133 July 2021 NPS photo
Adult Female
Year First Observed: 2020 as an independent 2.5 year-old subadult, 2018 year of birth.
Year Last Observed: 2023
Offspring Of: The Bears of Brooks River 2021 eBook identifies 133 as the offspring of 482 Brett. That information is noted on page 32 of the Bears of Brooks River 2021 eBook under 133's Bear Book entry. "#129, #131, and #133 are all offspring of #482 from the same litter. #131 is female." There is however no way to really confirm the link between subadults to the mother and siblings without DNA results.
Known Litters of Cubs: None as of 2024 Season
Genetics Study Samples Obtained: Unknown
133 was initially observed as a 2.5 year-old newly identified subadult during the 2020 season. #133 has a similar body to her siblings though her muzzle is slightly longer.
Mckate's ID Tips: 133 has a longer and straighter muzzle than her sisters, large triangular ears, and dark circles around her eyes early in the season. Her coat is a fairly solid light reddish blonde early in the season and she is slower to shed than her sisters. Come fall her body and facial fur darkens, but her ears remain bright.
133 can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from her sister 131, but looking for her broad natal collar can help with the ID. She also seems to lack 131's fluffy head and goatee in the fall.
Mckate's 133 YouTube playlist.
Distinctive Behaviors:[]
#129, #131, and #133 are all suspected ofspring of #482 from the same litter. #133 is female. In 2020, #133 was seen mostly with her siblings. In 2021, she occasionally met up with her siblings.
Mckate's Notes: 133 spent most of 2020, her season of emancipation, with her sisters. She arrived early in 2021 and stayed through July. She then left for her August walkabout, but didn't return until mid-October. If she interacted with her sisters in 2021, I didn't catch it.
Life History:[]
2018: Spring Cub with 482 Brett and Littermates 129 and 131[]
133 is a female offspring of 482 Brett. 482 Brett had a litter of 3 spring cubs in 2018.
2019: Yearling Cub with 482 Brett and Littermates 129 and 131[]
2020: Newly Emancipated 2.5 Year-Old Independent Subadult[]
133 was included in the 2021 Bears of Brooks River book page 32.
2020 Season:[]
Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this 2020 season video of 482 Brett's 3 subadults 129, 131 and 133, "Bear 482's Subadults 2020."
July 2020:[]
133 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in July 2020.
2020.07.23: Mckate's 7/23/2020 video, 129, 131, and 133 find each other. "I was wondering if these emancipated subs would ever get together. Finally!"
2020.07.24: 131, 133, and 129 pass by, 7/24/2020 video by mckate. "133 is pretty thin compared to her sisters. I'm guessing she was the last to find her way back to Brooks? Nice that they are all together!"
482 subadults (129, 131 and 133) down the spit and spit road, 7/24/2020 video by Lani H. "I think 94's cubs chased them down the spit, with a cameo appearance by 435 Holly's coy."
2020.07.28: 133 July 28, 2020 NPS photo by T Carmack KNP&P Flickr.
Mckate's 7/28/2020 video of the 482 sisters, 129, 131 and 133. "These three 482 subs seem so well behaved and almost refined particularly after spending an hour trying to sort out the rollicking male subs in the riffles.
August 2020:[]
2020.08.01: 129, 131, and 133 in the riffles, 8/1/2020 video by mckate. "This lighting really shows their color differences. It looks like 133 may be starting to fill out."
2020.08.02: CamOp Kwaahu captured this 8/2/2020 video that appears to show 129, 131 and 133 at 1:56:06. They can be seen lying on the edge of the spit road near the large bush. As larger subadults arrive, they become alert. At 2:02:24, one of them bluff charges the approaching bears. The 3 of them then quickly leave. Note: The YouTube link is queued to start at 1:56:06, the thumbnail starts at 0:00.
2020.08.03: 129, 131 and 133 can be seen in the very beginning of this 8/3/2020 video by Ratna Narayan.
2020.08.04: Ratna Narayan's 8/4/2020 video. 129, 131 and 133 are the first 3 bears followed by two 39's light and dark yearlings and then 39. There is never a chase. Maybe 39's cubs were curious about the new subadults.
2020.08.05: 129, 131 and 133 are seen at the falls (at 5:16) in this 8/5/2020 video by Ratna Narayan.
2020.08.09: Evwada's 8/9/2020 snapshot of 129, 131 and 133 at the lower river.
September 2020:[]
133 appears on the list of Bears monitored in Fall 2020.
2020.09.19: 482 subadults (129, 131 and 133) under the bridge, 9/19/2020 video by Lani H.
129, 131 and 133 return after an absence, 9/19/2020 video by mckate. "They were pretty tired today. I wonder if they followed their mom back? Funny that 503 arrived a day after his mom too."
2020.09.20: Bear parade on the spit road, 9/21/2020 video by Hey Princess. "482 subs, followed by the 273's."
273 and yearlings and 482's subadults and and extra subadult walk down spit road, 9/20/2020 video by Lani H.
273 and yearlings and 482's subadults and and extra subadult walk down spit road 9-20-2020
Video by Lani H
2020.09.21: 129, 131 and 133 form a united front against unknown subadult "Bucky", 9/21/2020 video by mckate. "Not sure what his crime could have been. It took him quite a while to finally escape. I had to laugh at 131 "Marshmallow" sitting in the road to make sure he didn't come back."
482 subs (129, 131 and 133) gang up on a bigger sub, 9/21/2020 video by Hey Princess.
2020.09.25: 482 subs (129, 131 and 133) visit the falls, 9/25/2020 video by Hey Princess.
October 2020:[]
2020.10.23: 129, 131, and 133 trail by, 10/23/2020 video by mckate. "I've been waiting quite awhile to catch all three together!"
2021: 3.5 Year-Old Female Subadult[]
131 was included in the Bears of Brooks River book page 32.
June 2021:[]
2021.06.21: Spit bear's (mckate video from 6/21/2021) similarities to 133 from behind in comparison to a 7/24/2020 video of 133. "I think I have to revise my ID of the spit bear. I really thought it was 94's large girl until I saw it walk away tonight and it triggered a memory. 133 has very narrow hips and kind of a distinctive stiff walk. I think these match."
2021.06.22: 133 leisurely walks the spit road, 6/22/2021 video by mckate.
July 2021:[]
133 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in July 2021.
2021.07.04: NWBearLove92 shared two 7/4/2021 photos of 133, #1 and #2. NWBearLove92 shared 3 additional 7/4/2021 photos of 133, #1, #2 and #3.
Please request NWBearLove92's permission prior to using any of their photographs!
2021.07.17; The 482 girls 129 (L) and 133 (R) met up under the bridge, 7/17/2021 gif by LunaCre.
2021.07.22: 133 in the early morning light, 7/22/2021 video by mckate.
2021.07.26: 133 in the daylight, 7/26/2021 video by mckate.
2021.07.30: 133 grazes under the bridge, 7/30/2021 video by mckate. "She's looking better than I thought. I saw her on the falls low cam a day or two ago. Looks like she may have found some scraps up river."
133 poses on the lower river, 7/30/2021 gif by LunaCre.
2021.07.31: Could this be 133 behind 284 "Electra" and her 2 cubs, 7/31/2021 video by JG.
2021.07.31-08.05: Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor Betsy Bear's 7/31-8/5/2021 photos of 133, #1 and #2.
Please request BetsyBear's permission prior to using her photographs!
September 2021:[]
133 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in September 2021.
October 2021:[]
2021.10.13: 133 returns, 10/13/2021 video by mckate. "This is a correction. I initially had this as 25, but Alisa and Shel believe it's 133. I'd forgotten that 133 has that low wide natal collar like 94's girl. She's been away since the end of July. That was a long walkabout!"
2021.10.22: 133 snorkels at the cutbank, 10/22/2021 gif by LunaCre.
2021.10.24: A good look at 133 on the last day she was observed, 10/24/2021 video by mckate.
2022: 4.5 Year-Old Female Subadult[]
July 2022:[]
133 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in July 2022.
2022.07.07: NWBearLove92's four 7/7/2022 photos of 133, #1, #2, #3 and #4. "Correction: I know this has to be one of 482’s… It’s 133 per @a_lisa. Photos from 7/7/22."
Please request Amy's (aka NWBEARLOVE92) permission prior to using any of her photographs!
2022.07.10: 133 on her morning stroll, 7/10/2022 gif by LunaCre.
2022.07.13: Three photos of 133 by NWBearLove92 from 7/13/2022, #1, #2 and #3.
Please request Amy's (aka NWBEARLOVE92) permission prior to using any of her photographs!
2022.07.18: 133 and 344 arrive at Brooks Camp, 7/16/2022 video by mckate.
2022.07.18: 133 looks around the riffles, 7/18/2022 video by mckate.
2022.07.19: 344 startles 133 with his greeting, 7/19/2022 video by mckate.
2022.07.24: Exuberant 208 overwhelms 133, 7/24/2022 video by mckate. "He really wanted to play, but she seemed to think he was a bit much. She managed to get away from him once and, just when the coast looked clear, he came out of nowhere again."
2022.07.25: 133 passes by the low cam, 7/25/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.07.29: Cam Viewer and Brooks Camp visitor Lori Hocking (aka Lovethebears1) captured four photos of 133 on 7/29/2022, #1, #2, #3 and #4. Please request Lori's (aka Lovethebears) permission prior to using her photographs!
August 2022:[]
2022.08.01: 208 plays with 133, 8/1/2022 video by mckate.
September 2022:[]
133 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in Fall 2022.
2022.09.08: 133 returns to the delight of her sisters 129 and 131, 9/8/2022 video by mckate. "Well, mostly to the delight of 129. I think 131 thought they were being a little silly. That's 133 on the left in the thumbnail. I can't remember the last time we saw all of the girls together, so this was a real treat."
2022.09.17: Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor Olaf Azcona Munárriz shared three 9/17/2022 photos of 133 on 2/5/2023, #1, #2 and #3. "133. September 17, 2022. 133 showed up on the lower river the early afternoon of my last day trip to Brooks River. I didn´t recognize her, but her fur pattern and her beautiful eyes somehow reminded me of 902´s aka Peanut. She is a beauty." Olatz shared two 9/17/2022 photos of 133 on 2/12/2023, #1 and #2. Olatz shared two 9/17/2022 photos of 133 on 2/17/2023, #1 and #2. Please request Olatz Azcona Munárriz's (aka Olatz) permission prior to using their photographs!
2022.09.19: Sisters 131 and 133 on the very soggy spit road, 9/19/2022 video by twelve22.
Sisters 131 and 133 on the Very Soggy Spit Road - September 19, 2022 (explore.org)
Video by twelve22
2022.09.21: 208 and 133 have a flirty play session, 9/21/2022 video by mckate.
2022.09.26: 133 rests by the bridge and then heads out to fish, 10/6/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.09.29: 131 by the bridge, 9/29/2022 video by twelve22.
133 finds a fish, 9/29/2022 video by mckate.
October 2022:[]
2022.10.04: 133 hangs out near the bridge, 10/4/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.10.06: 344 (right) greets 129, 10/6/2022 video by mckate. "I think she just wanted to say hello to her sis, 133."
2022.10.09: 133 walks the Big Island, 10/9/2022 video by mckate.
2022.10.10: 133 passes by, 10/10/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.10.11: 133 and sister 129, 10/11/2022 video by twelve22. "133 is the bear in the water, and 129 is the bear that walks by in the foreground."
2022.10.13: 133 walks the top of the cutbank, 10/13/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.10.20: 133 fishes the lower river, 10/20/2022 video by twelve22.
133 walks a long way for scraps, 10/20/2022 video by mckate. This was the last day that 133 was observed in 2022.
2023: 5.5 Year-Old Adult Female[]
July 2023:[]
2023.07.08: 133 arrives and rests on Spit Road video by mckate.:
8 Jul 2023- 133 Arrives and Rests on Spit Road (explore.org)
video by mckate
133 waits patiently in this video captured by mckate:
8 Jul 2023- 133 Waits Patiently (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.07.12: Amy (NWBEARLOVE92) captured this photograph of a fluffy 133 (p 09/01/2023 15:16).:
129 chases after sister, 133, in this video captured by twelve22:
129 Chases After Sister 133 - July 12, 2023 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2023.07.13: 133 poses on the spit in mckate's video:
13 Jul 2023- 133 Poses on the Spit (explore.org)
video by mckate
August 2023:[]
2023.08.01: 133 walks the spit in this video captured by mckate:
1 Aug 2023- 133 Walks the Spit (explore.org)
video by mckate
September 2023:[]
2023.09.05: 133 fishes the lower river in mckate's video:
5 Sep 2023- 133 Fishes the Lower River (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.09.11: 133 fishes and grazes in the lower river in this video mckate captured:
11 Sep 2023- 133 Fishes and Grazes (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.09.19: 133 watches from the bank in this video captured by mckate:
19 Sep 2023- 133 Watches from the Bank (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.09.22: 133 & the bull moose gif series (#1, #2, #3 & #4) created by Cruiser (p 15:34).:
133 & the bull moose September 22, 2023 gif series created by Cruiser (p 15.34 #1)
GABear captured this video (long version) of 133 & the bull moose:
Brown Bear Cam Kat's River View - Moose! -explore.org 9-23-23
video by GABear
October 2023:[]
2023.10.01: 133 walks along the lower river in this video captured by twelve22. 133 eventually ends up near 164 who is standing in his favorite fall spot.:
133 Walks Along the Lower River - October 1, 2023 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2023.10.11: 133 fishes the falls in mckate's video.:
11 Oct 2023- 133 Fishes the Falls (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.10.27: 133 passes through the falls in this video captured by mckate:
27 Oct 2023- 133 Passes Through the Falls (explore.org)
video by mckate
November 2023:[]
2023.11.03: 133 checks in video by mckate:
3 Nov 2023- 133 Checks In (explore.org)
video by mckate
2024: 6.5 Year-Old Adult Female[]
September 2024:[]
2024.09.09: Amy Incillo (aka NWBearLove92) captured these photographs (#1, #2 & #3) of 133 (p 09/29/24 11:00).:
Please request Amy Incillo's (aka NWBearLove92) permission PRIOR to using her photograph!
2024.09.13: Amy Incillo captured this photograph of 133 (p 09/29/24 11:36).: Please request Amy Incillo's (aka NWBearLove92) permission PRIOR to using her photograph!
2025: 7.5 Year-Old Adult Female[]
For Future Use
Why 133 Does Not Have An Official Nickname:[]
133 does not have an official nickname. The NPS has moved away from officially nicknaming bears at KNP&P.
Known Courting & Mating:[]
Add here
Known Litters of Cubs:[]
None as of 2024 season
Known Relatives:[]
Mother: 482 Brett, per page 32 of the Bears of Brooks River 2021 eBook.
Father: Unknown
Littermates: 129 and 131, per page 32 of the Bears of Brooks River 2021 eBook.
Genetics Study Samples Obtained:[]