Katmai Bearcams Wiki
230 September 14, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

230 September 14, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

Young Adult Male: 2022-2023 "Ben"
Subadult Male: 2020 - 2021

Year First Observed: 2020, originally numbered as 166

Year Last Observed: 2024

Known Offspring Of: Unknown

Genetics Study Samples Obtained: Unknown


Mckate's Notes: 230 "Ben" is young male who was first identified in 2020. He was initially numbered 166 and was seen all over the river with his sister 167 who was later renumbered 193.
Mckate's ID Tips: 230 "Ben" is most notable for his long fluffy white ears which he tends to hold back against his head. He has a long slight upturned muzzle with an overbite and a semi-prominent hump. His body is blonde, and his legs brown. Early in the season he has blonde "side" eyebrows and you can see a horizontal scar on the upper part of his back left leg/haunch area.
Mckate's 230 "Ben" YouTube Playlist.

Distinctive Behaviors:[]

Mckate's Notes: He is animated when he fishes often bouncing his head around and sometimes pawing the water. He also nervously darts his eyes from side. He fishes in Popeye's spot next to the J and at the conveyor belt. He also established a new spot facing the wall in the far pool. This peaked the curiosity of 164 "Bucky Dent", 907, and even 480 Otis who had to give the spot a try. They didn't seem too impressed.

Life History:[]

2020: Subadult Male[]

July 2020:[]

2020.07.21: Siblings 230 "Ben" and 193 at the falls, 7/21/2020 video by mckate.


21 Jul 2020- 230 and 193 at the Falls (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2020.07.22: 230 "Ben" and 193 fish the riffles, 7/22/2020 video by mckate.


22 Jul 2020- 230 and 193 in the Riffles (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2020.07.26: 230 "Ben" and 193 at the falls, 7/26/2020 video by mckate. "They seem like siblings, but in this case there was no sharing of the fish as the blonde had to eat grass."


26 Jul 2020- 230 and 193 at the Falls

Video by mckate

2020.07.30: Mckate's 7/30/2020 video of 230 "Ben" and 193 fishing the riffles.


30 Jul 2020- 230 and 193 in the Riffles (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021: Subadult Male[]

July 2021:[]

230 "Ben" appears on the list of Bears Monitored in July 2021.:


2021 Season Official Bears Monitored List provided by Ranger Lian April 14, 2022 10:12

August 2021:[]

2021.08.09: 230 "Ben" nervously fishes next to the falls, 8/9/2021 video by mckate. " First he sneezes and bonks his nose, then he panics and tries to go up the face of the falls. It didn't look like any bear was after him, just that he was kind of generally surrounded. "


9 Aug 2021- 230 Nervously Fishes Next to Falls (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.08.17: 821, 164 "Bucky Dent" and 719 size up 230 "Ben", 8/17/2021 video by mckate. "They were hardly subtle about checking him out."


17 Aug 2021- 821,164, and 719 Size Up 230 (explore.org)

Video by mckate

Mckate's 8/17/2021 video, More of 230 "Ben". "I'm guessing he's a three or maybe four-year-old after seeing 164 "Bucky Dent" walk right by him."


17 Aug 2021- More of 230 (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.08.18: 907 wonders what 230 "Ben" knows, 8/18/2021 video by mckate. "230 is fishing from a rather unusual spot, so 907 decides maybe he'll give it a try too. I've only seen 719 stand there and it was when she was staring at 820 across the way. (We can see by Ben's dangly bits that he is male).


18 Aug 2021- 907 Wonders What 230 Knows that He Doesn't (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.08.19: 230 "Ben" finds a good spot to fish, 8/19/2021 video by mckate. "He was downstream of the far pool fishers and getting all kinds of scraps."


19 Aug 2021- 230 Finds a Good Spot (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.08.20: Mckate's 8/20/2021 video of 910 walking by 230 Ben". " I'm trying to get captures of 230 next to others bears to gauge his age. I'm guessing he's a four-year-old, so would be a contemporary of 27 and 28."


20 Aug 2021- 910 Walks by 230 (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.08.24: 230 "Ben" fishes in 634 Popeye's spot, 8/24/2021 video by mckate.


24 Aug 2021- 230 Fishes Popeye's Spot (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.08.25: 230 "Ben" watches 164 "Bucky Dent's" unique fishing technique, 8/25 2021 video by mckate.


25 Aug 2021- 230 Watches 164 (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2021.08.27: 230 "Ben" does not want to be friends with 164 "Bucky Dent", 8/27/2021 video by mckate. "That's a shame because 164 is a good playmate. Usually they splash in the direction of the other bear. He was pawing the ground like a little bull."


27 Aug 2021- 230 Does Not Want to Be Friends (explore.org)

Video by mckate

480 Otis tries out 230 "Ben's" spot, 8/27/2021 video by mckate. "907 tried out 230's spot a little over a week ago, now 480 gives it a shot too. You have to give Otis credit for be willing to try new things at his age. As it turns out, it doesn't appear to be a particularly good successful spot."


27 Aug 2021- 480 Wonders What 230 Knows that He Doesn't (explore.org)

Video by mckate

September 2021:[]

2021.09.29: 230 "Ben" returns, 9/29/2021 video by mckate.


29 Sep 2021- 230 Returns (explore.org)

Video by mckate

October 2021:[]

2021.10.05: Mckate's 10/5/2021 video of 230 "Ben" fishing on the conveyer belt.


5 Oct 2021- 230 on the Conveyor Belt (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022: Young Adult Male[]

230 "Ben" is considered a young adult male in 2022 as he was observed mating with 435 Holly.

2022 Season:[]

Radioquiet shared five 2022 season photos which show 230's physical transformation from June to October, #1 Super poofy ears, #2 the ears are starting to shed, #3 his ears are so small under the fluff, #4 so normal looking he could be anyone and #5 ears reaching levels to be super poofs again. "230 Ben is a bear you have to keep tabs on because if you don't, he looks like an entirely different bear the next time you look at him."

June 2022:[]

June-July 2022: Betsy Bear's photo of 230 "Ben" from her late June, early July trip trip to Brooks Camp.
Please request BetsyBear's  permission prior to using her photographs!

2022.06.23: 171 tells 230 "Ben" to get lost, 6/23/2022 video by mckate. "She's not interested in his attentions!"


23 Jun 2022- 171 Tells 230 to Get Lost (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.06.26: Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsboutBears) shared three 6/26/2022 photos of 230 "Ben" on 8/16/2022, #1, #2 and #3.
Please request Bonnie Hankins' (aka NutsBoutBears) permission prior to using her photographs!

230 takes a turn in the J, 6/26/2022 video by mckate.


26 Jun 2022- 230 Takes a Turn in the J (explore.org)

Video by mckate

LeafyHyrax's 6/26/2022 gif of 230 and 164 greeting each other.

230 and 164 June 26, 2022 gif by LeafyHyrax

230 and 164 June 26, 2022 gif by LeafyHyrax

2022.06.27: 230 NPS photograph by Ranger Tammy Carmack via KNP&P Flickr:

230 June 27, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

230 June 27, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

230 "Ben" returns to his spot, 6/27/2022 video by mckate. "Facing the wall and pawing the water is Ben's signature move. Thanks to Bookmom for catching it. This is a case where knowing a bear's behavior is just as important, or maybe even more important, than knowing how he looks."


27 Jun 2022- 230 Returns to His Spot (explore.org)-2

Video by mckate

164 "Bucky Dent' watches 230 "Ben" fish, 6/27/2022 video by mckate.


27 Jun 2022- 164 Watches 230 Fish (explore.org)-2

Video by mckate

137 and 230 "Ben" together on the lower river, 6/27/2022 video by mckate.


27 Jun 2022- 137 (Willow) and 230 Together on the Lower River (explore.org)-2

Video by mckate

2022.06.28: 230 "Ben" was observed mating with 435 Holly, 6/28/2022 video by mckate.


28 Jun 2022- 435 Mates with 230 (explore.org)

Video by mckate

230 "Ben" was also pretty successful with the sows this year but this little bear (possibly 184 Addie or 29) wasn't so sure, 6/28/2022 gif by LeafyHyrax.

230 and a sow June 28, 2022 gif by LeafyHyrax

230 and a sow June 28, 2022 gif by LeafyHyrax

July 2022:[]

230 "Ben" appears on the list of Bears Monitored in July 2022.:


2022 Official Bears Monitored List provided by Ranger Lian, posted by Mazey 10/31/22 09:41

2022.07.??: Lightsourcekauai's (Lee Scott) July 2022 Instagram photos of 230.

2022.07.01: 230 "Ben" and 88 walk the lower river, 7/1/2022 video by mckate. "Funny that we're seeing so much of 230 this early in the season. He kind of came out of nowhere. I wonder how long he and 88 have known each other, because they seem pretty friendly."


1 Jul 2022- 230 and 88 Walk the Lower River (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.07.02: 230 "Ben" at the falls, 7/2/2022 video by OLDBEAR44.


"Ben" 2022 07 02 explore.org

Video by OLDBEAR44

2022.07.03: 230 "Ben" makes a catch in the office, 7/3/2022 gif by LunaCre. 854 Divot is in the foreground.

230 July 3, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 July 3, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.07.06: 230 "Ben" tries out the office, 7/6/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 July 6, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 July 6, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.07.10: 230 "Ben" gets his close-up in this 7/10/2022 video by mckate.


10 Jul 2022- 230 Gets His Closeup (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.07.13: 230 "Ben" sits below the falls in another close-up look, 7/13/2022 video by mckate. "That's a really interesting shed pattern that I hope holds in the future seasons. He started out with blonde bangs and now just has those vertical stripes by his eyes."


13 Jul 2022- 230 Gets a Closeup (explore.org)

Video by mckate

GreenRiver's two 7/13/2022 snapshots of 230 "Ben", #1 and #2.

2022.07.20: 230 and 807 try their luck under the falls, 7/20/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 (left) and 807 (right) July 20, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 (left) and 807 (right) July 20, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.07.23: 480 (Otis near) and 230 (far) are seen in this 7/23/2022 gif by LunaCre.

480 Otis (near) and 230 (far) July 23, 2022 gif by LunaCre

480 Otis (near) and 230 (far) July 23, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.07.24: 230 "Ben" sits under the falls, 7/24/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 July 24, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 July 24, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.07.25: Birgitt's 7/25/2022 video of 801 and 230 "Ben" fishing in the far pool.


801 & Ben in the Far Pool 2022-07-25 22-44-23(explore.org)

Video by Birgitt

230 "Ben" is impressed by 856's catch, 7/25/2022 gif by LunaCre.

856 (near) and 230 (far) July 25, 2022 gif by LunaCre

856 (near) and 230 (far) July 25, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.07.26: 230 "Ben" NPS photograph by Ranger Tammy Carmack via KNP&P Flickr:

230 July 26, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

230 July 26, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

230 "Ben" and 164 "Bucky Dent" share the J, 7/26/2022 video by mckate. "230 is much more animated than 164. He's a nervous little guy. You can see just see the beginnings of 164's muzzle dent/stripe."


26 Jul 2022- 230 and 164 Share the J (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.07.27: 230 (front) fishes along with 856 and 801 (in the office), 727/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 (left) July 27, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 (left) July 27, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.07.29: Lori Hocking's 7/29/2022 photo of 230 "Ben".:
Please request Lori's (aka Lovethebears) permission prior to using her photographs!

856 tolerates 230 fishing near him, 7/29/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


Success for 856 Brooks Falls Low cam Explore.org 7-29-2022-2

Video by Jen Schneider

mckate's 7/29/2022 video of 230 "Ben" checking out the office.


29 Jul 2022- 230 Checks Out the Office (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.07.31: 230 "Ben" pouncing for fish in the office, 7/31/2022 gif by LunaCre. 801 is in the foreground.

230 July 31, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 July 31, 2022 gif by LunaCre

August 2022:[]

2022.08.01: 806 watches 230 "Ben", 8/1/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 August 1, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 August 1, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.08.02: 912 plays with 230 "Ben" video by mckate. "I've seen 230 pal around a little with other young males like 164, but that's the most I've ever seen him play. I felt bad for him last season because he seemed nervous and defensive when approached by others who wanted to get to know him, but he's sure fitting in this season. It was nice of 912 to indulge him. 912's really an all around good guy."


2 Aug 2022- 912 Plays with 230 (explore.org)-2

Video by mckate

2022.08.03: 230 "Ben" NPS photograph by Ranger Tammy Carmack via KNP&P Flickr:

230 August 3, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

230 August 3, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

mckate's 8/3/2022 video of 912 sharing the jacuzzi with 230 (furthest). "


3 Aug 2022- 912 Shares the J with 230 (explore.org)-2

Video by mckate

2022.08.04: 129 and 230 "Ben" are playful on the spit, 8/4/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 (left) and 129 (right) August 4, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 (left) and 129 (right) August 4, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 "Ben" entertains himself on the lower river, 8/4/2022 video by Ratna Narayan.


Ben enjoying himself after all his efforts RW explore.org 8-4-22

Video by Ratna Narayan

2022.08.07: 230 "Ben" greets 913, 8/7/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 and 913 August 7, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 and 913 August 7, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.08.08: 230 (left) and 907 (right) fish the J, 8/8/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


"Ben" (left) and 907 (right) Brooks Falls cam Explore.org 8-8-2022-2

Video by Jen Schneider

2022.08.10: 230 "Ben" invites 208 to play, 8/10/2022 video by mckate. "Ben was doing 503's old trick of trying to look small and nonthreatening. 205 was waging his head like he wanted to play, but he couldn't overcome his uncertainty."


10 Aug 2022- 230 Invites 208 to Play (explore.org)

Video by mckate

Goofy 230 getting his leg workout, 8/10/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


Goofy "Ben" getting his leg workout on -) Brooks Falls cam Explore.org 8-10-2022-2

Video by Jen Schneider

2022.08.14: 230 (right) and 164 move from play to clay, 8/14/2022 video by mckate.


14 Aug 2022- 230 and 164 Move From Play to Clay (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.08.15: 821 and 230 "Ben" have a long play fight, 8/15/2022 video by mckate. "This was only a small portion of it. They must have played for close to half an hour. I wonder if 821 is missing 812."


15 Aug 2022- 821 and 230 Have a Long Play Fight (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.08.16: 821 and 230 wrestle again, 8/16/2022 video by mckate.


16 Aug 2022- 821 and 230 Wrestle Again (explore.org)-2

Video by mckate

2022.08.17: 230 "Ben" takes a walk along the lower river, 8/17/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 August 17, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 August 17, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.08.18: 230 "Ben" tries out the J, 8/18/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 August 18, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 August 18, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.08.19: 230 "Ben" gets Grazered, 8/19/2022 video by mckate with multiple views. "Had he not run, or had 128's girl not started following him, he might have escaped this Grazering. Poor 230."


19 Aug 2022- 230 Gets Grazered (explore.org)-2

Video by mckate

2022.08.20: 230 "Ben" in the J, 8/20/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


"Ben" in the jacuzzi Brooks Falls cam Explore.org 8-20-2022

Video by Jen Schneider

2022.08.21: Amazing 230 "Ben" catches 3 fish in 3 minutes, 8/21/2022 video by Jen Schneider.


Amazing "Ben" catches 3 fish in 3 minutes Brooks Falls cam Explore.org 8-21-2022

Video by Jen Schneider

230's social circle included 821 who taught the rookie a few slick wrestling moves, 8/21/2021 gifs by LeafyHyrax, #1 and #2.

2022.08.22: 230 "Ben" looks upriver while 821 prunes a tree, 8/22/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 (near) and 821 (far) August 22, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 (near) and 821 (far) August 22, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.08.23: 230 "Ben" tries his luck in the J, 8/23/2022 video by veeriabroadcast.


Ben. Aug 23, 2022. Explore.org. Brooks falls

Video by veeriabroadcast

2022.08.30: Young boars invade the far pool, 8/30/2022 video by mckate. "230, 164, 903, and 821 or "Ben, Bucky, Gully, and Pepper." 821 (back right) has a play session with 903 (back left).


30 Aug 2022- Young Boars Invade Far Pool (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.08.31: 164 "Bucky Dent" and 230 "Ben" play, 8/31/2022 gif by LunaCre.

164 (left) and 230 (right) August 31, 2022 gif by LunaCre

164 (left) and 230 (right) August 31, 2022 gif by LunaCre

September 2022:[]

230 "Ben" appears on the list of Bears Monitored in September 2022.:


2022 Official Bears Monitored List provided by Ranger Lian, posted by Mazey 10/31/22 09:41

2022.09.01: 131 meets up with 230 "Ben", 9/1/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 (left) and 131 (right) September 1, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 (left) and 131 (right) September 1, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.09.02: 230 "Ben" fishes the J, 9/2/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 September 2, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 September 2, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.09.03: 129 (left) meets up with 230 for a long play session, 9/3/2022 gif by LunaCre.

129 (left) and 230 (right) August 3, 2022 gif by LunaCre

129 (left) and 230 (right) August 3, 2022 gif by LunaCre

854 Divot watches 131 (middle) and 230 (left), 9/3/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 (left) with 131 (middle) and 854 Divot (right) August 3, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 (left) with 131 (middle) and 854 Divot (right) August 3, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.09.04: 129 (left) flirts with 230 (right), 9/4/2022 video by mckate.


4 Sep 2022- 129 Flirts with 230 (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.09.05: 230 walks with his good friend 821, 9/5/2022 gif by LunaCre.

821 (near) and 230 (far) September 5, 2022 gif by LunaCre

821 (near) and 230 (far) September 5, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.09.07: 230 greets 164, 9/7/2022 gif by LunaCre. 854 Divot is in the foreground enjoying her fish.

230 (left) and 164 (right) September 7, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 (left) and 164 (right) September 7, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.09.08: 131 flirts with 230, 9/8/2022 video by mckate.


8 Sep 2022- 131 Flirts with 230 (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.09.09: 230 "Ben" NPS photograph by Ranger Tammy Carmack via KNP&P Flickr:

230 September 9, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

230 September 9, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P

230 watches his back while in the J, 9/9/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 September 9, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 September 9, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.09.14: 230 "Ben" NPS photograph by Ranger Tammy Carmack via KNP&P Flickr:

230 September 14, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

230 September 14, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

2022.09.14: Lisa Robertson (aka Larinor) shared a 9/14/2022 photo of 230 0n 3/16/2023. "230 'Ben'. I didn't know who this handsome bear was when I saw him at the falls, but Melissa Freels ID'd him for me after we got home. Photo was taken on 9/14/22."
Please request Lisa Robertson's (aka Larinor) permission prior to using her photographs!

2022.09.16: Olatz Azcona Munárriz shared a 9/16/2022 photo of 230 on 1/4/2023. "230 was fishing in the Jacuzzi when I made it to the platform the late morning of my fourth day trip to Brooks River. 230 didn't stay long and moved downstream shortly after." Olatz shared a 9/16/2022 photo of 230 on 2/22/2023. Olatz shared a 9/16/2022 photo of 230 on 3/15/2022.
Please request Olatz Azcona Munárriz's (aka Olatz)  permission prior to using their photographs!

2022.09.20: 230 and 821 play on the lower river, 9/20/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 (left) and 821 (right) September 20, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 (left) and 821 (right) September 20, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.09.23: 821, 903, and 230 have some bites fun, 9/23/2022 video by twelve22.


821, 903, and 230 Have Some Bitey Fun - September 23, 2022 (explore.org)

Video by twelve22

2022.09.25: 230 referees 821 and 903's match, 9/25/2022 gif by LunaCre.

903, 230 and 821 September 25, 2022 gif by LunaCre

903, 230 and 821 September 25, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.09.27: 230 "Ben" NPS photograph by Ranger Tammy Carmack via KNP&P Flickr:

230 September 27, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

230 September 27, 2022 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr

2022.09.28: 230 "Ben" plays with good friend 164, 9/28/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 (left) and 164 (right) September 28, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 (left) and 164 (right) September 28, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.09.29: 164 "Bucky Dent" and 230 "Ben" play at the oxbow, 9/29/2022 video by twelve22.


164 and 230 Play - September 29, 2022 (explore.org)

Video by twelve22

2022.09.30: Fluffy 230 "Ben" on a visit to the falls, 9/30/2022 gif by LeafyHyrax.

230 September 30, 2022 gif by LeafyHyrax

230 September 30, 2022 gif by LeafyHyrax

Early morning bites face between 230 "Ben" and 344, 9/30/2022 video by twelve22.


Early Morning Bitey Face (230 and 344) - September 30, 2022 (explore.org)

Video by twelve22

October 2022:[]

2022.10.01: 164 "Bucky Dent" and 903 played a little with 230 "Ben" in the background, 10/1/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 (furthest) October 1, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 (furthest) October 1, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.10.03: 344 gets bitey with 230 "Ben", 10/3/2022 video by mckate.


3 Oct 2022- 344 Gets Bitey with 230 (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.10.06: While playing, 230 "Ben" spotted a fish, chased after it, and caught his lunch, 10/6/2022 gif by LunaCre.

230 (left) October 6, 2022 gif by LunaCre

230 (left) October 6, 2022 gif by LunaCre

2022.10.11: 164 "Bucky Dent" pesters 230 "Ben" for scraps, 10/11/2022 video by mckate.


11 Oct 2022- 164 Pesters 230 for Scraps (explore.org)

Video by mckate

230 "Ben" fishes at the falls, 10/11/2022 video by twelve22.


230 at the Falls - October 11, 2022 (explore.org)

Video by twelve22

2022.10.12: 230 "Ben" and 344 play again, 10/12/2022 video by mckate. "These two have become good playmates."


12 Oct 2022- 230 and 344 Play Again (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.10.17: 230 "Ben" hangs out near the bridge, 10/17/2022 video by twelve22.


230 Hangs Out Near the Bridge - October 17, 2022 (explore.org)

Video by twelve22

230 "Ben" and 344 play, 10/17/2022 video by mckate.


17 Oct 2022- 230 and 344 Play (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.10.18: 230 "Ben" and 208 eat some clay, 10/18/2022 video by mckate.


18 Oct 2022- 230 and 208 Have Some Clay (explore.org)

Video by mckate

230 "Ben" runs under the bridge, 10/18/2022 video by mckate. "I couldn't tell if he was running towards or away from something. Probably away as the bears seem to be easily spooked lately."


18 Oct 2022- 230 Runs Under the Bridge (explore.org)

Video by mckate

2022.10.21: 230 "Ben" was last observed on 10/21/2022, video by twelve22. He is seen resting on top of the cutbank.


230 on Top of the Cut Bank - October 21, 2022 (explore.org)

video by twelve22

2023: Adult Male[]

June 2023:[]

2023.06.20: Birgitt captured this video of a bear believed to be 230 "Ben".:


230 is that You? 2023-06-20 09-10-15 (explore.org)

video by Birgitt

Mckate captured this video of 230 "Ben".:


20 Jun 2023- 230 Grazes by the Road (explore.org)

video by mckate

July 2023:[]

2023.07.01: 230 "Ben" splashes in the office and the jacuzzi in this video by mckate:


1 Jul 2023- 230 Splashes into Office and J (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.07.04: 230 "Ben" quickly checks the falls in mckate's video:


4 Jul 2023- 230 Quickly Checks the Falls (explore.org)

video by mckate

230 "Ben" quickly checks the lower river in this video captured by mckate:


4 Jul 2023- 230 Quickly Checks Lower River (explore.org)

video by mckate

230 "Ben" shows off his fabulous ears in this video mckate captured:


4 Jul 2023- 230 Shows Off His Fabulous Ears (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.07.05: 225 and 230 "Ben" courting video by mckate:


5Jul 2023- 225 and 230 Court (explore.org)

video by mckate

mckate captured this close-up video of 230 "Ben":


5 Jul 2023- 230 Gets Some Close-Ups (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.07.06: 230 "Ben" appeared happy to see 912 "Mufasa" in this video captured by mckate:


6 Jul 2023- 230 Happy to See 912 (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.07.09: 230 "Ben" were observed mating on the spit, Cruiser captured this gif (p 19:39).:

mckate captured this video of the mating couple (230 "Ben" and 171) on the spit:


9 Jul 2023- 171 and 230 Mate (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.07.12: 151 Walker interrupts a courting meeting between 129 and 230 "Ben". LeafyHyrax created this four part (#1, #2, #3 & #4) story in gifs (p 19:54). Some of the gif files are too large to be uploaded to the wiki, please click the number gif links above to view each gif.
230 "Ben" courting 129 on Spit Road gif created by Cruiser (p 20:41).:

151 Walker interrupts a courting meeting between 129 and 230 "Ben" video captured by mckate. 151 Walker just wasn't as limber as the younger 129 & 230. 230 leaves 129 in the dust to save himself.:


12 Jul 2023- 151 Interrupts Meeting Between 129 and 230 (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.07.13: Amy (NWBEARLOVE92) captured this photograph of 230 "Ben" (p 09/03/2023 09:54).:
Please request Amy (NWBEARLOVE92)'s permission PRIOR to using their photographs!

2023.07.14: 820 steals 230 "Ben's" fish in mckate's video:


14 Jul 2023- 820 Steals 230's Fish (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.07.15: 230 "Ben" makes a nice catch in the jacuzzi in this video captured by mckate:


15 Jul 2023- 230 Makes a Nice J Catch (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.07.25: 230 "Ben" fishes the jacuzzi in mckate's video:


25 Jul 2023- 230 Fishes the J (explore.org)

video by mckate

August 2023:[]

2023.08.03: 230 "Ben" shows of his contrasting colors in this video mckate captured:


3 Aug 2023- 230 Shows Off His Contrasting Colors (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.08.05: 230 "Ben" assesses the fishing situation in mckate's video:


5 Aug 2023- 230 Assesses the Fishing Situation (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.08.06: 230 "Ben" sits in one of his favorite spots in this video mckate captured:


6 Aug 2023- 230 Sits in One of His Favorite Spots (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.08.30: 230 "Ben" returns from his walkabout video by mckate:


30 Aug 2023- 230 Returns from His Walkabout (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.08.31: 230 "Ben" & 164 Bucky Dent fishing the far pool gif created by Gwynne (p 08:32).:

mckate captured this video of 230 "Ben" nervously fishing the conveyor:


31 Aug 2023- 230 Nervously Fishes the Conveyor Belt (explore.org)

video by mckate

September 2023:[]

2023.09.02: 230 "Ben" takes in the falls action in mckate's video:


2 Sep 2023- 230 Takes in the Falls Action (explore.org)

video by mckate

230 "Ben" and 131 pause to acknowledge each other in this video captured by mckate:


2 Sep 2023- 230 and 131 Pause to Acknowledge Each Other (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.09.09: 230 "Ben" and 903 "Gully" play bitey face in the lower river in mckate's video. Or bitey ear in 230's case which is kind of a no-no, but he doesn't have a lot of experience playing with other young males so may not know any better. Good to see some bears having a little fun!:


9 Sep 2023- 230 and 903 Play Bitey Face (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.09.23: 230 "Ben" watches 480 Otis fish in this video mckate captured:


23 Sep 2023- 230 Watches 480 Fish (explore.org)

video by mckate

October 2023:[]

2023.10.01: 230 fishes in the lower river in this video captured by twelve22:


230 Fishes in the Lower River - October 1, 2023 (explore.org)

video by twelve22

2023.10.10: 230 "Ben" walks the lower river in this video captured by mckate:


10 Oct 2023- 230 Walks the Lower River (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.10.19: 230 "Ben" fishes the oxbow in this video mckate captured. 602 was behind 230 displacing the water in the river.:


19 Oct 2023- 230 Fishes the Oxbow (explore.org)

video by mckate

908 fishes the oxbow in this video by mckate. 908 has become the mini-me of her older sister, 284 "Electra:. That was 230 Ben chasing a fish in front of her at the end.:


19 Oct 2023- 908 Fishes the Oxbow (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.10.21: 344 interrupts 230 "Ben's" nap in mckate's video:


21 Oct 2023- 344 Interrupts 230's Napping (explore.org)

video by mckate

230 "Ben" tries to wake up in this video captured by mckate. Maybe 230 "Ben" was hoping 344 would leave him alone if he stayed behind the snag.:


21 Oct 2023- 230 Tries to Wake Up (explore.org)

video by mckate

230 "Ben" finally finds a comfy spot to nap in mckate's video:


21 Oct 2023- 230 Finally Finds a Comfy Spot to Nap (explore.org)

video by mckate

November 2023:[]

2023.11.04: 230 "Ben" makes his way upriver in this video by mckate:


4 Nov 2023- 230 Makes His Way Upriver (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.11.05: 903 "Gully" and 230 "Ben" wish each other a good hibernation in this video captured by mckate:


5 Nov 2023- 903 and 230 Wish Each Other a Good Hibernation (explore.org)

video by mckate

2023.11.06: 230 "Ben" passes by 344 in this video by twelve22:


230 Passes by 344 - November 6, 2023 (explore.org)

video by twelve22

2023.11.07: 230 "Ben" has company as he eats his fish in twelve22's video:


230 Has Company as He Eats His Fish - November 7, 2023 (explore.org)

video by twelve22

2024: Adult Male[]

July 2024:[]

2024.07.08: 230 "Ben" and 912 "Mufasa" play in twelve22's video. These two young adult boars had so much fun, they moved their play to the spit to play even more.:


230 and 912 Play - July 8, 2024 (explore.org)

video by twelve22

August 2024:[]

2024.08.02: 402 makes 230 "Ben" nervous in this video captured by mckate. Spit Road intrigue is enjoyable to observe. 230 Ben can be a little skittish, but not likely to anticipate 230 diving into the bushes to avoid 402. Further proves the point that size is everything in the bear world. 402 is big sow.:

(twelve22's similar video of 402 & 230 "Ben" on Spit Road)


2 Aug 2024- 402 Makes 230 Nervous (explore.org)

video by mckate

2025: Adult Male[]

For Future Use

Why 230 Does Not Have An Official Nickname:[]

230 does not have an official nickname. The NPS has moved away from officially naming bears at KNP&P.

While waiting for an official ID number, 230 was referred to as "Ben" by bear cam viewers. This is not an official nickname.

On October 14, 2023 during the Fat Bear Fundraiser Celebration Live Chat we learned that Ranger Derek Christy calls 230 "Scamp" (approx 31:27 into live chat).

Known Courting & Mating:[]


171 & 230 Courting:[]

2022.06.23: 171 tells 230 to get lost, 6/23/2022 video by mckate. "She's not interested in his attentions!"


23 Jun 2022- 171 Tells 230 to Get Lost (explore.org)

Video by mckate

435 Holly & 230 Mating:[]

2022.06.28: 230 was observed mating with 435 Holly, 6/28/2022 video by mckate.


28 Jun 2022- 435 Mates with 230 (explore.org)

Video by mckate


171 & 230 Mating:[]

2023.07.09: 230 "Ben" were observed mating on the spit, Cruiser captured this gif (p 19:39).:

225 & 230 Courting:[]

2023.07.05: 230 was observed courting 225 in this video by mckate:


5Jul 2023- 225 and 230 Court (explore.org)

video by mckate

129 Courted by 230 "Ben":[]

2023.07.12: 151 Walker interrupts a courting meeting between 129 and 230 "Ben" video captured by mckate. 151 Walker just wasn't as limber as the younger 129 & 230. 230 leaves 129 in the dust to save himself.:


12 Jul 2023- 151 Interrupts Meeting Between 129 and 230 (explore.org)

video by mckate

Known Relatives:[]

Questions were sent to Ranger Lian in early June 2022. Question: Any notes on 166 and 167 being siblings? Any thoughts they might be 171's 2016 offspring?  Ranger Lian's reply on 6/6/2022 not 6/6/2020: 167 and 166- accurate on the siblings. Unsure about offspring- there is a note that says maybe 813s. All speculation of course.

There is no way to really confirm the link between subadults to the mother and siblings without DNA results.

Sibling: 193 Speculated[]

Genetics Study Samples Obtained:[]

There is no information from the park that 230 was sampled in a genetics study.
