Katmai Bearcams Wiki
435 Holly July 2021 NPS photo 2022 Bears of Brooks River book page 45

435 Holly July 2021 NPS photo

Adult Female

Year First Identified:  2001 as a young adult or older subadult (2010 book) / 2001 as a young adult (2014 book)

Year Last Observed: 2023

Offspring Of:  Unknown 

Known Litters of Cubs:  5 as of 2020 season

Genetics Study Samples Obtained:  2016 and 2017 darting attempt by Ranger Michael Saxton for the genetics study were successful.  


2010 Bears of Brooks River book:  435 Holly has a medium-small body with a distinctive light blonde coat.  Her ears are large and lighter than her coat. She has a dished face and short muzzle. Her dark eye rings are distinctive early in the summer.

2014 Bears of Brooks River book:  435 Holly has a medium sized body with a distinctive light blonde coat.  Her ears are large and lighter than her coat. She has a dished face and short muzzle. Her dark eye rings are distinctive early in the summer.

2015 - 2018 Bears of Brooks River books:  435 is a medium-sized bear with a distinctive light blonde coat in early summer. In fall, her coat darkens and can be described as the color of a toasted marshmallow. Her ears are large and very blond. She has a dished-shaped face, a short muzzle, and tan colored claws. Her dark eye rings are distinctive early in the summer. Watch this Meet Bear 435 Holly video  by Mike Fitz, Resident Naturalist with Explore.org to learn identification and distinctive behaviors that will help you identify 435 Holly.


Meet 435 Holly - Bears of Brooks Falls, video by Explore Live Nature Cams-0

Distinctive Behaviors:[]

2010 Bears of Brooks River book:  435 Holly can be a nervous mother around other bears. During the summer of 2006, she repeatedly treed herself and her cub in the middle of Brooks Camp in response to other bears. This cub is now recognizable as subadult 89 Backpack. In 2009, 435 Holly returned to Brooks River with one spring cub. In late June, this cub was killed by 814 Lurch.

2014 Bears of Brooks River book:  435 Holly can be a nervous mother around other bears. During the summer of 2006, she repeatedly treed herself and her cub in the middle of Brooks Camp in response to other bears. This cub is now recognizable as subadult 89 Backpack. In 2009, 435 Holly returned to Brooks River with one spring cub. In late June, this cub was killed by 814 Lurch. She is very skilled at catching fish in the lower river and along the cut bank. She will visit Brooks Falls, but typically does not occupy fishing spots there. Instead, she fishes downstream of the falls and will scavenge fish carcasses that other bears leave behind.

2015 - 2018 Bears of Brooks River books:  435 is one of the most recognizable bears to use Brooks River. She will fish at Brooks Falls, but not when caring for cubs. In all years, she will fish the lower Brooks River, even in July.  

Life History:[]

2001:  Young Adult Female or Older Subadult Female, 1st Year Identified & Classified[]

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2002:  Young Adult Female[]

October 2002:[]

2003:  Young Adult Female[]

June 2003:[]

2005:  Single Adult Female[]

July 2005 vs September 2005:[]

435 Holly July 2005 vs September 2005, NPS photos from 2012 Brown Bears of Brooks Camp iBook :

2006:  Adult Female with 1 Spring Cub, 1st Known Litter, Male 89 Backpack[]

435 Holly returned to the Brooks River with her 1st known litter, 1 spring cubs, male 89 Backpack.

89 Backpack is the 2006 offspring of 435 Holly, her 1st known litter.  

Please note: the NPS photograph that appears below was provided to cam viewers/wiki contributors by KNP&P staff and was identified as 435 Holly and her spring cub (known as 89 Backpack when he was assigned his bear monitoring number by the KNP&P bear monitoring staff in 2008).

July 2006:[]

2006.07.??:  On July 12. 2006, b52starr uploaded a Flickr album entitled "Piggy Back Bears " of July 2006 photographs of 435 Holly wtih spring cub 89 Backpack riding on her back. 2006.07.12:  Photographer Bonney captured this photo of 435 Holly and spring cub, 89 Backpack.

2006.07.13:  Photographer Bonney captured these photos (#1 435 Holly , #2 435 Holly standing on hind legs in the Brooks River , #3 spring cub 89 Backpack , #4 435 Holly with spring cub, 89 Backpack , #5 spring cub, 89 Backpack standing on his hind legs , #6 435 Holly standing on hind legs in the river & #7 435 Holly in the river ) of 435 Holly and spring cub, 89 Backpack.

2006.07.17:  Park visitor and cam viewer, CathieL observed and photographed a very nervous first time mom 435 Holly and her spring cub 89 Backpack treed in Brooks Camp near Brooks Lodge.  

Please request CathieL's permission prior to using her photos!

September 2006:[]

2006.09.09:  John Pennoyer captured this photo of 435 Holly and her spring cub (now 89 Backpack).  He also captured this photo of 435 Holly.

2006.09.11:  John Pennoyer captured these photos (photo #1 & photo #2 ) of 435 Holly.

2006.09.16:  John Pennoyer captured these photos (photo #1 & photo #2 ) of 435 Holly and spring cub (89 Backpack).

2007:  Adult Female with 1 Yearlings, Male 89 Backpack[]

2007 Season:[]

Could this be 435 Holly at Margot Creek in 2007; video by Phil Lilley?:


Blond bear of Margot Creek 2007 by Phil Lilley

July 2007:[]

2007.07.09:  Steve Agrella captured 2 images of 435 Holly and her yearling 89 Backpack on 7/9/2007. Steve photographed 435 Holly alone on 7/9/2007 and on 7/9/2007 with 89 Backpack. 

2007.07.10:  Steve and Lori Agrella captured multiple images of 435 Holly and her yearling 89 Backpack on 7/10/2007. Steve Agrella captured a photo of 435 Holly with 89 Backpack on 7/10/2007. Note how 89 Backpack holds up his injured right front paw. Lori Agrella captured photos of 89 Backpack alone on 7/10/2007 and 435 with 89 Backpack on 7/10/2007.

2007.07.11: 435 Holly standing, photo by Bruce Yates, 7/11/2007.

2007.07.12: Bruce Yates photos from 7/12/2007, #1 435 Holly and #2 435 Holly and yearling 89 Backpack.

September 2007:[]

2008:  Single Adult Female[]

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2009:  Adult Female with 1 Spring Cub, 2nd Known Litter, Cub Killed by 814 Lurch June 30th[]

In 2009, 435 Holly returned to Brooks River with one spring cub. In late June, this cub was killed by 814 Lurch.

June 2009:[]

2009.06.28:  435 Holly treed with her spring cub treed above the Brooks Lodge restrooms NPS photo from the 2012 Brown Bears of Brooks Camp iBook courtesy of Ranger Roy Wood. Four additional Ranger Roy Wood photos of 435 Holly and her spring cub, both treed, #1, #2, #3 and #4.

2009.06.30:  814 Lurch separates 435 Holly from her spring cub and then kills the cub. Warning: Graphic content. KNP&P video :


814 Lurch kills 435 Holly's spring cub on June 30, 2009 KNP&P video published April 19, 2017

2010:  Single Adult Female[]

435 Holly was included in the 2010 Bears of Brooks River book on page 36.:

July 2010:[]

2010 Season:[]

2010:??:??: 409 Beadnose can be briefly seen (0:15-0:41) eating salmon on the lower river in this 2010 video by mcjoshinator.


My Trip to Alaska, video by mcjoshinator, Fall 2010

2011:  Single Adult Female[]

2011 Season:[]

435 Holly at Margot Creek (2:54 mark) in this video by Leviatan TV:


TheLeviatánTV-MARGOT CREEK ALASKA 2011.wmv

2012:  Single Adult Female[]

435 Holly was included in the 2012 Brown Bears of Brooks Camp iBook.:

2012 Season:[]

2012.??.??:  Park visitor 5831a captured this video of 435 Holly in 2012 or prior.  (The video was publisehd July 12, 2012):


Young grizzly bear on the beach at Brooks Falls, Katmai NP, AK by 5831a

July 2012:[]

September 2012:[]

2013:  Single Adult Female[]

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2014:  Adult Female with Biological Female 1 Spring Cub & Then with 1 Adopted Male Yealing 503 Cubadult in July 2014, 3rd Known Litter.:[]

435 Holly was included in the 2014 Bears of Brooks River book on page 39.:

2014 Season:[]

In 2014, 435 again returned to Brooks River with one biological female spring cub (719), her 3rd known litter.  . By September, she became one of Brooks River’s most famous bears when she adopted 402's abandoned yearling , 503 Cubadult.  Adoption of cubs by bears is very rare. Bears are generally selfish creatures who are not known for displays of altruism, so why would 435 Holly adopt the yearling?   Some biologists hypothesize that altruism evolved in some animals is a result of shared genes. If costs to your own fitness are not too great, it would make sense for you to care for your siblings and their offspring because you share genes with them, genes that will be passed on when they reproduce. However, 402, the abandoned yearling’s mother, and 435 Holly are not known to be related. We will never know why 435 became an adoptive mother, which may make the event more intriguing.

2014.??.??: Explore's video "503 Finds a New Family | Memorable Moments in Bearcam History" published on August 22, 2022. Mike Fitz narrates the story of yearling 503 Cubadult finding his new family, 435 Holly and her spring cub 719.


503 Finds a New Family - Memorable Moments In Bear Cam History

Video by Explore

July 2014:[]

2014.07.??:  Joan Wallner captured these photographs #1 , #2 , #3 . & #4) of 435 Holly and her biological spring cub (now 719) in July, 2014.

Joan Wallner also captured this July, 2014 video of 435 Holly and her spring cub 719.

2014.07.04:  435 Holly and her spring cub (now 719) video by Various Videos 1:


Holly and her cub July 4, 2014 by Various Videos 1

2014.07.07:  Park visitor Randy Harris captured this photograph of 435 Holly and her biological spring cub (now 719)  Randy Harris also captured these photographs (#1 . #2 & #3 ) of the family group with 435 Holly standing on her hind legs..

Bud Marchner also captured 7/7/2014 photos of 435 Holly and her spring cub 719, #1, #2 and #3.

2014.07.15:  KNP&P's July 15, 2014 15:48 Facebook post announcing that 435 Holly and her spring cub (now 719) are currently on the Lower River live cam .:

2014.07.17:  435 Holly and her spring cub (719) were observed on the lower river cam alone (503 was not with them at this time), gif by Juergen can be viewed here   ♥.

September 2014:[]

2014.09.11:  Katmai Terrane blog by Mike Fitz:  Abandoned Cub Finds A New Mother . 9/11/14 blog by Dan Holmes. A story in photos of 435 and 503 from shortly after it was known that the adoption had taken place.    

2014.09.17 15:30:  435 Holly nurses her biological female spring cub (now 719) and her adopted male yearling (503 Cubadult) in this video by MsDebbiB:


Holly nursing her cub and her adopted cub at Katmai National Park Sept 17, 2014 by MsDebbiB

2014.09.19-.09.25: Park visitor Laszlo Molnar posted this video which is believed to be from 9/19-9/25/2014 based on a 2nd video that had those dates. 435 Holly can be seen with her spring cub 719 and adopted yearling Cubadult 503 at 0:36, 23:26-24:20 and 38:14-41:38.


Brooks Falls,Alaska

Video by Laszlo Molnar

2014.09.23:  NPR's wonderful story about 435's adoption of 503. Melissa Block talks with Roy Wood, a park ranger at the Katmai National Park and Preserve in southern Alaska, about Holly, a brown bear, who has adopted a yearling cub abandoned earlier by his mother. The interview was posted by NPR on 9/23/2014 and is titled "In Alaska, an Uncommon Act of Maternal Love."

2014.09.27:  435 Holly's cubs playfight in the KNP&P video :


435 Holly's spring cub and adopted yearling play fight, Sept. 27, 2014 by KNP&P

9/27/2014 photo by Dave, 435 Holly and spring cub 719. Adopted yearling 503 Cubadult was just out of the frame.

2014.09.28:   435 Holly nurses her biological female spring cub (now 719) and her adopted male yearling (now 503 Cubadult) in this video by KNP&P:  Listen closely to hear 435 Holly’s spring cub’s bawling. You can almost hear it say, “Milk! Milk!”:


435 Holly nurses her spring cub & adopted yearling 9-28-2014 by KNP&P

Brooks Camp visitor Dave captured this 9/28/2014 photo of 435 Holly on the beach with her spring cub 719 and adopted yearling 503 Cubadult.

October 2014:[]

2014.10.03:  435 Holly, her spring cub (now 719), and her adopted yearling (503 Cubadult) video by DTB:


Holly's Cubs 3 October 2014 by DTB


503 Cubadult chases 500 Indy on Spit Road.  435 Holly's biological spring cub and 435 Holly follow behind in this video by KNP&P:  Ranger Mike was on the lower river platform when this interaction took place and shared the following thoughts with us on the bearcam comments the next day:

"I was on the platform and was lucky enough to witness the chase.  From what I was able to observe, it appears that Hollly's adopted yearling decided to assert itself over 500.  The yearling initiated the interaction several minutes prior when he approached 500.  This was more likely a playful approach from the yearling, but 500 wanted no part of it, perhaps because the yearling was being trailed by Holly.  When the interaction began, Holly was very close to the yearling.  500 didn't want to be close to the family.  When she ran, the yearling pursued and that's what the cam caught.  Holly was just trying to keep up with her cubs!

Subadult bears, like 500, hold the lowest position in the bear hierarchy.  They are easily displaced by other bears, as this interaction demonstrates.  If you are a cub, you often hold a higher position in the hierarchy than subadults because of your mother's close proximity.

Times have certainly changed for the adopted yearling.  Shortly after it was abandoned in July, he ran from everything.  Now, he looks confidenet, well fed, and able to test some boundaries.  For bear 500, she's going through a stage that all bears must endure to reach adulthood.  Holly's adopted yearling may be asserting itself now, but once it is driven away by Holly, it will experience everything that 500 is enduring now."

You can read more about the interaction in the 10/07/2014 KNP&P Terrane blog by Ranger Mike Fitz:  Chasing Bigger Bears .


435 Holly's adopted yearling chases subadult bear 500 October 5, 2014 KNP&P video-1

2014.10.13:  435 Holly's biological female spring cub (now 719) is the focus of this video by JoeBear.  435 Holly can be seen urinating at the 7:50 mark.:


Holly's Little Girl (719) 10.13.2014 video by JoeBear-0

2014.10.16:  435 Holly with her biological female spring cub (719) and her adopted male yearling (503 Cubadult) video by Linda Jett:


2014 10 16 0848 24 Drama Holly Attacks Chocolate Beauty by Linda Jett

2015:  Adult Female with 1 Biological Yearling 719 & 1 Adopted 2.5 Year-Old Male 503 Cubadult:[]

435 Holly was included in the 2015 Bears of Brooks River book on page 40.:

2015 Season:[]

In 2015, the mixed family returned to Brooks River and were seen together in October of that year. Adoption of cubs by bears is very rare. Bears are generally selfish creatures who are not known for displays of altruism, so why would 435 Holly adopt the yearling?

Some biologists hypothesize that altruism evolved in some animals as a result of shared genes. If costs to your own fitness are not too great, it would make sense for you to care for your siblings and their offspring because you share genes with them, genes that will be passed on when they reproduce. However, 402, the abandoned yearling’s mother, and 435 Holly are not known to be related. Another cub in the family may also reduce the risk that 435’s biological cub could fall victim to predation. We will never know why 435 became an adoptive mother, which may make the event more intriguing. 2015.??.??:  One of the cam viewers (sorry we are currently unable to ID that cam viewer) created this collage of snapshots of 435 Holly with her biological female yearling (now 719) and 503 Cubadult 435's adopted male 2.5 year-old cub.:

June 2015:[]

2015.06.27: Jeff Goldberg captured two 6/27/2015 photos of 435 Holly alone, and 435 Holly with her yearling cub 719 and and 2.5 year old adopted cub 503, #1 and #2.

July 2015:

2015.07.??: Brooks Camp visitor Theresa Bielawski captured photos of 435 Holly's yearling cub (now 719) and 503 Cubadult, her adopted 2.5 year old cub playing. Theresa shared these photos on 1/10/2021. Theresa commented "Here are 503 & 719 in late July 2015." Photos #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6 and #7.

Please request Theresa Bielawski's permission prior to using her photographs!

2015.07.04: 7/4/2015 photo of 435 Holly, yearling 719 and adopted 2.5 year old 503 Cubadult by Jerry Goldner. "Holly, her cub & adopted cub escaping a huge boar that is following them. — at Katmai National Park & Preserve."

2015.07.09:  435 Holly and her cubs (719 & 503) walk by park visitors in this video by Mike Fitz:


Bear family walks by group of people July 9, 2015 by Mike Fitz

Mike Fitz also wrote a blog about the encounter with 435 Holly and her cubs (observed in the above video):  Viral Bear Encounter with 435 Holly on August 10, 2017.

2015.07.12:  Martina created this album containing photos and video of 435 with her biological female yearling (now 719) and 503 Cubadult, her adopted male 2.5 year-old cub.

2015.07.21:  Park visitor, Kenneth Kearney captured these photographs of 435 Holly, her biological female yearling (now 719), and 503 Cubadult, her adopted male 2.5 year-old cub.:  Photo #1 , & #2

2015.07.24:  856 and 435 Holly interaction photographs by Mike Fitz posted February 10, 2017::

Please request Mike Fitz' permission prior to using his photographs!

2015.07.24:  Martina's video of 435 Holly going after 856 to protect her cubs (719, 503 Cubadult):


Explore org bearcams 435 Holly BF 7-24-15 by Martina

September 2015:[]

October 2015:[]

2015.10.15:  Mickey Williams captured a 10/15/2015 video of 435 Holly, her adopted 2.5 year old (503) and yearling cub (719) on the lower river.


Holly 435, cub and 503 1 15pm AKDT 10 15 15 Katmai National Park, video by Mickey Williams

2015.10.17:  435 Holly, with her biological female yearling (now 719), and her adopted 2.5 year-old male cub; and 273 with her spring cub (now 809video by Mickey Williams:


Part Two Close Encounters of the Bear Kind Katmai NP 10 17 15 by Mickey Williams

273 and her spring cub meet 435 Holly and her adopted 2.5 year-old cub (503 Cubadult) and her biological yearling (719) in this video by JoeBear:


273 & Velcro meet Holly & Family October 17, 2015 by JoeBear-2

Ratna posted 37 snapshots of this interaction here .

2015.10.18:  879, 435 Holly and her two cubs (503 Cubadult and 719) video by Mickey Williams.:


879, 503, 435 & yearling fishing 10 18 15 Katmai National Park by Mickey Williams-1

2015.10.25:  This Explore Recorder video shows 435 Holly, her biological yearling (now 719), and her adopted 2.5 year-old male cub, 503 Cubadult approaching the area near 868's remains with caution and then the family group turning back to head back down the spit away from 868.:


River Watch - Katmai National Park, Alaska Cam 10-25-2015 13 49 30 - 14 00 04 Explore Recorder video-0

2015.10.27:  435 Holly with her yearling (719) and 2.5 year-old cub (503 Cubadult).  This may have been the last time we saw them on the cams together in 2015Video by Martina.


Bandicam 2015 10 27 00 58 23 334 Holly by Martina

2016:  Adult Female First Observed with Biological 2.5 Year-Old Female 719 & Adopted 3.5 Year-Old Male 503 Cubadult, Then Single Adult Female after Emancipation of Offspring[]

435 Holly was included in the 2016 Bears of Brooks River book on page 47.:

May 2016:[]

2016.05.21:  L♥♥k who showed up today!

At 20:55 Ranger Dave pops into the bearcam comments (the Explore bearcams are not live yet for the season) to let us know that 435 Holly has returned to the Brooks River with her biological female 2.5 year-old cub (719) and her 3.5 year-old adopted male dependent offspring, 503 Cubadult.  Ranger Dave also shares a photo by Ranger Anela .  At 20:58 Ranger Dave shares a photo of 503 Cubadult by Ranger Anela :

Ranger Tammy Carmack, KNP&P Bear Technician talks about the return of 435 Holly's blended family group in this KNP&P video posted on the KNP&P facebook page on 05/23/2017.  435 Holly and the cubs can be seen in the video on the day they returned to Brooks Camp (05/21/2016).

2016.05.23:  Mike Fitz, former KNP&P Ranger and Visual Information Specialist shares his thoughts about 435 Holly and both cubs returning to the river together in his Explore blog:  Another Summer with Holly and Her Cubs :

"Last week, Brooks River’s most famous bear family—435 Holly, her biological (now 2.5 year-old) female cub, and her adopted (now 3.5 year-old) male cub—were seen for a brief time at Brooks River. Last fall, the future of this family was a target for much speculation. Would 435 keep her cubs for another year? Or, is it time for them to go their separate ways? It may be too early to answer those questions definitively.

Katmai’s mother bears usually keep their cubs for two to three summers before separating from them. The cubs’ emancipation happens in spring after the bears emerge from their dens and is not voluntary. Hormonal changes, likely related to the return of the mother bear’s estrus cycle, cause her to become increasingly intolerant of her offspring. While I’ve never seen this separation occur, it’s been described as somewhat sudden and aggressive. The cubs may not know what’s coming. “It must be a traumatic experience for the juvenile bears to be evicted by a mother who has fed and protected them all their lives,” mused Will Troyer, one of the first biologists to study Katmai’s bears. This is an event every bear must endure as it matures.

But, late May is here and Holly still has her cubs. Does this mean the cubs will be spared from separation until next spring? Some evidence suggests they still may go their separate ways.

In early May 2008, 408 CC returned to Brooks River with her three 3.5 year-old offspring. We watched them play near Brooks Lodge before they disappeared into the forest. When 408 came back that July, she was single. She drove away her cubs sometime between those two events.

Bears at Brooks River usually don’t vary in the amount of time they keep their offspring. If they wean them at 2.5 years, for example, then they are likely to wean subsequent litters at that age as well. 435 Holly weaned her only known surviving offspring, 89 Backpack, when he was a 2.5 year-old.

We know that bears separate from their offspring at this time of the year, and Holly’s biological cub from her current litter is 2.5 years old, the same age as 89 Backpack when he was weaned. However, it would be a mistake to use these anecdotes as absolute predictors for this bear family in 2016. So much of this family’s history is atypical.

The stress of separation might be great for newly weaned cubs, but a mother doesn’t do it out of malice. Nor does she “choose” to keep her cubs to be nice. The mother’s biology will dictate the family’s separation or continued unity."

June 2016:[]

2016.06.20:  435 Holly video by Ratna:


Awesome Holly June 20, 2016 by Ratna

2016.06.29:  435 Holly and 856 splash and dash down the riffles video by Arlene Beech:


Holly and 856 go bouncing! Brooks Falls. 29 June 2016 by Arlene Beech-0

July 2016:[]

2016.07.06:  435 Holly video by Ratna:


Holly catchign and eating salmon on the rock downstream July 6, 2016 by Ratna

2016.07.23:  503 Cubadult sees 435 Holly video by Melissa Freels:


503 Sees 435 Holly, July 23, 2016 by Melissa Freels

August 2016:[]

2016.08.13 & 2016.08.14:  Melissa Freels video of 435 Holly and 503 Cubadult working on boundaries.:


Holly and 503 Working on Boundaries, August 13 & 14, 2016 by Melissa Freels

2016.08.22:  435 Holly going up the fish ladder video by Cheryl B:


2016 08 22 Holly trying to get up the fish ladder by Cheryl B-0

435 Holly leaves with just a bit of trouble, 8/22/2016 video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.


08.22.2016 - 435 Holly leaves with just a bit of trouble, video by Brenda D

2016.08.26:  435 Holly on the lip video by Ratna:


Holly on the lip August 26, 2016 by Ratna

435 Holly in the far pool video by Ratna:


Holly in action! August 26, 2016 by Ratna

435 Holly "Rock Climbing", 8/26/2016 video by 12gizmo16.


435 Holly ♥ Rock Climbing ~ 8.26.16, video by 12gizmo16

September 2016:[]

2016.09.11: 9/11/2016 photo of 435 Holly by the lower river bridge gate by Fabrice Stoger.

2016.09.13:  435 Holly, 719, and 402 family group video by Boak & Co (Naomi Boak):


Holly 402 Princess 9-13-16 by Boak & Co (Naomi Boak)

2016.09.14: Cam Viewer and Brooks Camp visitor Lisa Robertson shared a 9/14/2016 photo of 435 Holly on 5/29/2022. "435 Holly showing off her perfect manicure as she swims by the lower river platform on 9/14/16. Photo is my own."

Please request Lisa Robertson's (aka Larinor) permission prior to using her photographs!

2016.09.18:  435 Holly video by Ratna:


Holly! Sept 18, 2016 by Ratna

2016.09.25:  435 Holly video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.


09.25.2016 - 435 Holly - Morning Edition by Brenda D

Cruiser captured this snapshot of 435 Holly.

435 Holly was darted (2:02 mark into the video) by Ranger Michael Saxton for the genetics study; video by Ratna :


Holly darted from min 2. Please id bears at start of video September 25, 2016 by Ratna

435 Holly video by Ratna (Part 2):


Gorgeous Holly on LR P2 Sept 25, 2016 by Ratna

2017:  Adult Female with 2 Spring Cubs, 4th Known Litter, Both Females[]

435 Holly was included in the 2017 Bears of Brooks River book on page 52.:

2017 Season:[]

435 Holly returned to the Brooks River in July 2017 with her 4th known litter, 2 spring cubs.  By the fall season, one of these cubs was very dark and the other blond.  Both of these offspring were female.  435 Holly often treed her 2017 spring cubs near the Brooks Camp Visitor Center, in response to the presence of other bears. Both cubs were spotted in early 2018 as yearlings.

Olddude captured 2 snapshots of 435 Hollys spring cubs in 2017, #1 and #2.

2017.??.??:  Cam viewer JG created this gif of one of 435 Holly's spring cubs tossing a salmon.  Cam viewer, Cruiser captured this snapshot of 435 Holly with her spring cubs during the 2017 season.:

July 2017:[]

2017.07.01:  Ratna's video of 435 Holly running in the lower river as her two tiny spring cubs try to keep up.:


HOLLY and 2 very tiny coys 7 1 2017 by Ratna

435 Holly with 2 spring cubs, 7/1/2017 video by Erum Chad.


Bear 435 Holly with 2 coys LR cam Brooks Falls Katmai, video by Erum Chad

2017.07.02:  435 Holly's spring cub chases a magpie video by Ratna;


How to chase a bird by Holly Coy ) July 2, 2017 by Ratna

2017.07.04:  Truman Everts shared a 7/4/2017 photo of 435 Holly and her 2 spring cubs (now 25 and 26) on 5/30/2021. "435 and 2017 spring cubs 25 & 26, casually enjoying the lodge life..." Truman Everts also shared a 7/4/2017 photo of 435 Holly on 5/30/2021. "Fourteen hours later, 435 is just west, in the lower river, sprinting & diving for a fish she heard, as cubs 25 & 26 watch..."

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

MtnHigh Bry captured this video that includes 708 Amelia and her two 2.5 year old cubs (907 and 908) on 7/4/2017. The family can be seen on the right of the screen at 11:58. 435 Holly is seen with her 2 spring cubs (25 and 26) on the left. 435 Holly does a dash a grab, catches a fish and is immediately followed by 708 Amelia's 2 cubs who want to steal her fish. In the process, one of 435 Holly's cubs becomes separated from her. The 435 family is reunited at the end of the video.


435Holly25 26 July 4, 2017 by photobearsbry-1

Video by MtnHigh Bry

2017.07.07:  Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor Olatz Azcona Munárriz shared eight 7/7/2017 photos of 436 Holly and her 2 spring cubs (25 and 26) on 5/29/2022, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 and #8. "I had the chance to see 435 Holly and her two spring cubs, 25 and 26, twice during my first trip to Brooks Camp in 2017. The family was hanging out on the lower river in both occasions. July 7, 2017."

Please request Olatz Azcona Munárriz's (aka Olatz)  permission prior to using their photographs!

435 Holly with her 2 spring cubs and 482 Brett (NOT 410) video by Ratna Narayan.:


Holly and the coys and 482 Brett (not 410) 7 7 2017 by Ratna Narayan

2017.07.08: Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor Olatz Azcona Munárriz shared three 7/8/2017 photos of 436 Holly and her 2 spring cubs (25 and 26) on 5/29/2022, #1, #2 and #3. "I had the chance to see 435 Holly and her two spring cubs, 25 and 26, twice during my first trip to Brooks Camp in 2017. The family was hanging out on the lower river in both occasions. July 8, 2017."

Please request Olatz Azcona Munárriz's (aka Olatz)  permission prior to using their photographs!

2017.07.09:  Ryan Petersen captured video of 435 Holly and her 2 spring cubs on July 9, 2017. The family is seen trying to make their way through camp after coming up from the beach. They are followed by 284 and her 2 yearlings.  Ryan also captured multiple photos of 435 Holly and her cubs on 7/9/2017. Click the right arrow at the link to view 25 more photos. An additional 9 photos of the family on the lower river can be viewed at this link. Photo #7 is another bear, not 435 Holly.

Please request ryan009's permission prior to using his photographs! 

2017.07.14: Blackhawk32's 7/14/2017 photo of 435 Holly and her 2 spring cubs 25 and 26.

2017.07.23:  Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) captured a 7/23/2017 photo of 435 Holly that she shared in chat on 3/22/2020. Bonnie posted "COY (cubs of the year) stashed out of sight."

Please request Bonnie Hankins' (aka NutsBoutBears) permission prior to using her photographs!

2017.07.24:  Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor Scammin shared two 7/24/2017 photos of 435 Holly and 1 of her 2 yearlings in chat on 3/22/2020.  Photo #1 and #2.

Please request Scammin's permission prior to using his photographs!

August 2017:[]

Cam viewer Ajah created this gif of 435 Holly vs 719 (435's biological 2014 female offspring) climbing the rock in the far pool.:

2017.08.02 16:23:  435 Holly's spring cubs video by Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA):


435 Coy and The Tree Branch August 2, 2017 by Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA)

Fall 2017:[]

435 Holly hop charges 39's yearling video by KatmaiBears (former KNP&P ranger).  Make sure your sound is on for this one!:


435 hop charges 39's yearling cub - Fall 2017 by KatmaiBears

435 Holly's spring cubs playing near the lower river platform in Fall 2017 video by KatmaiBears (former KNP&P ranger).:


435's spring cubs playing near the lower river platform - Fall 2017 by KatmaiBears

September 2017:[]

2017.09.??: 435 Holly and 1 of her 2 spring cubs (now 25), September 2017 photo by Bristow Images.

2017.09.14:  435 Holly with her two spring cubs and 410 "Four-ton" on the spit snapshot by LuvBears .:

2017.09.16:  Brenda D captured video  of 435 Holly and her 2 spring cubs on the spit during a Play by Play with Ranger David Kopshever on 9/16/2017. The family can be seen from 21:40-25:00. 410 is observed in the foreground. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.


09.16.2017 - Ranger Dave Play by Play on the Lower River 435, 410, 451, video by Brenda D-1


08:20:  435 Holly's spring cub chasing a magpie video by Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA):


435 Coy and a Magpie 2017-09-17 by Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA)

435 Holly's spring cubs near bridge video by Birgitt:


Hollys Coy Near Bridge 2017-09-17 by Birgitt

435 Holly and her spring cubs video by Ratna:


Holly and the coys P1 9 17 2017 by Ratna

A shorter video version of Ratna Narayan's above video shows that 435 Holly's blonde cub has a tapeworm, 9/17/2017.


The Tapeworm!!!!! 435's cub has a tapeworm, video by Ratna Narayan

Park visitor and cam viewer Molly Gee TX captured this September 17, 2017 photo of 435 Holly that shows the growths on 435's eyelids.:

Please request MollyGee-TX's permission prior to using her photos!

What are these growths on some of the bear's eyes: We have noticed strange growths(?) on some of the bear's eyes.  

409 Beadnose and 435 Holly are some examples: 409 Beadnose 09/2017 by MollyGeeTX &  435 Holly 09/17/2017 by MollyGeeTX.

Truman Everts captured this June 30, 2019 photo of a cub with similar inflamation / swelling (growths) on its eyelids.   On August 30, 2019, Truman asked Mike Fitz about this and Mike Fitz replied .:

Mike Fitz' reply :

"Hi Truman. I've noticed the swellings around Beadnose's eyelids too. I'm not sure what it might be other than scars and swellings caused by biting insects. A bear's eyelids seem to be quite vulnerable to insect bites. I once watched 409 and 634 copulating near the falls platform and through my binoculars I could see their eyes swarmed by black flies while they were preoccupied. Sometimes the skin on moose can be eaten nearly raw by flies in summer as explained in this article .  I've never seen anything like that on bears though. Perhaps bears are just better at keeping flies off. No matter what, they must have a very high tolerance for biting insects."

Please request Truman Evert's permission prior to using his photos!

2017.09.18:  435 Holly with her two cubs at sunrise snapshot by LuvBears .

435 Holly chases off a subadult (812 maybe? ) video by Birgitt:


Holly Chases off Subadult 2017-09-18 by Birgitt

Casper Pike video of the same event, 9/18/2017.


Holly and cubs running off sub 2017 09 18 14 40 11 644, video by Casper Pike

435 Holly and yearlings on the spit video (part 2) by Birgitt:


Holly & Coy on the Spit Part 2 2017-09-18 by Birgitt

409 Beadnose and her yearlings pass by 435 Holly and her spring cubs on the spit, 9/18/2017 video by flyer 7474.


409 Passes By 435 On The Spit 2017 09 18, video by flyer 7474

October 2017:[]

2017.10.06:  435 Holly brings her yearlings to the office, video by Melissa Freels.


435 Holly Brings Cubs to the Office, October 6, 2017, video by Melissa Freels

2018:  Adult Female with 2 Female Yearlings[]

435 Holly was included in the 2018 Bears of Brooks River book on page 51.:

2018 Season:[]

435 Holly returned to the Brooks River with her two female yearlings from her 2017 litter. Mike Fitz shared this 2018 season photo of 435 Holly.  CarolineB shared these 2018 snapshots (#1 435 with both yearlings , #2 435's splash in front of the blonde yearling sitting on the rock , & #3 435's blonde yearling ) of 435 Holly and her yearlings.  One scene was also a snapshot used by Scooch to create a 2018 Fat Bear Week poster for 435 Holly's campaign for the titleCarolyn captured this snapshot of 435 Holly and her two yearlings during the 2018 season.  Xander-Sage-2 captured this snapshot of 435 Holly's two yearlings during the 2018 season. Xander-Sage created this gif of 435 Holly and her two yearlings during the 2018 season.  Xander-Sage created this gif of 435 Holly with her 2 yearilngs and 717 during the 2018 season.  Xander-Sage created this gif of  435 Holly and her two yearlings napping in the lower river area during the 2018 season.  Xander-Sage created this collage of snapshots of 435 Holly with her two yearlings .  Xander-Sage also shared this 2018 season gif of 435 Holly and her 2 yearlings.  Xander Sage created this gif of 435 Holly's two yearlings during the 2018 season.:Another Xander-Sage gif of 435 Holly's two yearlings and the rock from the 2018 season.  JG shared 18 snapshots of the 435 family group from the 2018 season. Olddude shared a 2018 snapshot  of 435 Holly and her 2 yearlings at the falls. CarolineB shared this 2018 painting of 435 Holly taken from a 2018 photo by Truman Everts.

Cam viewer and park visitor, Truman Everts captured these photos of 435 Holly's family group during the 2018 season.:  Photo #1 435 family group , #2 435's yearlings playing , #3 435 Holly , #4 435 Holly standing , & #5 one of 435's yearlings (those eyebrows!) .

Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this video of 435 Holly and her yearlings from the 2018 season:


Holly 435 & cubs 2018 Season by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd)

Volunteer-In-Park (VIP) and cam viewer, Stacey shared these stories from her 2018 volunteering at Brooks Camp experience of 435 Holly (Stacey's March 6, 2019 07:50 comment).:

"Happy 435 Holly Day!

Here are 3 Holly stories from my time volunteering at Brooks Camp last summer:

1) Holly and her two cubs were EVERYWHERE! I think I saw them more than anyone else (human or ursine). They liked to sleep on the beach in the afternoon -- greeting the planes. :-)

At least one of her cubbies liked to climb on the gravel pile.

And they would frequently cause bear jams near the bridge. 435 Holly seemed quite comfortable at Brooks Camp!

They may have been the most visible bears in camp during July!

2) When I was there, I'd get up early (around 4:20 a.m.) and walk down to the beach.

One morning, on my way to the beach, I looked down toward the Visitors Center (about 100 yards away).

There, standing at the bottom of the steps, were 435 Holly and her two cubs! They were looking up the stairs toward the door of the empty building.

I laughed out loud, and in my mind, I heard 435 saying, "Here, my dear cubs, is where the humans go to learn how to behave around bears!"

3) At Brooks Camp, you're allowed to eat a) outdoors behind an electric fence or b) in hard-sided buildings (like cabins, or at the Lodge).

Many days, during my lunch break after working at the Falls platform, I would sit in the lunch building (usually alone), and I would OFTEN hear bears pulling up grass on the sides of the building. I'd look out the window, but I never saw anyone -- but I knew they were there!

One day, late in July, I exited the building (singing, as always, to let the bears know I was coming) and I saw TWO BEARS, about 30 yards away. One of the bears was jumping on the back of the other and I immediately thought, "Gosh, it's awfully late in the season for mating, isn't it?!"

And then I realized that the two bears were 435 Holly's yearlings, playing.

Those. Yearlings. Were. HUGE!

From where I stood, they seemed almost as big as me! I'd thought they were subadults.

And they were on the path between me and the place I needed to go.

Knowing that 435 was nearby, I resisted the urge to stand and watch them play (since I was closer than the 50-yard limit). So I went back inside the building and tried to watch through the window.

Not the same!

So grateful to have had so much sightings of the illustrious 435 and her beautiful yearlings. 435 has such a distinguished lineage (89 Backpack, 719, 503 Cubadult) -- and I can't wait to see who these yearlings become."

Park visitor Mark Forsyth captured video of 435 Holly and her 2 yearlings in 2018. The family can be viewed at 0:45-1:06 and 2:13-2:29.


Brooks Falls Alaska, 2018 video by Mark Forsyth

Scott Heidorn, photoshootadvisor, posted 14 photos of 435 Holly and her 2 yearlings from his 2018 trip to Brooks Camp. #1, #2, #3,   #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13 and #14.   

Cam watcher and 2018 Brooks Camp visitor Ratna Narayan shared her experience of unexpectedly meeting up with 435 Holly and her 2 yearlings on 3/22/2020. "My most memorable Holly experience came when I was at BF. It was my last day there, we were to fly out to KS and had some time so we walked on the beach and planned to go till the corner. We were stopped just beyond the gift shop by a ranger because there was a sub on the beach who could not make up its mind as to where it wanted to go. so we were talking, standing there waiting, we got the all clear signal and were just going to move and I glanced to the right and there she was Ms Holly and her chubby fat cubs sitting there quietly watching us. it was surreal, we were too close. No time for pics or anything. we slowly backed away and they crossed and went to the beach. wow. that was the closest I got to a bear and what a bear to be that close to! wow."

Melissa Freels shared three 2018 photos of 435 Holly with her 2 yearlings and alone in chat on 3/22/2020. Photos #1, #2 and #3. In photos 2 and 3 you can see that the skin around her teats have been abraded by the cubs nursing.

Please request Melissa Freels' permission prior to using her photographs!  

June 2018:[]

2018.06.03:  A few minutes before 16:10 (time of Ranger Russ' comment), Ranger Kristen observed 435 Holly with her two yearlings for the first time of the season.  Ranger Kristen allowed Ranger Russ to share her photo of 435 Holly with one of the two yearlings.:

2018.06.17:  435 Holly and her two yearlings were observed today at Brooks Camp per Ranger Russ' 13:47 comment :

2018.06.20:  First bear family sighting - 435 Holly with yearling cubs, 6/20/2018 video by Erum Chad.


First bear family sighting - 435 Holly with yearling cubs 2018 6 20 Brooks Falls Cam Katmai, video by Erum Chad

435 and her yearlings below the Falls platform, 6/20/2018 video by Casper Trout.


Holly and 1.5 year old cubs 2018 06 20 08 14 03 982, video by Casper Trout

2018.06.22:  Cam viewer Ratna captured these snapshots of 435 Holly and her two yearlings.  Cam viewer LoveTheBears1 captured this snapshot of 435 Holly and her two yearlings.:

435 Holly and her 2 yearlings are seen on the lower river in this 6/22/2018 video by Casper Trout.


435 & 1.5 yo cubs 2018 06 22 10 00 32 753, video by Casper Trout

2018.06.25:  Casper Trout captured video of 435 Holly and her yearlings walking from the falls road to the spit road, 6/25/2018.


435 and Hollyettes RW road 2018 06 25 12 31 54 191, video by Casper Trout

2018.06.28:  435 Holly and her two yearlings in the lower river area video by Arlene Beech (aka Homebird).:


Holly 435 and cubs on Lower River cam. Katmai Brown Bears. 21.00 28 June 2018 by Arlene Beech (aka Homebird)

Cheryl B (aka BearNecessities) captured this video of 435 and her two yearlings in the lower river area.:


2018 06 28 What do you think ?-2

435 Holly with her two yearlings June 28, 2018 video by CherylB (aka BearNecessities)


On September 4, 2013 Ranger Mike Fitz wrote a KNP&P Terane blog:  Giving Bears Space that discusses situations such as the one above with the 435 family group and park visitors.  

July 2018:[]

2018.07.04:  Truman Everts captured 435 Holly and her 2 yearlings in this 7/4/2018 photo shared in chat on 3/22/2020. Truman also captured a 2nd photo. Truman shared this 7/4/2018 photo of Holly's dark yearling in chat on 3/24/2020. Truman Everts shared this 7/4/2018 photo of 435 Holly's 2 yearlings on 4/24/2020. Truman Everts shared this 7/4/2018 photo of 435 Holly's dark yearling on 4/30/2020.  Truman Everts shared this 7/4/2018 photo of 435 Holly's dark yearling on 5/21/2020. Truman Everts shared this 7/4/2018 photo of 435 Holly's light yearling on 5/21/2020. Truman Everts shared this 7/4/2018 photo of 435 Holly's dark yearling on 5/28/2020. Truman Everts shared this 7/4/2018 photo of 435 Holly's light yearling on 5/28/2020.

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

2018.07.05 15:22:  Cam viewer and park visitor Truman Everts captured this photo of 435 Holly's two yearlings.  Truman also captured this photo of 435 Holly's two yearlings.. Truman Everts shared 2 additional photos of 435 and her yearlings on 3/22/2020. Photo #1 and #2. Truman Everts shared this 7/5/2018 photo of 435 Holly's 2 yearlings on 5/14/2020. Truman Everts shared this 7/5/2018 photo of 435 Holly on 5/30/2021. "Can a "Fat Bear" champion actually sneak up on anyone? Sure!" Truman Everts shared this 7/5/2018 photo of 435 Holly and her 2 yearlings (25 and 26) on 5/30/2021. "Here 435 is looking for fish activity in Brooks River, as yearlings 26 & 25watch (and mostly play)."

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

2018.07.06:  Truman Everts shared this 7/6/2018 photo of 435 Holly and her yearlings in chat on 3/22/2020.  "Here's 435 (aka "Holly") strolling with her playful mix & match yearling cubs mid-summer 2018. They were moving from the area known as "Corner," west, toward the "Closed trail." Truman Everts shared this 7/6/2018 photo of 435 Holly's 2 yearlings on 8/28/2020.

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

NWBearLove92 shared twelve 7/6/2018 photos of 435 Holly and her yearlings in chat on 3/22/2020. Photos #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8,  #9, #10, #11 and #12.

Please request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!

2018.07.07:  Truman shared this 7/7/2018 photo of Holly's blonde yearling in chat, 3/24/2020.

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

2018.07.08:  435 Holly can be seen on the underwater cam in this 7/8/2018 video by Lani H.


435 Holly Underwater bear cam 7 8 2018, video by Lani H

2018.07.09:  Park visitor Mariya Ka captured 3 photos of 435 Holly and her 2 yearlings on 7/9/2018, #1, #2, and #3.

2018.07.12: Meet and greet between 451 and her 3 yearlings and 435 Holly and her 2 yearlings, 7/12/2018 video by Lani H.


Meet and greet between 451 and yearlings and 435 Holly and yearlings appx 12-15pm AK 7-12-2018

Video by Lani H

2018.07.13:  435 Holly with her two yearlings, 717, and various other sows & cubs video by Birgitt:


435 & Cubs on Island with 717 Various Sows & Subs 2018-07-13 by Birgitt

Brenda D captured video of 435 Holly fishing at Brooks Falls with her 2 yearlings on 7/13/2018. Holly can be seen charging a subadult that she thinks is too close to her cubs. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.


07.13.2018 - 435 Holly Charges!, video by Brenda D

Claus Cramer captured two photos of 435 Holly with yearlings 25 and 26 at the falls on 7/13/2018, #1 and #2.

2018.07.20:  435 Holly on the Underwater Cam video  by LaniH:


435 Holly on the UW cam 7 20 2018 by LaniH

2018.07.21:  435 Holly's yearlings on the Underwater Cam video by LaniH:


435 Holly's yearlings, one cleaning the UW cam 7 21 2018 by LaniH

2018.07.25:  Cam viewer, LoveTheBears1 captured this snapshot of 435 and her 2 yealrings.:

2018.07.26:  435 Holly's blonde yearling goes over the falls video by LaniH.:


435 Holly's yearling goes over the falls 7 26 2018 by LaniH

2018.07.29:  435 Holly chases 909 & 910 (409 Beadnose's 2.5 year-old subadults) video by mckate:


29 Jul 2018 435 Chases 909 and 910 by mckate

2018.07.30:  451 with her yearlings and 435 Holly with her yearlings video by Ruxandra Nicolae (aka Rux ):


451 and 435 at Falls, Brooks Falls Brown Bears cam July 30, 2018 by Ruxandra Nicolae-0

451 with her yearlings and 435 Holly with her yearlings video by mckate:


30 Jul 2018 807(?) Threads the Needle by mckate

435 Holly fishing the lip while her yearlings watch 151 Walker video by mckate:


30 Jul 2018 435 Holly's Cubs Watch 151 Walker Fish by mckate (435 fishing the lip)

435 Holly draws an audience in this 7/30/2018 video by mckate. 435 Holly and her 2 yearlings eat fish below the falls while 451, her 3 yearlings and other subadults watch.


30 Jul 2018 435 Holly Draws an Audience, video by mckate

2018.07.31:  435 Holly with her yearlings & 801 video by LaniH.  Holly and cubs fish below the falls in very close proximity to 801 and....nothing happens! :


435 Holly and cubs at the falls 801 in front 7 31 2018 by LaniH

August 2018:[]

Olddude shared three 2018 snapshots of 435 Holly and her 2 yearlings at Brooks Falls on 3/22/2020, #1, #2, and #3.

2018.08.03:  435 Holly's two yearlings near corner gif by Cruiser :

435 Holly scratches on the tree near corner gif by Blair55 :

2018.08.06:  435 Holly and her 2 yearlings snapshot by Bookmom .:

September 2018:[]

2018.09.06:  435 Holly and her cub video:


River Watch Bear Cam 09-06-2018 15 50 34 - 16 50 35 Explore Recorder

Cruiser created this gif of 435 Holly showing off her Olympic swimming skills on the Underwater cam (p 11/30/2023 06:04).:

435 Holly diving on the Underwater Cam video by mckate.:


6 Sep 2018 435 Holly Dives for a Fish by mckate

435 Holly herds a sleuth of subadults video by mckate:


6 Sep 2018 435 Holly Herds a Sleuth of Subs by mckate

2018.09.09:  435 Holly and yearlings meet up with a bear (believed to be 806) who has a massive tapeworm, 9/9/2018 video by Lani H.


435 Holly and yearlings meet up with bear (believed to be 806) who has massive tapeworm 9 9 2018

2018.09.10:  482 Brett charges 435 Holly and her two yearlings video by Birgitt.:


482 Brett Charges 435 Holly & Her Cubs 2018-09-10 by Birgitt-0

2018.09.14: 435 Holly plays with her light yearling 25 on the lower river, 9/14/2018 video by Birgitt.


435 Holly Playing with Her Light Cub 25 2018-09-14

Video by Birgitt

2018.09.20:  435 Holly's yearlings play with subadults video by LaniH.  A VERY tolerant 435/Holly allows her two yearlings to play with 909 & 910 (409 Beadnose's 2.5 year-old now independent subadults), and follows behind them as they walk down Spit Road.:


435 Holly's yearlings play with subadults 9 20 2018 by LaniH

2018.09.22:  "Holly shows off her fat bod" by the corner, video by Lani H on 9/22/2018.


435 Holly shows off her fat bear bod 9 22 2018, video by Lani H

Birgitt's 9/22/2018 video, "Holly has an itch."


435 Holly Has an Itch 2018-09-22

Video by Birgitt

2018.09.27:  435 Holly and her two yearling walk by while 719 (435's 2014 biological female offspring) and 812 are playing under the floating bridge video by Birgitt:


719 & 812 Playing Under Bridge when 435 & Cubs Walk By 2018-09-27 by Birgitt

435 Holly and her yearlings meet 451 and her cubs video by Ratna:


Holly and cubs meet 451 and cubs on spit road P1 9 27 18 by Ratna

Meet up between 435 Holly and yearlings and 451 and yearlings, 9/27/2018 video by Lani H.


Meet up between 435 Holly and yearlings and 451 and yearlings 9 27 2018, video by Lani H-1

2018.09.30:  435 Holly gives chase video by mckate:


30 Sep 2018 435 Holly Gives Chase by mckate

Cam viewer FormerBear's analysis of 435 Holly's chase video titled "435 Holly Hits her High Speed."

FormerBear explains "Have you ever wondered how fast a properly motivated 435 "Holly" can move? During a windy late Sep evening at the Lower River, her famous appetite, takes her away from her two yearlings at the bank. When a subadult shows up and her cubs bolt, she realizes how far away she is in the river and hauls her prodigious behind, to make up the distance and fully charge the sub. She turns on the afterburners in full mamma bear mode. Through rough approximations we get to run the numbers on 435's swimming and closing speed. Wonder no more!"


Katmai - 435 Holly Hits Her High Speed

Video by FormerBear

October 2018:[]

2018.10.02:  480 Otis gets too close to 435 Holly and yearlings and they leave 10/2/2018, video by Lani H.


480 Otis gets too close to 435 Holly and yearlings and they leave 10 2 2018, video by Lani H

2019:  Adult Female with Two 2.5 Year-Old Cubs, Then Single Adult Female[]

2019 season:[]

Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this 2019 season video of 435 Holly.


Bear 435 Holly 2019, video by Deanna Dittloff

On 3/23/2020 scooch shared a poem and photo collage of 435 Holly in honor of her featured day on the bear cam chat. The photo collage featured all of Holly's cubs both biological and adopted. 

To Supermom 435 Holly, on your special day
From all of your cubs, bio and adopted ~

To Our Perfect Mother,
You never ask for very much
Though much is asked of you
You always are relied upon
Your love is tried and true
And Mom, there is no one else 
Who's more deserving of
Wishes that are filled with thanks
And so much special love! (poem by unknown)

On 3/22/2020, Melissa Freels shared three 2019 photos of 435 Holly in chat. Photos #1, #2 and #3.

Please request Melissa Freels' permission prior to using her photographs!  

Truman Everts shared a 2019 photo of 435 Holly in chat on 4/20/2020.

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

June 2019:[]

2019.06.23:  Rumor has it that an emancipation was taking place ....

Melissa Freels comment :  "I heard through the grapevine that an emancipation was taking place but didn't get any more details. Must have been her. I am sure we'll get the scoop from Naomi."

435 Holly returns to the live cams a single female, video by Ratna.:


Wow beautiful Holly June 23, 2019 by Ratna-0

Video by Cruiser:


435 Holly returns Jun 23 2019 by Cruiser

Video by Lani H:


435 Holly makes her return to Brooks River 6 23 2019, video by Lani H

Video by Birgitt:


435 Arrives at Falls 1st Time 2019-06-23 17-43-40-540, video by Birgitt

Park visitor Steve Peck captured 2 photos of 435 Holly on 6/23/2019, photo #1 and #2. In photo #2 you can see possible mating scars on the back of her neck.




2019.06.25:  During the 1st Live Chat of the 2019 season, Mike Fitz, Resident Naturalist with Explore.org discusses 435 Holly's wounds / scars on her neck.  Mike's best guess is that they are copulation with an adult male.

2019.06.26:  For a brief period of time, 435 Holly, 89 Backpack (435 Holly's 2006 offspring)  and 503 Cubadult (435 Holly's adopted 2014 yearling) were fishing in close proximity in the far pool; video by mckate:


26 Jun 2019 435 Displaced by Her Son 89 by Mckate-0

2019.06.29:  Truman Everts shared this 6/29/2019 photo of 435 Holly catching a salmon at Brooks Falls on 5/29/2020.
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

2019.06.30:  Truman Everts shared this 6/30/2019 photo of 435 Holly on 5/7/2020.
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

July 2019:[]

2019.07.01:  Katmai Conservancy Ranger Naomi Boak shared a photo of 89 Backpack with his mother 435 Holly on 3/18/2020.

Permission to use her NPS photos posted on the bearcam comments  

435 Holly snorkeling on the lower river, 7/1/2019 video by Lani H.


435 Holly snorkeling on the lower river 7 1 2019, video by Lani H

2019.07.04:  Holly swims by the underwater cam, 7/4/2019 video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.


07.04.2019 - 435 Holly Swims by UW Cam, video by Brenda D

2019.07.06:  Photobearsbry shared this 7/6/2019 photo of 435 Holly on 7/29/2020.
Please request photobearsbry's permission  prior to using his photographs!

Photobearsbry's 7/6/2019 video of 435 Holly catching a fish in the far pool.


435 Holly, July 6, 2019 video by photobearsbry

2019.07.07:  NWBearLove92 captured 2 photos of 435 Holly on 7/7/2019, #1 and #2. They were shared in chat on 3/22/2020.
Please request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!

Truman Everts shared this 7/7/2019 photo of 435 Holly on 5/30/2021. "Oh geez! Is it 435 day already?!? Ummm...lemme look! Okay, here's a Holly glam shot..."

Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!

2019.07.12  435 Holly NPS photo by Katmai Conservancy Ranger Naomi Boak:

2019.07.16:  435 Holly is seen snorkeling to the spit in this 7/16/2019 video by Lani H.


435 Holly snorkeling to the spit 7 16 2019, video by Lani H

2019.07.17:  Meet 435 Holly video  by Mike Fitz, Resident with Explore.org:


Meet 435 Holly - Bears of Brooks Falls July 17, 2019 by Mike Fitz, Resident Naturalist with Explore.org

2019.07.18:  Holly follows subadults down the spit, 7/18/2019 video by Lani H.


435 Holly follows subadults down the spit 7 18 2019, video by Lani H

2019.07.21:  Holly on the spit, 7/21/2019 video by Lani H.


435 Holly on the spit 7 21 2019, video by Lani h

Lani H also captured video of 435 Holly swimming near the bridge on 7/21/2019.


435 Holly swimming near the bridge 7 21 2019, video by Lani H

In a 7/21/2019 video by Victoria White, 435 Holly is seen on the spit.  At 3:10, 610 appears from the right. There is no interaction between the two bears.


435 Holly & 610 ~ 2019 07 21, video by Victoria White

2019.07.26:  435 Holly July 26, 2019 NPS photo by Ranger Tammy Carmack KNP&P Flickr.

435 Holly is seen at the falls in this 7/26/2019 video by Lani H. She finally catches a fish.


435 Holly at the falls 7 26 2019, video by Lani H

2019.07.27:  Modern Day Explorer captured this photo of 435 Holly on 7/27/2019.

2019.07.30:  "Sunset snorkeling with 435 Holly", 7/30/2019 video by Lani H.


Sunset snorkeling with 435 Holly 7 30 2019, video by Lani H

2019.07.31:  435 Holly is seen in a closeup at the falls, 7/31/2019 video by Lani H.


435 Holly at the falls 7 31 2019, video by Lani H

September 2019:[]

Melissa Freels captured this September 2019 video of 435 Holly out beyond the point fishing. The bear napping on the gravel bar was 854 Divot per Melissa.


Queen Holly at Brooks Falls, Alaska - September 2019, video by Melissa Freels

2019.09.12:  Lani H captured 435 Holly on the point with eagles in this 9/12/2019 video.


435 Holly on the point with eagles 9 12 2019, video by Lani H

2019.09.14:  Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) shared this 9/14/2019 photo of "435 Holly hard at work on the Fat Bear crown" on 6/1/2020.  Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) shared this 9/14/2019 photo of 435 Holly on 5/30/2021, "The year of the Fat Bear crown, 435 Holly on Sep 14, 2019. Ohh that thong!"
Please request Bonnie Hankins' (aka NutsBoutBears) permission prior to using her photographs!

2019.09.15:  Like Mother, Like Daughter:  On September 15, 2019 , Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) captured this photograph of 719 from behind.  On the same date, Bonnie also captured this photograph of 435 Holly from behind.  (p 01/31/2020 17:38 ): Bonnie posted 2 more 9/15/2019 photos in chat on 3/22/2020, photo #1 and #2. Note: In photo #2, 435 Holly can be seen eating clay, a behavior know as geophagy. Please see information regrding geophagy under Lani H's 2nd video posted below.

Please request Bonnie Hankins' (aka NutsBoutBears) permission prior to using her photographs!

435 Holly snorkeling on 9/15/2019, video by Lani H.


435 Holly snorkeling 9 15 2019, video by Lani H

Lani H captured 435 snorkeling and eating ash and clay on the lower river, video from 9/15/2019. Mike Fitz discussed  this behavior called geophagy in the Explore Bearcam week in review for August 16, 2019. It has been suggested that eating clay and ash may act as an anti-diarrheal. Scroll down to read Mike's comments and see a video of subadult 821 eating clay.


435 Holly snorkeling and eating a little ash clay 9 15 2019, video by Lani H

Mckate also captured video of 435 Holly eating clay, 9/15/2019.


15 Sep 2019 435 Holly Digs Clay, video by mckate

Angerbodha captured 435 Holly on the lower river in a 9/15/2019 video.


435 Holly lower river 09 15 2019, video by angerbodha

435 Holly digs a belly hole on the gravel bar to take a nap, 9/15/2019 video by Lani H.


435 Holly digs a belly hole on the gravel bar to take a nap 9 15 2019, video by Lani H

"Holly on the Move", slowly. 9/15/2019 video by Casper Pike. 


435 Holly "On the move" 2019 09 15 13 47 35 003, video by Casper Pike

"435 Holly Grande Dame of Katmai Emerges From Lake", 9/15/2019 video by mckate.


15 Sep 2019 435 Grande Dame of Katmai Emerges From Lake, video by mckate

Birgitt captured video of 435 Holly on 9/15/2019.


435 Fishing in LR Short Version 2019-09-15 22-55-13-095, video by Birgitt

2019.09.16:  Scooch photographed 435 Holly, her daughter 719 and 719's 2 spring cubs ( Holly's grandsons) all on the spit together on 9/16/2019. Scooch shared photos and a story about her wonderful memory on 3/23/2020. "435 Holly proved to be quite elusive for us during our Brooks trip. We were constantly on the lookout for her, hoping to get an eyeful of the curvaceous icon of Brooks River. By our third day there I had all but given up hope of seeing her. That afternoon, as we started across the bridge on our way to the falls, we stopped in our tracks and did a double take towards the spit. There she was! Her coat of many colors nearly camouflaged her among her surroundings but her hippo sized buxom behind was unmistakable! She appeared to be searching for something and we soon discovered what it was - the perfect spot to dig a belly hole. She dug and dug until she had excavated a nice, cozy trench into which she slowly settled her ample paunch. Just as she was getting comfortable, her daughter 719 came strolling by with her coys, Holly's grandsons, trailing behind. She and 719 exchanged quick glances before 719 continued on her way. The adorable cubs actually sat down and stared at their grandmother. They were probably amazed at the size of her! The cubs then joined their mother in the lake while Grandma Holly drifted off, to dream of juicy salmon and fat bear titles. What a joy it was to see three generations of that family in such close proximity to each other."
Please request Scooch's permission prior to using her photographs!

Scooch posted 10 photos:#1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9 and #10.

2019.09.18:  Cam watcher and Brooks Camp visitor scooch observed and photographed both 435 Holly and 480 Otis fishing close to one another on the lower river on 9/18/2019. Scooch shared the photos in chat on 3/22/2020 and commented "What could possibly be better than seeing the beloved idol and the curvaceous icon of Brooks River within a few yards of each other? We were fortunate to see these two Katmai royals together on our last morning at Brooks. Now this is the kind of celebrity sighting that I enjoy!" Photos #1, #2, #3 and #4.
Please request Scooch's permission prior to using her photographs!

2019.09.19:  Lani H video of 435 Holly napping on the spit, 9/19/2019.


435 Holly napping on the spit 9 19 2019, video by Lani H

Holly near the Q, 9/19/2019 video by Lani H.


435 Holly near the Q 9 19 2019, video by Lani H

2019.09.20:  435 Holly resting video  by Casper Pike:


435 Holly resting 2019 09 20 12 07 56 085 by Casper Pike

435 Holly looking pleasantly plump, 9/20/2019 video by Lani H.


435 Holly looking pleasantly plump 9 20 2019, video by Lani H

2019.09.22:  435 Holly NPS photo by L. Carter:

Lani H captured this 9/22/2019 video of 435 Holly on the far bank.


435 Holly on the far bank 9 22 2019, video by Lani H

2019.09.25:  435 Holly showing she is ready for Fat Bear Week, 9/25/2019 video by Lani H.


435 Holly showing she's ready for fat bear week 9 25 2019, video by Lani H

Victoria White also captured video of 435 Holly on the spit on 9/25/2019.


435 Holly ,Katmai NP ~ 2019 09 25, video by Victoria White

October 2019:[]

2019.10.05:  435 Holly competes in the 2019 Fat Bear Week Tournament on Day 4, Round 8 against Round 4 Winner, 909:

KNP&P's October 5, 2019 12:00 Facebook post :  435 Holly vs Round 4 Winner 909 

"From famished to fat, 909 was clearly able to balance work and play. Her girthy glow-up is now put to the test against inflated icon 435 Holly. The senior sow is ready to eat up the competition. After emancipating her cubs in the spring she became a Brooks River empty nester. A snorkeling sensation, this gal was able to keep every salmon for herself and it shows."