193 September 26, 2020 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr
Adult Female (2023)
Subadult Female (2020 - 2022)
Year First Observed: 2020, originally numbered as 167
Year Last Observed: 2023 (2024 ? 7/26/2024)
Known Offspring Of: 193 is speculated to be the offspring of 813 Nostril Bear (2018 year of birth)
Known Litters of Cubs: None as of 2023 Season (1 as of 2024 Season?)
Genetics Study Samples Obtained: Unknown
Mckate's Notes: 193 was first identified in July of 2020 as 167. She and her brother 230 were seen all over the river in that month when they were initially numbered 167 and 166. Her parentage is unknown as is her sex, but I can find no evidence that this bear is male.
Mckate's ID Tips: 193 has blonde pom pom ears that sit high on her head. Her eyes are close set and she has a long, straight, narrow muzzle. She also has slightly lighter fur that frames her face and a bit of a goatee or beard. In the spring she is blonde, but her coat darkens to light brown in the fall. She sports a light blonde t-shirt and dark brown legs. On her upper right leg is a brown 'hook' that extends into the blonde. 193's tail is darker than her body in both summer and fall.
Mckate's 193 YouTube playlist.
Distinctive Behaviors:[]
Mckate's Notes: 193 fishes all parts of the river mostly later in the season.
Life History:[]
2020: 2.5 Year-Old Subadult Female[]
July 2020:[]
193 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in July 2020 (as 167)
2020 Season Official Bears Monitored List provided by Ranger Lian April 14, 2022 10:12 AKDT
2020.07.21: Siblings 230 and 193 at the falls, 7/21/2020 video by mckate.
2020.07.22: 230 and 193 fish the riffles, 7/22/2020 video by mckate.
2020.07.26: 230 and 193 at the falls, 7/26/2020 video by mckate. "They seem like siblings, but in this case there was no sharing of the fish as the blonde had to eat grass."
2020.07.30: Mckate's 7/30/2020 video of 230 and 193 fishing the riffles.
230 and 193 are seen on the picnic area in this 7/30/2020 video by mckate. "Chatters were leaning towards these two being Holly's girls, except that the dark sub has dangly bits seen at the 13 second mark."
August 2020:[]
2020.08.04: 193 was originally identified as 167 in 2020 summer monitoring sessions. She was renumbered in the fall of 2020 as 193. Sometimes it is difficult to recognize the same subadult as they grow and their appearance changes over a number of months.
September 2020:[]
193 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in Fall 2020.
2020 Season Official Bears Monitored List provided by Ranger Lian April 14, 2022 10:12 AKDT
2020.09.11: Mckate's 9/11/2020 video of a bear that is possibly 193. If this is 193, she is female as evidenced by her urinating out the back at 1:02. "I think this might be her. It's clearly female at least!"
2020.09.12: 193 eats her fish in the riffles, 9/12/2020 video by mckate.
2020.09.26: 193 September 26, 2020 NPS photo by Ranger T. Carmack KNP&P Flickr.
2020.09.27: 193 September 27, 2020 NPS photo by Ranger T. Carmack KNP&P Flickr.
October 2020:[]
2020.10.11: 193 on the lower river, 10/11/2020 video by mckate. "Initially I thought this bear seemed to dark to be 193, but then saw the pom pom ears and dark tail."
2020.10.18: Is this 193 on the lower river in this 10/18/2020 video by mckate?
2020.10.24: Mckate's 10/24/2021 video of 193 fishing in the riffles.
2021: 3.5 Year-Old Subadult Female[]
June 2021:[]
2021.06.25: 193 arrives and tours the river, 6/25/2021 video by mckate.
July 2021:[]
193 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in July 2021.
2021 Season Official Bears Monitored List provided by Ranger Lian April 14, 2022 10:12
September 2021:[]
193 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in Fall 2021.
2021.09.29: Mckate's 9/29/2021 video of possibly 193 in the riffles. " I think she matches that blonde who was on the conveyor belt earlier in the day, but the lighting differences between the two cams always makes IDing tricky."
2022: 4.5 Year-Old Subadult Female[]
July 2022:[]
193 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in July 2022.
2022 Official Bears Monitored List provided by Ranger Lian, posted by Mazey 10/31/22 09:41
2023: 5.5 Year-Old Adult Female[]
July 2023:[]
2023.07.09: 193 arrives for the 2023 season in this video mckate captured:
9 Jul 2023- 193 Arrives (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.07.12: 193 moves off the spit in this video captured by mckate:
12 Jul 2023- 193 Moves Off the Spit (explore.org)
video by mckate
mckate's video provides a better look at 193:
12 Jul 2023- A Better Look at 193 (explore.org)
video by mckate
2024: 6.5 Year-Old Adult Female w/2 Spring Cubs, 1st Known Litter (? 7/26/2024):[]
193 was not officially observed during the 2024 season:
July 2024:[]
2024.07.26: Could this be 193 with her 1st known litter, 2 spring cubs captured in this video by twelve22?
Sow (193?) with Two Spring Cubs on the Spit - July 26, 2024 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
How 193 Got Their Nickname:[]
193 does not have an official nickname. The NPS has moved away from naming bears at KNP&P.
Known Courting & Mating:[]
Add here
Known Litters of Cubs:[]
1st Known Litter, 2 Spring Cubs (? 7/26/2024)[]
2024: 2 Spring Cubs, 1st Known Litter (? 7/26/2024)
Known Relatives:[]
Questions were sent to Ranger Lian in early June 2022.
Question: Any notes on 166 and 167 being siblings? Any thoughts they might be 171's 2016 offspring?
Ranger Lian's reply on 6/6/2022 not 6/6/2020:
167 and 166- accurate on the siblings. Unsure about offspring- there is a note that says maybe 813s. All speculation of course.
There is no way to really confirm the link between subadults to the mother and siblings without DNA results.
Mother: 813 Nostril Bear Speculated[]
Sibling: 230 Speculated[]
Genetics Study Samples Obtained:[]