151 Walker June 2021 NPS photo
Adult Male
Year First Identified: 2009 as 2.5 year-old subadult; 2007 year of birth
Year Last Observed: 2024
Offspring Of: 818
Genetics Study Samples Obtained: 151 Walker was successfully darted in 2016 by Ranger Michael Saxton for the genetics study. There were no attempts, successful or unsuccessful, of 151 Walker in 2017 by Ranger Michael Saxton.
2015 Bears of Brooks River book: 151 is a small, young adult with a lanky body. His coat is uniformly brown, even in July. He has upright and wide-set ears, a distinctly upturned and skinny muzzle, and large dark eye rings.
2017 Bears of Brooks River book: 151 is a medium-sized, young adult with a lanky body. His coat is uniformly brown, even in July. He has upright and wide-set ears, a distinctly upturned and skinny muzzle, and large dark eye rings.
Distinctive Behaviors:[]
2015 Bears of Brooks River book: 151 is a young adult male who will regularly visit Brooks Falls in July and fishes at the cut bank and lower Brooks River in the fall. However, like all bears his age, he is regularly displaced by more dominant bears at their preferred fishing locations.
2017 Bears of Brooks River book: 151 is a young adult male who will regularly visit Brooks Falls in July and fishes at the cut bank and lower Brooks River in the fall. As a young adult, 151 is sometimes displaced from his preferred fishing spots. However, he has grown significantly in recent years. During 2016 he was displaced less often and was seen displaying dominance over other, younger bears more often than in previous years.
151 is a particularly playful bear. He has been observed playing extensively with #503, #289, #32, and others. Bears hone survival skills by engaging in play. Play-fighting can improve the strength, speed, coordination, and muscle-memory needed during real fights for survival with other bears.
Life History:[]
151 Walker was a spring cub with 818 (mother) and 152 littermate.
July 2008:[]
Could this be 151 Walker as a yearling with 818 and 152 in this photo by Jim Chagares? Ranger Jeanne has some extremely similar photos in her album linked below.
Ranger Jeanne's flickr album of 818 with her 2 yearlings 151 Walker and 152 taken on July 25, 2008.
151 was initially classified as an independent 2.5 year-old subadult in 2009.
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July 2013:[]
2013.07.14: Former KNP&P ranger, Aaron Camire has this July 14, 2014 photo labeled as 151 Walker.
2014: 7.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]
Young adults, like 151, are consistently challenged by older, larger, and more dominant bears. This is a fact of life in the bear world. The most dominant bears are the least likely to yield space or food while less dominant, younger bears are the most likely to yield. The hierarchy of bears at Brooks River changes every year, however. 151 may not be very dominant now, but neither was 747 or 856 (two of Brooks River’s most dominant bears) at his age. Young adulthood can be difficult and challenging for bears.
2014 season:[]
2014.??.??: Dr Arif Herekar captured video of 151 Walker and 89 Backpack fishing near each other on the lower river in 2014. 151 Walker is the darker of the 2 bears.
July 2014:[]
2014.07.07: Park visitor Randy Harris captured photos of 151 Walker during his trip to Brooks Camp: Photo #1 , Photo #2 (please note: Randy has other 151 photos in the album, need to get and add links)
September 2014:[]
2015: 8.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]
151 Walker was included in the adult males section of the 2015 Bears of Brooks River book on page 56:
2015 Season:[]
2015.0?.??: 151 Walker catches a fish video by Tina Crowe:
2015.??.??: Morning Dew Photography (Amanda Mortimer) captured two 2015 photos of 151 Walker, #1 and #2.
May 2015:[]
2015.05.17: 151 Walker courting 284 "Electra" video by Mike Fitz. Mike shares this information about the video:
"I encountered two pairs of courting brown bears on Dumpling Mountain in Katmai National Park on May 17, 2015. The two were young adult bears, previously identified at Brooks River as 151 Walker and 284. In the second pair, 854 Divot was courted by 634 Popeye."
July 2015:[]
2015.07.??: 151 Walker catches a fish in the riffles video by park visitor, Tina Crowe.:
2015.07.05: 89 Backpack (left) and 151 Walker (right) playfight photo by Mike Fitz.
2015.07.08: 151 Walker photo by Dennis Stogsdill, 7/8/2015.
2015.07.11: 151 Walker photo by cam viewer and park visitor BabyPeas. Baby peas shared two additional photos of 151 Walker on 3/20/2022, #1, 151 Walker (near) and 755 Scare D Bear (far) and #2. "Here is 151 Walker in his scrappier days. While visiting Brooks falls we even watched him get displaced by 755 Scare D Bear here in these pictures from July 2015."
Please request Baby pea's permission prior to using her photographs!
2015.07.20: 856 and 151 Walker interaction video by Martina:
August 2015:[]
2015.08.17: 151 Walker video by Rose:
September 2015:[]
2023.09.??: 151 Walker September 2015 NPS photo 2016 Bears of Brooks River book page 66:
2015.09.?? (4th - 7th?): Park visitor, Helmut Bahr captured footage up near Lake Brooks of 151 Walker playing with dependent 2.5 year-old adopted male cub 503 Cubadult with 435 Holly and 719 in close proximity at 9:06 into this video Other bears seen in the video include 879, 410, 402 with her 4 spring cubs (811 & 812 are believed to be two of them), :
2015.09.13: 8 year old 151 Walker can be seen playing on the lower river with 503, a 2.5 year old on 9/13/2015, video by Victoria White. Note: 503 was still an adopted dependent cub of 435 Holly. 435 Holly and her yearling, now known as 719, can be observed swimming over towards 151 and 503 at 2:08 and are very tolerant of the situation.
2015.09.19: 151 Walker and 89 Backpack playing in this video by Peter Photogram. Please note: There is no known relation between 89 Backpack and 151 Walker at this time. 89 Backpack and 151 Walker were both classified as adult males at the time this footage was captured.:
2015.09.20: 8 year old 151 Walker plays with 2.5 year old 503 in this 9/20/2015 video by Victoria White. Note that 503 was still a dependent, adopted cub of 435 Holly at the time.
2015.09.21: 151 Walker playing with 503 Cubadult with 435 Holly and her yearling (719) in close proximity video by Martina:
October 2015:[]
2015.10.03: 151 Walker video by Cog Collins:
2015.10.13: 151 Walker walking around 83 Wayne Brother video by Mickey Williams:
Bear 151 Walker being true to his name at Brooks Falls Katmai National Park 10 13 15 by Mickey Williams
2015.10.15: 151 Walker video by Mickey Williams:
2015.10.18: 16:42: 151 Walker video by Mickey Williams:
17:08: 151 Walker displaced video by Mickey Williams:
2015.10.19 16:09: 151 Walker video by Mickey Williams:
11:41: 151 Walker eating up the hill video by Mickey Williams:
16:43: 151 Walker and 289 video by Mickey Williams:
2015.10.24: 151 Walker in the office video by Mickey Williams:
2015.10.26: 151 Walker video by Mickey Williams:
2016: 9.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]
151 Walker was included in the adult males section of the 2016 Bears of Brooks River book on page 66:
2016 Season:[]
Martina created this 2016 season video of 151 Walker.:
Olddude shared two 2016 snapshots of 151 Walker on 5/9/2021, #1 and #2.
PrasitPhoto posted this 2016 video of 151 Walker eating salmon in the far pool on 9/13/2016. The exact date of the footage is unknown.
June 2016:[]
2016.06.??: 151 Walker June 2016 NPS photo from the 2017 Bears of Brooks River book, page 70:
2016.06.16: 151 Walker is the 1st bear seen on the Explore.org live cams for the 2016 season. 151 Walker was seen entering Brooks Fall during explore.org setup of cams for the 2016 Katmai Brown Bear season. video by Jusywho:
Ned Awty's 6/16/2016 photo of 151 Walker .
2016.06.23: 151 Walker and the tree video by Ratna:
151 Walker hiding video by Ratna:
June/July 2016:[]
Ranger Scott Chandler captured photos of 151 Walker in June and July 2016 . Photo #1 , Photo #2 , Photo #3 , Photo #4 , Photo #5 , Photo #6 , Photo #7 , Photo #8 , Photo #9 , Photo #10 , Photo #11 , Photo #12 , Photo #13 , Photo #14 , Photo #15 , Photo #16 , and Photo #17 .
July 2016:[]
2016.07.??: Brooks Camp visitor Keith Crowley captured images of 151 in July 2016.151 (front) is seen in the riffles with 274 Overflow (back), photo #22. 151 is alone in photo#48. 289 and 151 Walker are observed mating in photos #9 and #72.
2016.07.02: 151 Walker photo by Mike Fitz.
151 Walker (near) and 289 (far) photo by Mike Fitz.
2016.07.08 13:44: 151 Walker mating with 289 video by Mickey Williams:
2016.07.09: 151 Walker mating with 289 photo by Mike Fitz. 151 Walker and 274 Overflow photo by Mike Fitz.
2016.07.10: Photographer Mark Kostich shared this 7/10/2016 photo of 151 Walker and this 7/10/2016 photo of 151 Walker mating with 289 in chat in October, 2020. Mark commented:
"Hello my friends! I have another bear that I am trying to identify; please. Both images of this male were taken on July, 10th 2016. Both images were taken near the Riffles platform. In the 1st image, the male makes eye contact with me and gives me a huff from across the river. Later, he is mating with an unknown female. Any ideas who this muscular male is?? Thanks in advance for any help!!
I am often asked, what is the biggest difference between watching the cams, and seeing the bears in person; besides the obvious answer of just being there. I would say that without a doubt, the biggest difference is that when you are there, the bear often watch you, and sometimes take an interest in what you are doing."
Please request Mark Kostich's permission prior to using his photos!
Permission to post any photos he posts in chat on the Wiki, must say "copyright © Mark Kostich on the photo."
151 Walker high grading video by Mickey Williams:
9;26pm 071016 151 walker high grading fish Katmai National Park and Explore by Mickey Williams
video by Mickey Williams
2016.07.16 - 2016.07.21: Cam viewer and park visitor Truman Everts captured these photos of 151 Walker on his trip to Brooks Camp: Photo #1 , Photo #2 , Photo #3 , and Photo #4 .
2016.07.19: Cam viewer and park visitor Truman Everts captured these photos of 151 Walker on his trip to Brooks Camp: Photo #1 & Photo #2
August 2016:[]
2016.08.13: Chris Brinkman's 8/13/2016 photo of 151 Walker in the riffles.
2016.08.04: 12gizmo16 captured 151 Walker sliding down the falls in this 8/4/2016 video.
2016.08.30: 151 Walker and 68 video by David S.
September 2016:[]
2016.09.01: 12:30: 151 Walker's interaction with 480 Otis video by Mickey Williams:
12;03pm 480 Otis and 151 Walker have words Katmai National Park and Explore, video by Mickey Williams
video by Mickey Williams
151 Walker and 480 Otis video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
09.01.2016 - 151 Walker and 480 Otis Territorial, video by Brenda D
video by Brenda D (left for context)
2016.09.05: 151 Walker and 480 Otis interaction video by David S.
Explore Recorder video footage of the same 151 Walker & 480 Otis interaction begins at approximately 28:18 of this video.
Brooks Falls - Katmai National Park, Alaska Cam 09-05-2016 19 00 01 - 19 59 56
Approx 28:18 Explore video
2016.09.08: 151 Walker plays with 503 Cubadult at Brooks Falls, 9/8/2016 video by David S.
2016.09.09: 151 Walker on island downriver of falls video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
151 Walker and 503 Cubadult video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
09.09.2016 - 151 Walker and 503 Waiting their turn, video by Brenda D
video by Brenda D (left for context)
2016.09.11: 151 Walker with 480 Otis and who(?) video by Ratna.
Walker has words with Otis and then displaces Bear ( need id) sept 11, 2016 video by Ratna Narayan
video by Ratna
2016.09.14: Lisa Robertson (aka Larinor) shared this 9/14/2016 photo of 151 Walker on 3/20/2022. "151 Walker standing on the island at the falls. Walker was smaller and the island was a lot bigger back then. Photo was taken by me on 9/14/16." Lisa Robertson (aka Larinor) shared a 9/14/2016 photo of 151 Walker (left) and 503 (right) on 5/14/2023. "503 and 151 Walker. I miss the bromance and entertaining play sessions between these two!"
Please request Lisa Robertson's (aka Larinor) permission prior to using her photographs!
Shanta created these September 14, 2016 gifs (#1, #2 & #3) of 480 Otis and 151 Walker (p 08/18/23 18:49):
2016.09.17: 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult playing video by Melissa Freels:
2016.09.18: Taha Raja's 9/18/2016 photo of 151 Walker in the far pool.
2016.09.27: 12:46: 151 Walker close-up video by Mickey Williams.
151 Walker video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
October 2016:[]
2016.10.03: Stacy Phillips 10/3/2016 photo of 151 Walker (near) and 68 (far) in the far pool.
2016.10.11: 151 Walker video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
2017: 10.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]
151 Walker was included in the adult males section of the 2017 Bears of Brooks River book on page 70:
2017 Season: []
2017.??.??: GreenRiver created this video of 151 Walker from the 2017 season:
Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this video of 151 Walker from the 2017 season.
2017.0?.??: Sometime in 2017, park visitor Vrishab Kakade captured 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult playing at the 9:42 mark into this video :
2017.??.??: Amalia G (aka Mocha) shared and gave permission to post this 2017 photo of 151 Walker on 4/8/2020.
Please request Mocha's permission prior to using her photographs!
2017.??.??: Sometime in early season 2017, Jon Rayeski captured 801 with 151 Walker at approximately 2:33 into this video :
Cam viewer bearly shared photos of 151 Walker and 801 play fighting, possibly at the same time as Jon Rayeski's 2017 video (above). Bearly posted these 2017 photos: #1, 151 Walker and #2, 801 (far) and 151 Walker (near). Bearly posted these photos: #3, 151 Walker (left) and 801 (right) and #4, 801.
July 2017:[]
Park visitor and cam viewer, Scammin shared these two July 2017 photos (#1 & #2 ) of 151 Walker from his trip to Brooks Camp with Justducky.
Please request Scammin's permission prior to using their photographs!
2017.07.03: 151 Walker and 51 Diver Junior interaction video by Rossetro:
2017.07.07: Truman Everts shared 2 photos of 151 Walker in chat on 8/22/2020, #1 and #2.
151 Walker is seen in the beginning of this 7/7/2017 Explore Recorder video at about the same time as Truman Everts above photos.
2017.07.15: 151 Walker gets "Grazered" by 128 Grazer video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
09:17: 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult video by Mickey Williams:
2017.07.16: 151 Walker interaction with 505 video by Victoria White:
151 Walker and 273 get grazered by 128 Grazer with her 3 yearlings in tow video by Erum Chad (aka Erie).:
In this 7/16/2017 video by Lynn Gulbransen, 505 and 151 Walker have a nasty dispute in the far pool.
2017.07.17: 480 Otis bluff charges 151 Walker video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
10:25: 151 Walker gets "Grazered" by 128 Grazer video by Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA):
151 Walker gets "Grazered" by 128 Grazer, 7/21/2017 video by Rockatte Bears.
Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor ElaineDE shared and gave permission to post 7/21/2017 photos of 151 Walker on 4/8/2020, #1 and #2. ElaineDE shared 7/21/2017 photos of 151 Walker in chat on 5/18/2020, #1 and #2.
Please request ElaineDE's permission prior to using her photographs!
2017.07.22: Scammin shared a 7/22/2017 photo of 151 Walker on 4/8/2020.
Please request Scammin's permission prior to using their photographs!
2017.07.23: 151 Walker fishing the lip, 7/23/2017 video by Scammin.
2017.07.27: 151 Walker and 480 Otis greeting below the falls video by angrboda:
August 2017:[]
2017.08.11: 151 Walker and 755 Scare D Bear play fight, 8/11/2017 video by Casper Pike.
2017.08.15: Kcanada explains this 8/15/2017 Explore Recorder video on Mother's Day, 5/9/2021. "You can’t have Walker Day also being Mother’s Day and not talk about his fraught relationship with 128. This explore recording from 2017 is set to start playing at 17:42 but if you back up further to about 16:30 you can see 151 and 503 playing, and then are distracted looking downriver (at 17:42). They both start to move away, but clever 503 takes off first showing that it doesn’t pay to lollygag. The next thing you see is Walker at a run, and all is explained when Grazer comes charging behind."
2017.08.16: 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
151 Walker video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
151 Walker, 503 Cubadult, and 755 Scare D. Bear video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
2017.08.19: 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult playing video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
2017.08.20: 151 Walker by fallen log video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
2017.08.26: 755 Scare D Bear and 151 Walker play fight, 8/26/2017 video by Casper Pike.
September 2017:[]
2017.09.??: Leslie Zane (aka lesleezee) captured 151 Walker (right) and 503 (left) play fighting in this video titled "151 headlocks 503, September 2017."
2017.09.06: 151 Walker and 474 were observed and photographed by Melissa Freels during her trip to Brooks Camp. Melissa shared the following information about her observations of the interaction between 151 Walker and 474 on September 6, 2017 :
"When we were at Brooks, we witnessed a fight between 151 Walker and another bear. I was not familiar with 474, so it wasn't until I went on the chat that I realized who the other bear was. Here are a couple of pics. I think the height/amount of the water demonstrates how much force is used--vs. the small splashes of play fighting. 474 seems to have calmed down since his first week at the falls."
Please request Melissa's permission prior to using her photos!
Ratna Narayan captured video of a "Bromance" between 503 and 151 Walker on 9/6/2017.
Cruiser's 9/6/2017 snapshot collage of 151 Walker and 503 play fighting. "When they were still buddies."
2017.09.10: 151 Walker slips off the lip of the falls into the jacuzzi where 32 Chunk is fishing video by Anna-Marie (aka CamOp Scout):
Video by Ratna with real-time and slow motion versions:
151 Walker and 480 Otis video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
18:57: 151 Walker and 480 Otis video by Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA):
2017.09.13: 151 Walker appears in this 747 video by Cheryl B.:
2017.09.18: Handsome 151 Walker sitting above the falls, 9/18/2017 video by Ratna Narayan.
2017.09.23: 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult play fighting video by Ratna:
2017.09.30: 480 Otis slowly departs the river with 151 Walker in close proximity video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
2018: 11.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]
2018 Season:[]
Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this video of 151 Walker during the 2018 season:
GreenRiver's 2018 Bearcam Trailer "Beneath a Northern Sky" which features 151 Walker and 503.
Cam viewer JG captured these 19 snapshots of 151 Walker during the 2018 season. Cam viewer, Olddude captured these snapshots (#1 & #2 ) of 151 Walker during the 2018 season. Cam viewer, CarolineB created this painting and captured these snapshots (#1 & #2 ) of 151 Walker during the 2018 season.:
Volunteer-In-Park (VIP) and cam viewer, Stacey shared a few stories about 151 Walker from her 2018 season volunteering experience at Brooks Camp:
"Hi, everyone --
I was away from the computer yesterday and missed the celebration of 151 Walker!
Here are a couple of quick 151 stories.
1) 151 Walker was the first bear I saw in Brooks River.
It was late June, so there weren't a lot of guests in the park -- and there weren't a lot of bears, either!
I went out to the Riffles Platform around 8 a.m.
I was the only one there -- and there was just one bear in the river.
My first thought: "That's a really big bear!"
My second thought -- based on the ringed eyes, the Mickey Mouse ears, and the location in the Riffles: "That's 151 Walker!"
When I see 151 on the cams, I always think of him as a smaller bear -- because next to 480, or 747, or some of the other big males at the falls, he looks kind of junior.
But when I saw him sitting there in the water -- the first bear I'd seen in the river -- he really has SUBSTANCE to him.
2) Early in July, on a very crowded day, I was working at the Falls platform.
One of the bigger bears -- 856, maybe, or 747, had been courting 128 for a LONG time. She was NOT INTERESTED, and so she treed herself high up in a tall tree behind the BF platform.
When she came down, she walked down to the Riffles, and soon after went into the woods w/151 Walker.
He does have a way w/the ladies!
3) We saw 151 Walker in the river a lot.
Once, I was talking w/a guest about 151, and I said, "He's quite popular with the ladies."
"Do you mean with humans?" she said. "Or with bears?"
"Both," I replied....
And those are my stories of 151 Walker, an amiable, omnipresent bear.."
June 2018:[]
2018.06.??: Park visitor and cam viewer, Melissa Freels shared these June 2016 photos of 151 Walker and 708 Amelia: #1 708 Amelia following 151 Walker on Valley Road & #2 151 Walker following 708 Amelia on Valley Road .:
Please request Melissa's permission prior to using her photos!
2018.06.??: Lesleezee shared this photo of 708 Amelia and 151 Walker by the walkway near the tree house in June 2018 at Brooks falls. 151 came up to the falls with 719 and left with 708!
Please request Lesleezee's permission prior to using her photos!
2018.06.01 Approximately 17:00: Ranger Russ observed and photographed 151 Walker in the lower river. On June 2, 2018 at 09:51 Ranger Russ shared the news and photograph with cam viewers. KNP&P's June 3, 2018 08:59 Facebook post updated that 151 Walker was firmly identified as the bear Ranger Russ observed on June 1, 2018 at approximately 17:00.
2018.06.21: Sunny ccaptured this snapshot of 151 Walker:
2018.06.25: 747 chases off 151 Walker video by Cruiser.:
747 runs 151 away from the falls video by Ratna:
2018.06.28: On the morning of June 28, 2018, 151 Walker and 708 Amelia were observed on the lower river...courting?
Cam viewer, Olddude captured these snapshots (#1 & #2 ) of 151 Walker with 708 Amelia. Cam viewer, Caroline captured this snapshot of 151 Walker and 708 Amelia. Cam viewer Xander-Sage-2 created this gif of 151 Walker and 708 Amelia. Bookmom shared this snapshot of 151 Walker and 708 Amelia (p 02/09/2020 06:09 ).:
151 Walker with 708 Amelia video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context. Ranger Russ ID the female bear as 409 Beadnose but later stated in the comments that this is indeed 708 Amelia.:
151 Walker with 708 Amelia video by Cruiser:
15:16: Ranger Russ Taylor's June 28, 2018 15:16 comment : "Ranger Russ here, this morning I misidentified 708 as being 409. I had watched 409 so much earlier this summer that I started to see her everywhere. I looked at your photographs from this morning, and mine, and y’all were right, that was 708 with 151 this morning." Ranger Russ also shared these 4 photographs of 151 Walker and 708 Amelia from this morning. Photo #1 , #2 , #3 , & #4 .:
Volunteer-in-park, Stacey shared her 151 Walker & 708 Amelia story (p 02/09/2020 05:37 ).:
"Here is a 708 Amelia story (kind of):
It was late June 2018, my second day (I think) volunteering at Brooks Camp.
I was receiving an informal orientation before my actual volunteer service began, and I was with a group of people, including a ranger, standing at the Corner, on the Brooks Lodge side of the bridge.
KNPP had the floating bridge at that time, and the bridge was closed, because the two bears above -- 151 Walker and 708 Amelia -- were canoodling near the LR platform. Viewers on the LR platform were transfixed -- we could see lots of cameras pointed at the two lovebirds. But we couldn't see the encounter itself.
On our side of the bridge, we waited patiently for the bear jam to end, and gazed across the river, trying to catch a glimpse of the two adorable canoodlers.
Suddenly, just a few feet behind me, I heard a loud "huff." And at the same time, the ranger's radio crackled, "Corner!"
The ranger on the LR platform was radio-ing because they'd spotted a bear at the Corner -- just as the bear arrived and huffed loudly to announce its presence.
I looked over my shoulder, and there the bear was -- maybe 3-5 feet away from me and the human group.
This was my first real encounter with a bear, and the ranger we were with was excellent.
"Okay," he said calmly, "I want you all to move behind me."
We shuffled smoothly and quickly away from the bear and behind the ranger.
"And now we're going to move away from the bear," he said, and moved us 50 yards down the campground trail, away from Corner, and toward the lodge.
The bear followed, about 25 yards behind the group.
"So now we're going to step off the trail," the ranger said, calmly reminding us of the instructions we'd learned in bear orientation.
We moved off the trail, and the bear walked past.
"I know you all think this is a good time for cell phone pictures," the ranger said, "but it's really not."
The visitors smiled sheepishly and pocketed their phones.
I've always wondered who the bear was! Was it 708 Amelia, who may have swum across the river after her romantic encounter w/151 Walker? Or was it another bear, who either swam across the river or who came up through the trees between Corner and the Point?
I'll likely never know. But I've always been so impressed w/the ranger's calm, by-the-book handling of the situation, which I've tried to use as a model ever since.
And that's my story of 708 Amelia -- or really, the story of what was happening on the other side of the bridge at the same time that 708 and 151 were canoodling at LR."
July 2018:[]
2018.07.??: Park visitor, Mike Weagley captured this July 2018 video that includes: 171 sitting on the log at 0:41, 151 Walker at 0:55, 854 Divot at 1:02, and 504 at 2:02. We are uncertain of the ID of the sow in the beginning of this video.:
2018.07.01: 151 Walker photo by Mike Fitz (from KNP&P's October 3, 2018 tweet )
Please request Mike's permission prior to using his photo!
2018.07.07: NWBearLove92 shared a 7/7/2018 photo of 151 Walker sitting in the riffles with 89 Backpack standing behind him on 4/8/2020.
Please request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!
2018.07.09: 151 Walker on 7/9/2018, video by Lani H.
2018.07.17: 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult video by LaniH:
2018.07.18: 151 Walker and 503 play in the jacuzzi, 7/18/2018 video by mckate.
2018.07.20: Mckate captured 7/20/2018 video of 151 Walker fishing the lip.
2018.07.22: 151 Walker blunders into 854 Divot, 7/22/2018 video by mckate.
2018.07.25: Mckate captured 7/25/2018 video of 151 Walker sitting up and begging from 409 Beadnose. "Walker was in rare form tonight splashing 480 Otis, locking horns with 854 Divot (again), and getting booted from the office by 755 Scare D. He then got in a tussle on the lip with 409 Beady, so she seemed happy to give him her scraps to keep him pacified."
2018.07.27: 151 Walker gets chased off the lip by 128 Grazer into the open paws of 854 Divot video by LaniH:
2018.07.29: 151 Walker shows his fishing skills on the lip, 7/29/2018 video by flyer 7474.
Mckate captured 7/29/2018 video of "128 Grazer sending 151 Walker off the lip only to almost land on 854 Divot who is noy exactly his biggest fan."
2018.07.30: 435 Holly's yearlings watch 151 Walker fish below them, 7/30/2018 video by mckate.
August 2018:[]
2018.08.02: 151 Walker and 755 ScareD Bear "Love-In" on the low cam, 8/2/2018 video by mckate.
2018.08.07: 151 Walker in the far pool, 8/7/2018 video by flyer 7474.
Mckate captured 8/7/2018 video of 503 and 151 Walker in the office as 480 Otis (near) and possibly 801 watch.
2018.08.10: 151 Walker playing with 503 Cubadult & gives 480 Otis a smooch video by mckate:
2018.08.17: 151 Walker spooked by log washing over the falls video by Cruiser:
Mckate also captured 8/17/2018 video of 151 Walker being startled by a large log coming over the falls.
2018.08.22: Martina captured these snapshots of 151 Walker , and 151 Walker with 854 Divot, and 755 Scare D. Bear :
2018.08.23: Flyer 7474 captured video of 151 Walker in a number of close-ups, 8/23/2018.
2018.08.25: Flyer 7474 captured 8/25/2018 video of 151 Walker catching a good size salmon in the far pool.
2018.08.26: 151 Walker and 503 playfight in this 8/26/2018 video by Cruiser.
2018.08.27: 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult playing at the falls video by Birgitt:
2018.08.29: Mckate captured 8/29/2018 video of 151 Walker relaxing at his rock.
September 2018:[]
2018.09.03: 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult video by mckate:
Mckate also captured 9/3/2018 video of 151 Walker trying to intimidate 719 away from 503 in the jacuzzi. Turn your volume up to hear 719's protests.
Pat Gaine's 9/3/2018 photo of 151 Walker (not 32 Chunk) in the far pool.
2018.09.05: Close-up of 151 Walker on the lip, 9/5/2018 video by Lani H.
2018.09.08: 151 Walker bites 755 Scare D. Bear on the rump during a spat between 480 Otis and 755 video by mckate. 854 Divot is the bear that is fishing in the far pool uninvolved in the 480, 755, 151 interactions.:
Lani H also captured 9/8/2018 video where "480 Otis bites 755 ScareD Bear, 151 Walker also gets a bite in and 755 loses his fish."
480 Otis bites 755 Scare D Bear 151 Walker also gets a bite in and 755 loses his fish 9 8 2018, video by Lani H
2018.09.10: 151 Walker photo by Mike Fitz (from KNP&P's October 3, 2018 tweet )
Please request Mike's permission prior to using his photo!
Mckate captured 9/10/2018 video of 634 Popeye backing up 151 Walker. 151 had invaded 634's space earlier.
JG shared a 9/10/2018 photo of 634 Popeye (left) and 151 Walker (right) on 3/17/2021 and commented regarding dominance: "634 is an interesting bear. He is among the largest bears but defers to the 3-4 top hierarchy contenders. He throws his weight around vs. most of the others. He is relatively scar free compared to other mature adult males that seem to show up every summer with fresh new wounds possibly from spring mating season battles. We only see the tail end of the mating season but we have seen 634 mating with several of the regular Brooks River females over the years. He has found the dominance sweet spot."
Lani H captured 9/10/2018 video of 68 (left) having words with 151 Walker (right) while 480 Otis casually watches from his office.
What was 480 Otis saying to 151 Walker at 1:57 into this 9/10/2018 video by mckate?
2018.09.11: 151 Walker and 755 Scare D. Bear video by mckate:
Scooch captured a GIF of 755 ScareD Bear (left) and 151 Walker (right) nuzzling on 9/11/2018.
Birgitt also captured video of 755 ScareD Bear and 151 Walker nuzzling on 9/11/2018, until 503 broke them up. 755 then headed up the hill and was followed by 503 and 151 Walker.
In part 2, "After all three of them walked up the hill, they made their way back down. Who knows..." Birgitt captured video of 755 ScareD Bear, 503 and 151 Walker coming back down the hill, 9/11/2018. 480 Otis wonders what was going on.
2018.09.12: Birgitt captured video of 5 boars in "Boar Alley", the far pool, on 9/12/2018. 151 Walker is facing downstream on the left at the beginning of the video.
2018.09.13: 151 provokes 480 causing a chain reaction including 32 and 856 Explore Recorder video .:
480 Otis, 151 Walker, 32 Chunk and 856 exchange video by mckate. 151 Walker begs from 480 Otis and gets jumped. 32 Chunk intervenes (and checks for leftovers) and 856 chases Chunk because only the top bear intervenes. :
Mckate captured 9/13/2018 video of 480 Otis fishing while 151 Walker plays with a stick.
2018.09.14 - 2018.09.17: Park visitor and cam viewer, Ratna Narayan captured this photo of 151 Walker during her trip to Brooks Camp Ratna also captured these photos (#1 , #2 , #3 & #4 ) of 151 Walker during her trip to Brooks Camp. Ratna also captured these photos (#1 & #2 ) of 151 Walker during her trip to Brooks Camp. Ratna also shared these photos from her trip (#1 151 Walker with 503 Cubadult ; #2 151 Walker with 503 Cubadult; & #3 151 Walker ). Ratna shared this black and white photo of 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult. Ratna shared these 4 photos (#1 , #2 , #3 , & #4 ) of 151 with 503. Ratna shared these 4 photos (#1 , #2 , #3 & #4 ) also.. Here are 3 more photos (#1 , #2 & #3 ) of 151 Walker and 503 that Ratna shared . Ratna also shared these photos (#1 & #2 ) of 151 Walker. Ratna also captured these photos (#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 719 only & #5 151 Walker only ) of 151 Walker's interaction with 719. Ratna also shared this photo of 151 Walker:
Please request Ratna's permission prior to using her photos!
Ratna also captured this photo of 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult during her trip to Brooks Camp.:
Please request Ratna's permission prior to using her photographs!
Cam viewer, Scooch created this paraphrase of Buzza Motto to go with Ratna's photograph:
"151 Walker to 503 ~
There are lots of bears
in the world, it is true
Lots of bears,
but only one you
And I count myself lucky
and shall to the end
That out of them all
I have you for a friend!"
2018.09.15: "Walker, the bear who rarely respects body bubbles, felt that 503 was invading his space. 719 tells him to knock it off, and he does. She's a confident little bear. Wonder when the day will come that 503 no longer tolerates Walker's bad moods?" Video captured by mckate on 9/15/2018.
151 Walker chases 719 in this 9/15/2018 video by mckate. Turn your sound up.
Birgitt captured this 9/15/2018 video of 151 Walker going after 503 in the far pool while 719 stands her ground.
151 Goes After 503 in the Far Pool 719 Stands Her Ground 2018-09-15 10-48-37-917, video by Birgitt-1
2018.09.20: 755 ScareD Bear and 151 Walker play bitey face, 9/20/2018 video by mckate.
2018.09.21: 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult playing on the far side of the river video by Birgitt:
2018.09.22: 151 Walker interrupts 812's dinner video by mckate:
October 2018:[]
2018.10.03: KNP&P's tweet : re 151 Walker in 2018 Season packing on the pounds nicely #FatBearWeek:
151 Walker spent a lot of time in the far pool in the fall of 2018, 10/3 video by Lani H.
2018.10.17: 151 Walker sitting by the table rock, 10/17/2018 video by Lani H.
151 Walker by his rock, 10/17/2018 video by mckate.
2018.10.18: 32 Chunk admires 151 Walker's catch, 10/18/2018 video by mckate.
2018.10.19: 151 Walker in the office, 10/19/2018 video by Lani H.
2018.10.20: 151 Walker rearranges the office, 10/20/2018 video by mckate.
2019: 12.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]
2019 season:[]
Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this 2019 season video of 151 Walker.
June 2019:[]
2019.06.14: Could this be 151 Walker on Dumpling Mountain in the video by Paxton Graham? "A casual hike on Dumpling Mountain Trail in Katmai National Park led to a very up close and personal encounter with a brown bear". Paxton Graham confirms in the comments under his video that this happened on June 14, 2019.: Mike Fitz commented about the video "That video was recorded just uphill from the Brooks Camp Campground on the Dumpling Mountain Trail. It does look like the bear could be 151. The people, I should add, acted appropriately for that type of bear encounter in the Brooks River area. Bears here are accustomed to seeing people on trails and sometimes, like this time, it is most appropriate to get out of the bear's way."
2019.06.21: 128 Grazer courts a nervous 151 Walker, 6/21/2019 video by mckate.
July 2019:[]
2019.07.02: 480 Otis joins 151 Walker in his fishing hole, 7/2/2019 video by mckate.
2019.07.04: 151 Walker July 4, 2019 NPS photo by Ranger Tammy Carmack KNP&P Flickr.
2019.07.06: Cruiser captured this 7/6/2019 GIF of 151 Walker and "his not so subtle way of courting 854 Divot."
Mckate captured video of the same 7/6/2019 event, "854 flirts with 151 Walker."
2019.07.16: 128 Grazer displaces 151 Walker in the far pool, 7/16/2019 video by Lani H.
Mckate also captured video of 151 Walker being displaced by 128 Grazer on 7/16/2019.
2019.07.23: 480 Otis chastises 151 Walker video by mckate.:
2019.07.28: 806 referees 151 Walker's wrestling match with "Spot" video by mckate. Mckate shared this information about 151 Walker and "Spot" (the unidentified bear): "They sure give the impression that they know each other. One of the interactions that intrigued me last season was Walker's apparent delight in seeing Spot when he first showed up at the falls. He's usually not too nice to subs and usually only plays with 503. So who is Spot to Walker?":
Birgitt captured 7/28/2019 video of 83 Wayne Brother trying to take a bite out of 151 Walker.
August 2019: []
2019.08.02: "Just a Little 151 Walker", 8/2/2019 video by mckate.
2019.08.02-08.05: Cam viewers and Brooks Camp visitors Kacko and Goof_n shared multiple 8/4/2019 photos of 151 Walker on 4/8/2020, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5 and #6. Goof_n shared a 8/4/2019 photo of 151 Walker (near) and 775 Lefty (far) on 3/20/2022. Goof_n shared a 8/4/2019 photo of 151 Walker eating a fish on 3/20/2022. Goof_n shared a 8/5/2019 photo of 151 Walker on 3/20/2022.
Please request Kacko & Goof_n's permission prior to using their photographs!
2019.08.03: 151 Walker has words with 812, 854 Divot gets involved video by Lani H.:
854 Divot rescues 812 from 151 Walker video by mckate.:
2019.08.04: 89 Backpack takes a wide stance and a cowboy walk for 151 Walker video by mckate.:
Mckate captured 8/4/2019 video of 151 Walker and 775 Lefty working out their differences.
Fall 2019:[]
151 Walker fishes the lip while 812 sits and watches in this Fall 2019 photo by Mark Drawbridge.
September 2019: []
2019.09.07: 610 and 151 Walker watch and wait video by mckate.:
Lani H captured 9/7/2019 video of 151 Walker in the far pool.
2019.09.08: Katmai Conservancy Ranger Naomi Boak shared a 9/8/2019 photo of 151 Walker on 4/8/2020. Ranger Naomi Boak (aka NSBoak) shared a 9/8/2019 photo of 151 Walker on 5/9/2021.
Permission to use her NPS photos posted on the bearcam comments
Carrie59 shared a 9/8/2019 photo of 151 Walker in chat on 4/8/2020. Carrie59 shared a 9/8/2019 photo of 151 Walker on 5/9/2021.
Please request carrie59's permission prior to using her photographs!
2019.09.09: TDown shared a 9/9/2019 photo of 151 Walker in chat on 3/24/2020.
Please request TDown's permission prior to using their photographs!
2019.09.10: Carrie59 shared this 9/10/2019 photo of 151 Walker (left) and 879 (right) on 3/20/2022.
Please request carrie59's permission prior to using her photographs!
Lani H filmed this 9/10/2019 video of 151 Walker and 879 in the far pool.
Park visitor Jack Heald captured a photo of 151 Walker and 879 in the far pool on the same date, 9/10/2019.
Casper Pike captured this video of 151 Walker and 879 on September 10, 2019.
2019.09.11: Lisa Robertson (aka Larinor) shared this 9/11/2019 photo of 151 Walker fishing the lip. "151 Walker has become a really proficient lip fisher, and has also developed a bulbous butt that rivals 32 Chunk's! Photo was taken by me on 9/11/19." Lisa Robertson (aka Larinor) shared this 9/11/2019 photo of 503 (left) and 151 Walker (right) on 5/14 2023. "503 and 151 Walker. I miss the bromance and entertaining play sessions between these two!"
Please request Lisa Robertson's (aka Larinor) permission prior to using her photographs!
151 Walker, 812 & 747's interaction on top of the falls slow motion video by Ratna Narayan (9/11/2019 not 9/12/2019, published date 09/11/2019).:
2019.09.12: Lani H captured video of 151 Walker on the lip, 9/12/2019.
2019.09.13: Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) shared this 9/13/2019 photo of 151 Walker on 4/6/2020. Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) shared 9/13/2019 photos of 151 Walker on 4/8/2020, #1 and #2. Bonnie shared this 9/13/2020 photo of 151 Walker on 4/10/2020.
Please request Bonnie Hankins' (aka NutsBoutBears) permission prior to using her photographs!
2019.09.13-09.15: Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) shared 9/13-9/15/2019 photos of 151 Walker on 4/8/2020, #1, #2, #3 , #4, #5 and #6. Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears ) shared this 9/15/2019 photo of 151 Walker on 6/2/2020.
Please request Bonnie Hankins' (aka NutsBoutBears) permission prior to using her photographs!
2019.09.14: Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) captured this photograph of 151 Walker (p 12/08/19 07:44 ). Bonnie shared this information about 151 in her comment with this photograph: "151 Walker sporting a Chunk butt. Not a great photo, but best I have that really shows how much his backside looked like 32's this year. I have usually IDed 32 just by his backside. Now I have to check his face also to make sure it isn't really 151". Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) shared this 9/14/2019 photo of 151 Walker on the lip on 5/15/2020. Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) shared this 9/14/2019 photo of 151 Walker on the lip on 5/29/2020.
Please request Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) permission prior to using her photographs!
151 Walker and 503 greet each other at the falls, 9/14/2019 video by Birgitt.
2019.09.14 - 2019.09.18: Scooch created this gif from her September 14, 2019 - September 18, 2019 Brooks Camp trip photographs (p 02/24/2020 01:16 ). Scooch also captured these photographs (#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 , #6 , #7 & #8 ) of 151 Walker (p 02/24/2020 01:16) .:
Please request Scooch's permission prior to using her photographs!
Scooch shared 3 photos of 151 Walker in chat on 3/24/2020. The photos were taken on 9/14/2019, #1, #2 and #3. Scooch said: "All three photos were taken on September 14th, our first day there. I'll never forget walking out on the falls platform the very first time, hearing the loud roar of the falls and the piercing call of the gulls, the fresh smell of the air and seeing Walker spread across the lip in his sideways stance, catching fish in mid-air. Such a surreal moment! He (and the other bears) are so much bigger in person than they appear on the cams. Especially Walker, he was truly enormous." Scooch shared 9/14/2019 photos of 151 Walker in chat on 4/8/2020, #1, #2 and #3. Scooch shared 9/14/2019 photos (#1 and #2 ) of 151 Walker on 4/10/2020.. Scooch also shared these September 14, 2019 photographs (#1 & #2 ) of 151 (p 04/10/2020 01:35 ).:
2019.09.14-09.15: Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor BeckyMeyer shared 9/14/2019 photos of 151 Walker on 4/8/2020, #1, #2, #3 and #4.
Please request BeckyMeyer's permission prior to using her photographs!
503 invited 151 Walker to play on 9/14/2019, video by mckate.
2019.09.15: Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) captured these photographs (#1 & #2 ) of 503 Cubadult (left) and 151 Walker (right) during her trip to Brooks Camp (p 10/20/19 08:11 ).: Please request Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) permission prior to using her photographs!
Mckate captured 9/15/2019 video of 151 Walker and 503 "having a spat."
151 Walker sends "Scrappy" (unidentified male subadult) over the falls video by McKate.:
Bonnie Hankins (aka NutsBoutBears) shared 9/15/2019 photos of 151 Walker sending "subadult "Scrappy" over the falls on 5/7/2020, #1, #2, #3 and #4.
Please request Bonnie Hankins' (aka NutsBoutBears) permission prior to using her photographs!
Ratna Narayan also captured video of 151 Walker pushing a subadult off the falls, 9/15/2019.
2019.09.16: Scooch shared 9/16/2019 photos of 151 Walker in chat on 4/9/2020, #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5. The photos were taken from the riffles platform towards the far pool.
Please request Scooch's permission prior to using her photographs!
Susan Grace's 9/16/2019 photo of 151 Walker fishing the lip.
2019.09.17: 151 Walker sitting on the lip, 9/17/2019 video by Lani H.
2019.09.19: NSBoak (aka Ranger Naomi Boak) shared a 9/19/2019 NPS photo of 151 Walker fishing the lip.
Please request NSBoak's (aka Ranger Naomi Boak) permission prior to using her photographs!
909 sends 151 Walker walking video by mckate.:
2019.09.21: Katmai Conservancy Ranger Naomi Boak shared 9/21/2019 photos of 151 Walker on 4/8/2020, #1 and #2. Ranger Naomi Boak (aka NSBoak) shared two additional 9/21/2019 photos of 151 Walker on 5/9/2021, #1 and #2.
Permission to use her NPS photos posted on the bearcam comments
151 Walker scratches an itch, 9/21/2019 video by mckate.
2019.09.25: Lani H captured 9/25/2019 video of 151 Walker out by the oxbow.
October 2019: []
2019.10.01: 820? gets too close to 151 Walker (left, back) at 1:05 in this 10/1/2019 video by Lani H.
2019.10.06: 151 Walker annoys 879 video by mckate.:
2019.10.11: How Big are the Fat Bear Week Bears? Explore.org blog:by Mike Fitz:
Bear Body Volume Weight Chart Only Link ~ 480 Otis Scan Image Link ~ 151 Walker Scan Images Link ~ 32 Chunk & 854 Divot Scan Images Link
2020: 13.5 Year-Old Adult Male[]
151 Walker was included in the 2021 Bears of Brooks river book page 65.
January 2020:[]
2020.01.x??: Scanning the Roundest Bear professional survey magazine article by Claire Napier
2020 Season:[]
Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this 2020 Season video of 151 Walker, "Bear 151 Walker 2020."
June 2020:[]
2020.06.16: 151 Walker was observed and identified by Ranger Tammy on the evening of 6/16/2020. He was huffing, agitated and began pursuing 402 and her three 2.5 year old cubs after they ran. Ranger Naomi stopped in chat on 6/17/2020 to share this information.
""BREAKING NEWS from the Brook River Gazette -- Ace cub reporter Ranger Tammy was on evening duty by our cabins when she spotted bear 402 with her 3 - 2.5 year old cubs walking by. Shortly after that she saw a boar -- bear 151, Walker. Reportedly, he was huffing and agitated. Then 402 and cubs began to run and 151 pursued. That's the news from the Brooks River."
2020.06.22: 151 Walker was the first boar seen on the cams on 6/22/2020. He could be seen searching for fish in the riffles and sitting in his usual spot, video by Erum Chad.
151 Walker at the riffles and falls, 6/22/2020 video by Lani H.
151 Walker finds no fish, 6/22/020 video by mckate.
2020.06.23: 151 Walker chases 480 Otis up the far path, then a minor kerfuffle ensues, 6/23/2020 video by Lani H.
151 Walker yells at 480 Otis for following, 6/23/2020 video by mckate.
151 Walker harrasses 480 Otis, 6/23/2020 video by mckate.
151 Walker jaw pops at 480 Otis, 6/23/2020 video by mckate.
151 Walker was seen mating with a young, blonde sow on 6/23/2020, video by Arlene Beech. Chatter opinion was divided as to the identification of the sow. Could it be 901 or 908? Mike Fitz commented about the mating pair on 6/24/2020. "151 Walker was seen on the River Watch cam copulating with a blond-furred female. However, I wasn't able to ID her from the webcam footage."
6/23/2020 video by Lani H.
2020.06.24: 151 Walker approaches 402 and 856 runs from the J to chase him off, 6/24/2020 video by Lani H.
856 spots 151 Walker approaching 402 and takes off like a freight train, 6/24/2020 video by mckate.
151 Walker asserts himself to 83 Wayne Brother, 6/24/2020 video by Lani H.
151 Walker challenges 83 Wayne Brother and lives to tell about it, 6/24/2020 video by mckate.
151 Walker says "You lovebirds get off my lawn", 6/24/2020 video by mckate.
2020.06.28: 51 Walker gets "Grazered" in the riffles. 128 Grazer has her spring cubs stashed by the riffles bank and wants that fishing spot. Her cubs wander out in the river and while she is treeing them again, 151 Walker takes her spot. She then chases him out and he heads to the falls, 6/28/2020 video by Birgitt.
2020.06.30: 775 Lefty and 151 Walker have a kerfuffle in the riffles, 6/30/2020 video by Lani H.
151 Walker dines under the lower river bridge, 6/30 2020 video by mckate. "I've never seen Walker spend so much time on the lower river. The rangers say he is one of the human averse bears, so we'll see what happens when the day trippers return."
July 2020:[]
2020.07.05: 151 Walker reunites with his pal 503 on the day that 503 returned to Brooks Camp, 7/5/2020 video by Birgitt.
2020.07.06: 151 Walker is on the lip and catches 3 fish, 7/6/2020 video by Ratna Narayan.
2020.07.07: 151 Walker and 503 Cubadult play, 7/7/2020 video by Lani H.
2020.07.08: 503 Cubadult, 151 Walker, 480 Otis and 775 Lefty can all be seen by the jacuzzi at 04:45 into this7/8/2020 video by Ratna Narayan.
2020.07.09: 151 Walker and a wolf on top of the falls, 7/9/2020 video by Ratna Narayan.
2020.07.12: 402 is seen climbing to the top of the falls where 151 Walker (left) and 503 Cubadult (right) are standing. They make way for her. 402 then heads to the lip where 812 yields so she can fish the lip, 7/12/2020 video by Birgitt.
2020.07.13: 151 Walker picks on the unknown "Mane Bear" then encounters 32 Chunk, 7/13/2020 video by mckate.
2020.07.21: 151 Walker at the falls, 7/21/2020 video by Lani H.
2020.07.22: 775 Lefty has words with 151 Walker, 7/22/2020 video by Lani H.
2020.07.24: 151 Walker, 480 Otis and 18 in the far pool, 7/24/2020 video by Lani H.
2020.07.26: 151 Walker plays with 83 Wayne Brother on the lower river, 7/26/2020 video by Lani H.