sister 335 at the oxbow, 8/7/2022 video by Jen Schneider. A short time later, 719 ignores 335 when she is close by.
2022.08.08: 719's cub chases seagulls on the spit, 8/8/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.08.11 or prior: Bruce Merriman's 8/11/2022 or prior Instagram photo of 719 and her spring cub.
September 2022:[]
719 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in September 2022.
2022.09.08: Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor bubdoggy shared three 9/8/2022 photos of 719 and her spring cub, #1, #2 and #3. "719 and her spring cub in lower river on 9/8/22, their first day back after their summer walkabout." Bubdoggy shared two additional 9/8/2022 photos of 719 and her spring cub on 1/29/2023, #1 and #2. "Hard to resist a standing cub! And 719 is a true beauty, just like her mama 435 Holly. Love watching 435 Holly's line continue! 9/8/22."
Please request bubdoggy's permission prior to using their photographs!
Bubdoggy's 9/8/2022 video of 719 and her spring cub. "We saw 719 Princess and her coy for the first time in the lower river around 2pm Alaska time on 9/8/22. The coy stands up several times in the grass, a true 'pop-up' bear. This is our first view of the 719s after they returned from their August walkabout."
719 and her spring cub return to Brooks Camp after a one month absence, 9/8/2022 video by Hey Princess.
2022.09.09: 719's cub stirs up a squabble with grandma 435 Holly, 9/9/2022 video by JG.:
(mckate's similar video of 719 with her spring cub & mother/grandbear 435 Holly)
Cruiser's three gifs of the 9/9/2022 encounter between 435 Holly and daughter 719, #1, #2 and #3.
2022.09.13: Angerbodha's 9/13/2022 video of 719 on the lower river.
719's spring cub eating grass, 9/13/2022 video by angerbodha. "This was shortly before they took off running down the spit road."
719, 402 and their cubs running down the spit road, 9/13/2022 video by angerbodha. "Sorry for the terribly shaky camera work. This starts with 719 getting concerned because her cub has taken off running down the spit road. She starts running to catch up with it, and is joined by 402’s 2 cubs next to her. Then 402 comes chasing after the whole group. What are they running from? As far as I could tell, nothing. 719's cub got spooked by the 402s and took off. They eventually made it to the spit, woke up 94 and her 4 cubs and the whole crowd of 7 cubs and 3 moms milled around for a while sorting each other out."
9/13/2022 video by Pediatric Physical Therapy Exercises of 719, 402 and their cubs running down the spit road (7:05-7:12).
Brown Bears, Brooks Falls, Alaska in September- Fun Foto Tips and Trips Episode -39
Video by Pediatric Physical Therapy Exercises
2022.09.16: Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor Lisa Robertson (aka Larinor) shared a 9/16/2022 photo of 719 and her spring cub on 11/13/2022. "719 and coy at the cutbank. Photo was taken by me on 9/16/22."
Please request Lisa Robertson's (aka Larinor) permission prior to using her photographs!
Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor Olatz Azcona Munárriz also shared 9/16/2022 photos of 719 and her spring cub on 1/29/2023, #1 and #2. "719 and her spring cub. September 16, 2022. I briefly saw 719 and her spring cub below the riffles, in an area we cannot see on cams, the afternoon of my fourth day trip to Brooks River, while we hung out on the river bank with a guide. That was the only time I got to see this family during my visit." Olatz shared a 9/16/2022 photo of 719 on 2/8/2023.
Please request Olatz Azcona Munárriz's (aka Olatz) permission prior to using their photographs!
2022.09.17: 719 and her cub become startled by a bear in the bushes at 1:43 into this 9/17/2022 video by Cheryl B.
2022.09.20: 719's spring cub waits for mom in the grass, 9/20/2022 video by Itzy LO 335.
2022.09.28: 719 fishes below the cutbank while her cub rests and plays above, 9/28/2022 video by twelve22.
October 2022:[]
2022.10.01: 719 and her cub on the cutbank, 10/1/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.10.02: 719's cub stays close, 10/2/2022 gif by LunaCre.
2022.10.04: 719 fishes the riffles in this video mckate captured. 719's female cub is one big yearling. She may be approaching 910's girl in size.:
5 Oct 2023- 719s Fish the Riffles (explore.org)
video by mckate
719 and her cub rest on top of the cutbank, 10/4/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.10.06: 719 asks her cub to stand up to mark a tree, 10/6/2022 gif by LunaCre.
2022.10.07: 719 fishes and then rests with her cub on top of the cutbank, 10/7/2022 video by JG.
2022.10.09: 719 and her cub are seen on the cutbank in this 10/9/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.10.10: 719's and 811's cubs meet up, 10/10/2022 video by mckate. "We didn't get to see who instigated this get together, but I'd guess it was 719's cub. The moms were pretty chill which is probably explained by 719 having spent a summer as 811's nanny when she was a cub."
2022.10.12: 719 and her spring cub are seen on the low cam in this 10/12/2022 video by JG.
2022.10.13: 719 and spring cub, 10/13/2022 snapshot by GreenRiver.
2022.10.16: 719 and cub at the cutbank, 10/16/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.10.17: The 719 and 811 cubs mingle, 10/17/2022 video by twelve22. "I love watching cubs interact. 811's cubs were curious about 719's cub, but in the end, what they wanted most was 719's cub's fish."
2022.10.18: 719 and her cub hang out in their usual spot, 10/18/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.10.19: 719 tells her cub to wait on the log, 10/19/2022 video by mckate.
2022.10.21: A long look at 719 and her spring cub at the cutbank, 10/21/2022 video by JG.
2022.10.22: 719 with her spring cub takes her fish uphill as 821 passes by, 10/22/2022 video by Sunny.Y.
-10-22-2022- 719s & 821 Pepper "821 wasn't invited to dinner" (Brooks Falls Bears explore.org)
Video by Sunny.Y
2022.10.24: 719's cub takes the high road, 10/24/2022 video by mckate. "No point in coming down unless Mom has a fish! Looked like the cub might have been limping a little." This was the last day that 719 and her cub were observed.
2023: Female Yearling with 719[]
July 2023:[]
2023.07.07: 719 returned to Brooks River for the 2023 season with her yearling. Blair-55 created these gifs (#1, #2, #3, #4 & #5) (p 18:24).:
719 returns with her yearling in this video by twelve22:
719 and Her Yearling Return - July 7, 2023 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
719 & her yearling enjoy their greens in this video by twelve22:
719 and Her Yearling Enjoy Their Greens - July 7, 2023 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
719 and her yearlings return for the 2023 season can be seen in this video by mckate:
7 Jul 2023- 719 Returns with Her Yearling (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.07.09: 719 & her yearling graze in this video by twelve22:
719 and Her Yearling Graze - July 9, 2023 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
719 with her yearling video by twelve22:
(mckate captured this video of 719 and her bored female yearling waiting for fish)
719 and Her Yearling Wait for Fish - July 9, 2023 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2023.07.10: Oh_Arana created this gif of 719 with her yearling (p 15:47).:
719 & her yearling graze while waiting for the salmon to arrive in abundance, video by twelve22:
719 and Her Yearling Graze While Waiting for Fish - July 10, 2023 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2023.07.11: Amy (NWBEARLOVE92) captured this photograph of 719's yearling with a good view of the yearlings impressive shoulder hump during their trip to Brooks Camp (p 08/29/2023 06:44). Amy (NWBEARLOVE92) also shared this photograph of 719 from their trip to Brooks Camp (p 08/31/2023 06:33). Amy (NWBEARLOVE92) captured this photograph of 719's yearling, note the droopy lower lip (p 09/03/2023 10:59). Amy (NWBEARLOVE92) captured this photograph of 719's yearling with mouthful of salad near the lower river platform (p 09/05/2023 14:01).:
Please request Amy (NWBEARLOVE92)'s permission PRIOR to using their photographs!
2023.07.12: 719 and her yearling standing on their hind legs in sync gif created by Cruiser (p 09:41).:
2023.07.27: 719 brings her yearling to the falls in this video by mckate:
27 Jul 2023- 719 Brings Her Yearling to the Falls (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.07.29: 719 shows interest in 132's catch in the video captured by mckate:
29 Jul 2023- 719 Shows Interest in 132's Catch (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.07.30: 719's yearling grazes in this video by mckate:
30 Jul 2023- 719's Yearling Grazes (explore.org)
video by mckate
September 2023:[]
2023.09.09: 719 & her yearling return from their walkabout in this video mckate captured:
9 Sep 2023- 719 and Her Cub Return from Their Walkabout (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.09.15: 719's female yearling watches 719 eat in the lower river in mckate's video:
15 Sep 2023- 719's Girl Watches Her Eat (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.09.16: 719 shares a fish with her female yearling in this video captured by mckate:
16 Sep 2023- 719 Shares a Fish with Her Girl (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.09.17: 719's yearling is a female, mckate captured this video of the evidence:
17 Sep 2023- 719's Cub is Female (explore.org)
video by mckate
719's female yearling grazes under the cam in this video by mckate:
17 Sep 2023- 719's Girl Grazes Under the Cam (explore.org)
video by mckate
October 2023:[]
2023.10.05: 129 does not move fast enough to suit 719 in mckate's video. 719 is an accomplished mom running off another bear while she catches a fish. Looks like 719's female yearling might have a scar to the right of her tail head.:
5 Oct 2023- 129 Doesn't Move Fast Enough to Suit 719 (explore.org)
video by mckate
2024: 2.5 Year-Old Female Cub with 719, Emancipation Took Place July 19, 2024 - July 21, 2024, Now Independent Subadult as of July 22, 2024[]
July 2024:[]
2024.07.07: 719 returned to the Brooks River with her 2.5 year-old female cub. twelve22 captured this video of the 719 family group's return for the 2024 season:
719 and Her Cub Are Back - July 7, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2024.07.08: Truman Everts captured this photograph of 719 and her 2.5 year-old female cub at 11:08 as they leisurely amble west, down Spit Road. (p 09/08/2024 10:13).:
Please request Truman Everts' permission PRIOR to using his photographs!
719 and her long-legged 2.5 year old female cub walk the lower river in mckate's video. mckate shared this information in the description of her video - "Just documenting this two-year-old so that we recognize her when she's on her own. I love that she has brown ears which is such a departure from most cubs.":
8 Jul 2024- 719 and Her Long-Legged Girl Walk the Lower River (explore.org)
video by mckate
twelve22 captured this video of super fluffy 719 and her equally fluffy 2.5 year-old female cub:
Super Fluffy 719 and Her Equally Fluffy Cub - July 8, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2024.07.11: 719 and her 2.5 year-old female cub look for fish in twelve22's video:
719 and Her Cub Look for Fish - July 11, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2024.07.12: 719 and her 2.5 year-old female cub wait for fish in this video captured by twelve22:
719 and Her Cub Wait for Fish - July 12, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2024.07.15: twelve22 captured this video of 719 & her 2.5 year-old female cub in the Riffles:
719 and Her Cub in the Riffles - July 15, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
719's 2.5 year-old female cub plays with her food in twelve22's video:
719's Cub Plays with Her Food - July 15, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2024.07.16: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's 2.5 year-old female offspring) sits near the Brooks Falls Low View cam in this video by twelve22:
719's Cub Sits by the Falls Low Cam - July 16, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2024.07.17: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's 2.5 year old female offspring) wants the 910's fish in this video captured by mckate:
17 Jul 2024- 719's Girl Wants the 910's Fish (explore.org)
video by mckate
2024.07.19: 719 and her 2.5 female cub were observed together. Looking for videos, gifs, snapshots of the family group remaining together for this date.
2024.07.20: 719 was observed alone since the morning of July 20, 2024. LunaCre created this gif of 719's 2.5 year-old offspring observed alone (p 07/21/2024 09:11 #33).:
mckate captured this video of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's 2.5 year-old offspring) alone below the Brooks Falls Wildlife Viewing Platform and appeared to be vocalizing for 719. The family group was not observed together on 07/20/2024. We are looking for videos, gifs, snapshots of 719 alone on this date.
20 Jul 2024- 719F Calls for Her Mom (explore.org)
video by mckate
2024.07.21: 719 and her 2.5 year-old female offspring were observed together on 07/21/2024. Looking for videos, gifs, snapshots of the family group remaining together for this date.
2024.07.22: 719 appears to have emancipated her 2.5 year-old female cub, 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (aka "719 Jr"/"719F"). This is likely the latest emancipation cam viewers have observed.
519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old female offspring) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") scores a scrap from the 910 gang in mckate's video:
22 Jul 2024- 719F Scores a Scrap from the 910 Gang (explore.org)
video by mckate
519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" plays with 806's yearling in this video captured by Brooks Bears. Brooks Bears included this information in the description of their video: "719 is being courted by 151 so she's on her own now, but she already made a friend. Jump to 01:50 to where the cubs come into view. I wanted to include some of 806 and her reaction (or lack thereof) to the play session which is why its so long."
2024-07-22- 719jr plays with 806's yearling (explore.org)
video by Brooks Bears
2024.07.23: 719 is courted by 151 Walker in this video twelve22 captured. This is additional indication that 719 has returned to estrus and has emancipated her female offspring, now known as 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy":
719 is Pursued By 151 Walker - July 23, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old female offspring) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") and "O" fish the oxbow in this video captured by mckate:
(twelve22 captured a similar video)
23 Jul 2024- 719F and "O" Fish the Oxbow (explore.org)
video by mckate
2024.07.24: twelve22 captured this video of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old subadult) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") sitting near the Brooks Falls Low View cam:
719 Junior Sits by the Falls Low Cam - July 24, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old female subadult) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") finds a scrap in twelve22's video:
719 Junior Finds a Scrap - July 24, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2024.07.25: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old female subadult) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") makes another visit to the falls in twelve22's video:
719 Junior Makes Another Visit to the Falls - July 25, 2024 (explore.org)
video by mckate
2024.07.28: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old female subadult) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") snacks on the spit video captured by twelve22:
719 Junior Snacks on the Spit - July 28, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old female subadult) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") keeps an eye out for scraps in twelve22's video:
719 Junior Keeps an Eye Out for Scraps - July 28, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old female subadult) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") snags 909's leftovers and twelve22 captured this video:
719 Junior Snags 909's Leftovers - July 28, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old female subadult) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") waits by the falls for scraps in twelve22's video:
719 Junior Waits by the Falls for Scraps - July 30, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
August 2024:[]
2024.08.01: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old female subadult) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") finds lots of scraps in this video mckate captured:
(twelve22 captured a similar video)
1 Aug 2024- 719F Finds Lots of Scraps (explore.org)
video by mckate
2024.08.02: twelve22 captured this video of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old female subadult) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") making her way around the lower river:
719 Junior Makes Her Way Around the Lower River - August 2, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old female subadult) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") surveys the island below the falls in twelve22's video:
719 Junior Surveys the Island - August 2, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2024.08.03: LeslieZ captured these cell phone photographs (#1 & #2) of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" sitting behind the falls platform. Leslie said "it was really interesting to watch her trying to figure out how to make a living on the river. We saw her in the lower river and at the falls multiple times. I think in September she'll finally have an easy time of getting scraps and dead fish and she'll have learned a lot being on her own this summer" (p 08/25/24 19:51).:
2024.08.04: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (719's recently emancipated 2.5 year-old female subadult) (aka "719 Jr"/"719F") was observed eating grass in the lower river area, twelve22 captured this video:
719 Junior Visits the Salad Bar - August 3, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2024.08.14: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" heads downstream in this gif created by Blair-55 (p 13:56).:
2024.08.24: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" and a magpie gif created by e-m-s (p 06:20). PDXFan2023 created this gif of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" moving fast to a little splash for a big catch (p 13:27). Liv_Owl&Osprey created these gifs (#1 running w/waterfowl in flight & #2) of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (p 17:06).:
2024.08.25: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" finds a little snack under a rock in this gif created by PDXFan2023 (p 09:06). Blair-55 created this gif of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (p 11:41). 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" in Blair-55's gif (p 11:43). Blair-55 also created these gifs (#1 & #2) of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (p 11:56).:
2024.08.26: Rae_Rae created this gif of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" doing her lap (p 14:00).:
LunaCre created this gif (p 08/27/2024 03:31 w/ 08/26/2024 recap) of 208's & sibling 719's recently emancipated offspring, 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (aka "719 Jr"/"719 F") - "Did you see mom today?" (#17).:
208 passes 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (aka "719 Jr"/"719 F") and 901 in the lower river video captured by Terry Miller (aka sundogsNM):
26 Aug 2024- 208 passes 719jr and 901 on lower river (explore.org)
video by Terry Miller (aka sundogsNM)
2024.08.27: shanta created this slo-mo gif of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" from the Brooks Falls Low View cam (p 12:50).:
2024.08.28 - 2024.08.29: 32 "Lisa" (aka No Name) captured these photographs (#1, #2 & #3) of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" during their trip to Brooks Camp (p 11/21/24 10:19). Please also see 32 "Lisa's" 08/31/2024 video of 519 below. 2024.08.29: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" gifs (#1, #2 & #3) created by Blair-55 (p 16:43).:
2024.08.30: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" showing her best "energizer bunny" sprint in this gif created by yellowrose (p 17:07).:
Pdx Daffs (aka PDXFan2023) captured this video of tiny bear 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" on a mission straight to a fish.:
719F on the spit, 8-30-2024 explore.org
video by Pdx Daffs (aka PDXFan2023)
2024.08.31: 32 "Lisa" (aka No Name) captured this video during their visit to Brooks Camp of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" zipping along the beach (p 11/21/24 10:40).:
Bear 519 zips along the beach at Brooks Camp on 2024-08-31
video by 32 "Lisa" (aka No Name)
Blair-55 created these gifs (#1 & #2) of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (p 18:01). Blair-55 created this slo-mo gif of 519 "Zoom's"/"Zippy's" identification markings (p 18:07).:
September 2024:[]
2024.09.01: Blair-55 created these gifs (#1 & #2) of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (p 17:10).:
2024.09.03: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" making her rounds at the falls in this gif created by LunaCre (p 09/04/2024 13:47 #2).:
2024.09.04: Blair-55 created these gifs (#1 & #2) of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (p 13:13). Blair-55 created this gif of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (p 15:56). Blair-55 created this gif of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" walking on a fallen tree in the river. 519's almost tilted heart-shaped wound/scar is visible in this gif. (p 19:01). Blair-55 created these gifs (#1 & #2) of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (p 19:04). Blair-55 created this gif of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (p 19:09).:
2024.09.05: 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" is displaced by the approach of 128 Grazer and her remaining (larger) spring cub in this video captured by Terry Miller (aka sundogsNM).:
05 Sep 2024- 128 Grazer returns with her coy (explore.org)
video by Terry Miller (aka sundogsNM)
2024.09.08: Amy Incillo (aka NWBearLove92) captured this photograph of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (p 11/18/24 15:22).: Please request Amy Incillo's (aka NWBearLove) permission PRIOR to using her photographs!
2024.09.09: Amy Incillo (aka NWBearLove92) captured this photograph of 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy" (p 09/28/24 16:36).: Please request Amy Incillo's (aka NWBearLove) permission PRIOR to using her photographs!
2025: 3.5 Year-Old Female Subadult[]
For Future Use
How 519 Got Her Nickname:[]
Ranger Tammy Carmack, KNP&P Bear Monitor, used "Zoom"/"Zippy" to identify 519 until she assigned 519's official bear monitoring number.
519 was given the cam viewer placeholder name of "719 Jr"/"719 F" while cam viewers and park visitors waited for her bear monitoring number to be assigned.
These are not official nicknames. KNP&P has moved away from using official nicknames.
Fun Facts About 519 "Zoom"/"Zippy":[]
- Add here
Known Courting & Mating:[]
For Future Use
Known Litters of Cubs:[]
For Future Use
Known Relatives:[]
Mother: 719[]
Father: Unknown[]
Littermates: None, 519 was an only cub in her litter[]
From 719's Other Litters:[]
2019 Litter: 207 & 208, both males[]
Genetics Study Samples Obtained:[]