128 Grazer & smaller spring cub July 17, 2024 gif created by Cruiser (p 08:36 #2)
Adult Female (2010 & Going Forward)
Subadult Female (2009)
Year First Identified: 1st classified as a 4.5 year-old subadult in 2009
Year of Birth: 2005
Year Last Observed: 2024
Offspring Of: 128 Grazer is believed to be the offspring of 408 Crooked Claw
Known Litters of Cubs: 3, three spring cubs in 2016, two spring cubs in 2020 & 2024.
Genetics Study Samples Obtained: 2016: Successful, 2017: Unsuccessful
128 Grazer is a medium to large adult female with a blond to light blond coat and dark patches around her eyes. She has a Roman nose and her large, oval-shaped, and widely spaced ears are very distinctive. In the fall, her coat darkens to dark blond, but her ears remain light blond. She has a long, linear scar across the top of her hips.
Watch this Meet Bear 128 Grazer video by Mike Fitz, Resident Naturalist with Explore.org to learn identification and distinctive behaviors that will help you identify 128 Grazer.
Distinctive Behaviors:[]
128 Grazer uses Brooks River in July and the fall, but like most females she typically cannot compete with male bears for prime fishing spots. Recently, 128 has become one of the most skilled bears to fish the lip of Brooks Falls. In the fall, she will fish the lower river area, cut bank, and riffles.
128 is another bear who has learned to associate people with fish. This is a behavior shared with other bears like 438 Flo and 854 Divot. She is relatively habituated to people and will rapidly approach anglers who have a fish on the line. Anglers should give 128 extra space in the river and stop fishing well before she is within 50 yards.
Life History:[]
128 Grazer is believed to be the 2005 offspring of 408 CC (Crooked Claw). 128 was part of a litter of three cubs that 408 kept for three summers from 2005 to 2007.
In early July 2016 128 Grazer returned to Brooks River with three spring cubs, her 1st known litter. She was seen throughout the summer fishing the riffles, cut bank and falls. While fishing the falls, 128 initially avoided fishing the lip, instead opting to "dash and grab" around the area closest to the falls platform. Later in July, 128 began to occasionally fish the lip, but remained wary of other bears in proximity to her cubs.
128 proved to be remarkably protective of her first litter. She was seen chasing off and attacking several other females and dominant males who approached too closely, including 83 Wayne Brother, 402, 409 Beadnose, and 32 Chunk. Her aggressively protective approach appears to have paid off ~ 128 was last seen in fall of 2016 with all three of her spring cubs, looking healthy and well fed. 128 returned to the Brooks River on June 6, 2017 with all three offspring from her 1st litter, now yearlings.
2005: Spring Cub with 408 CC (aka Crooked Claw) & 2 Other Littermates[]
128 Grazer is believed to be one of three 2005 offspring from 408 CC's (aka Crooked Claw) first known litter. 408 CC was very attentive to these 3 cubs and occasionally charged other bears that were simply walking by. 128 Grazer exhibited this same behavior with her first litter of cubs in 2016. 408 CC kept this litter of cubs through their 3rd summer, emancipating them at age 3.5.
2005 Season:[]
2005.??.??: This 2005 iStock photo by jcrader is believed to be 408 CC and her 3 spring cubs. 128 Grazer is believed to be the spring cub in the middle. This 2005 iStock photo by jcrader is believed to be 128 Grazer (bottom) with her dark sibling (above).
2006: Yearling Cub with 408 CC (aka Crooked Claw) & 2 Other Littermates[]
July 2006:[]
2006.07.15: Park visitor, Bonney's photo of 408 CC with her 3 yearlings.
2006.07.16: Park visitor, Nicole's photo of 408 CC with her 3 yearlings.
2006.07.17: Park visitor, Nicole's photo of 408 CC with her 3 yearlings.
2006.07.18: Park visitor, NetteBini's photo of 408 CC with her 3 yearlings.
2006.07.23: Park visitor, Peter Thiemann's photo of 408 CC with her 3 yearlings. 128 Grazer is believed to be the one to the far right of the photo.
2006.07.24: Park visitor, Peter Thiemann's photo of 408 CC's 3 yearlings. 128 Grazer is believed to be the yearling that is standing on their hind legs.
2007: 2.5 Year-Old Cub with 408 CC (aka Crooked Claw) & 2 Other Littermates[]
2007.??.??: The thumbnail to this 2007 video by abenteueralaska is 410 with her two spring cubs and 408 CC (Crooked Claw) with her three 2.5 year-old cubs. 128 Grazer is one of those 2.5 year-olds. 408 CC and her three 2.5 year-olds can be seen at 3:42 and 5:10 into the video. Mike Fitz confirmed the identification of the two family groups in this March 27, 2018 comment .:
June 2007:[]
2007.06.16: Ranger Jeanne's photo of 408 CC (Crooked Claw) and then 2.5 year-old cub 128 Grazer , and this photo of 128 Grazer .
2007.06.26: 408 CC (Crooked Claw) and her three 2.5 year-old cubs can be seen in the in lower river in the beginning and at the riffles at approximately 7:15 into this video by Hoosier Tim. 128 Grazer is the blonder smaller cub.
2008: 3.5 Year-Old Newly Emancipated Independent Subadult[]
408 CC successfully emancipated her 2005 offspring, 128 Grazer was one of that litter.
July 2008:[]
2008.07.07: Now single female, 408 CC, was observed fishing the riffles from the wildlife viewing platform.
2009: 4.5 Year-Old Subadult, Initially Classified & Assigned Bear Monitoring Number 128[]
128 Grazer was initially classified as a 4.5 year-old subadult in 2009 and assigned bear monitoring number 128.
July 2009:[]
2010: 5.5 Year-Old[]
2010 Season:[]
2010.??.?? or Prior: 128 Grazer can be seen at 0:35 into this video by Cathy Beck. (published March 24, 2011):
July 2010:[]
2011: 6.5 Year-Old Adult Female[]
2011 Season:[]
2011.??.?? or Prior: 128 Grazer can be seen beginning at 0:41 in this video (published August 5, 2011) by Danrocks7.:
July 2011:[]
July 2011:[]
2011.07.??: 128 Grazer photo by Madonna Martin Photography, July 2011.
2012: 7.5 Year-Old Adult Female[]
128 Grazer was included in the 2012 Brown Bears of Brooks Camp iBook:
2012 Season:[]
2012.??.??: Lani H shared a 2012 photo of 128 Grazer in chat. The photo had been shared with Lani via email from Courtney at Explore. It was taken when Explore was setting up their cam equipment before the cams went live for the 2012 season.
July 2012:[]
In July 2012, Walter & Irene Blaser captured video of 128 Grazer, who can be seen at 20:04, 20:49, 24:06 & 25:02 into this video :
128 Grazer can be seen at 20 04, 20 49. 24 06 & 25 02 into this video by Walter & Irene Blaser from July 2012
2012.07.06: 128 Grazer can be seen at approximately 0:31 into this video by endoplasmic1357:
September 2012:[]
2013: 8.5 Year-Old Adult Female[]
September 2013:[]
2014: 9.5 Year Old Adult Female[]
128 Grazer was included in the 2014 Bears of Brooks River book on page 33:
2014 Season:[]
128 Grazer mated with 634 Popeye during the 2014 season.
June 2014:[]
2014.06.27: Ranger Jeanne captured 128 Grazer in these photos: Photo #1 & Photo #2
July 2014:[]
2014.07.12: Ranger Jeanne captured 128 Grazer in these photos: Photo #1 Photo #2 & Photo #3 .
2014.07.16: 128 Grazer catches a fish in mid air while fishing the lip video by JB Grace.:
2014.07.19: At approximately 21:52 AKDT JB Grace captured this video of 128 Grazer.:
410 swats 128 Grazer video by JB Grace, 7/19/2014:
2014.07.23: 128 Grazer rock sitting video by Janie Nook.:
September 2014:[]
2014.09.28: Ranger Jeanne captured 128 Grazer in these photos: Photo #1 Photo #2 & Photo #3 . JoeBear captured this video of 128 Grazer near the lower river platform.:
2015: 10.5 Year-Old Adult Female[]
128 Grazer was included in the 2015 Bears of Brooks River book on page 29:
Juergen and Martina created this video in March of 2015 of 856 (Juergen) singing to 128 Grazer:
2015 Season:[]
2015.??.??: A 2015 photo of 128 Grazer (far, right) and her aunt, 409 Beadnose (near, left) fishing the lip of Brooks Falls can be seen in Mike Fitz' October 6, 2016 blog, When Mother Bears Collide .
2015.??.??: Mike Fitz also captured this 2015 footage of 128 Grazer being courted by 747.:
2015.??.??: Explore highlight video (published July 14, 2015) of 128 Grazer stealing a fish from 409 Beadnose.:
2015.??.??: Sometime during the 2015 season,128 is seen running in the riffles searching for fish,video by charleyP280 .
June 2015:[]
2015.06.03: 128 Grazer returned to Brooks Camp. Brooks Camp tweet re: 128 Grazer wandered through today. Ranger Mike commented in the cam comments and included 3 photos of 128 Grazer. Photo #1 , Photo #2 , & Photo #3 :
July 2015:[]
2015.07.01: Ranger Mike's 07/02/2015 comment re: observing 128 Grazer successfully fishing the lip of the falls on 07/01/2015, 128 Grazer was also observed in the riffles on 07/01/2015:
Juergen's July 1, 2015 video of 128 Grazer fishing the lip of the falls on the infrared camera feature of the Brooks Falls live cam.: ♥
2015 07 01 Brooks falls KNPP Alaska 128 Grazer fishing the lip ~ infrared live cam feature activated. Video by Juergen ♥
Juergen created this gif of 128 Grazer fishing the lip with the infrared camera feature engaged.:
(Wiki won't permit gif to be loaded in a gallery, the file may be too large ~ 2020.01.26 LTC)
2015.07.02: Volunteer In Park Anna-Marie AZ captured this photo of 128 Grazer (far, left) with 410 (near, right).:
Please request Anna-Marie AZ's permission prior to using her photograph!
2015.07.05: Jen shared this snapshot of 128 Grazer.:
2015.07.07: Jen shared this snapshot of 128 Grazer.:
2015.07.09: Jen shared these snapshots (#1 & #2 ) of 128 Grazer. Jen also shared this snapshot of 128 Grazer on the lip of the falls.:
2015.07.10: Jen shared these snapshots (#1 & #2 ) of 128 Grazer.:
September 2015:[]
2016: 11.5 Year-Old Adult Female with 1st Known Litter, 3 Spring Cubs[]
128 Grazer was included in the 2016 Bears of Brooks River book on page 35:
2016 Season:[]
In early July 2016 128 returned to Brooks River with three spring cubs. She was seen throughout the summer fishing the riffles, cut bank and falls. While fishing the falls, 128 initially avoided fishing the lip, instead opting to “dash and grab” around the area closest to the falls platform. Later in July, 128 began to occasionally fish the lip, but remained wary of other bears in proximity to her cubs.
128 proved to be remarkably protective of her first litter. She was seen chasing off and attacking several other females and dominant males who approached too closely, including 83, 402, 409, and 32. Cam viewers affectionately referred to this 128 Grazer behavior as "bear (insert bear number) got Grazered'. 408 CC, 128's mother, displayed the same hyperprotective behavior when raising 128 Grazer and her two littermates.
2016.??.??: In April of 2017, KNP&P Interpretive Ranger Kristen talked about 128 Grazer in a KNP&P video that shares some 2016 footage of the 128 family group, including 128's interaction with 83 Wayne Brother (note: not 747).:
2016.??.??: Xander-Sage shared these 2016 season snapshots (#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 & #5 ) of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs. Xander-Sage also shared this gif of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs from the 2016 season. Xander-Sage-2 shared this 2016 snapshot collage of 128 and her 3 spring cubs on 4/12/2020.
2016.??.??: Vaguely Crunchy's video from early summer, 2016 and taken by the Riffles platform. Grazer is determinedly digging along the bank while the cubbies spend six minutes playing. Almost all of it is Fifi playing with 903 while dark cub rests by mama. 903 is somewhere between 2 or 3 times the size of Fifi but it doesn't slow her down any. In case you're wondering what Grazer is digging for, you can faintly hear a Ranger talk about it, and it sounds like she was digging looking for small burrowing mammals.
Three Cute Brown Bear Cubs Play and Wrestle for Six Minutes Straight Early 2016 Season by Vaguely Crunchy
2016.??.??: Sometime in 2016, Ranger Scott Chandler captured this video of 128 Grazer protecting her cubs from 775 Lefty. (775 Lefty gets "grazered")
2016.??.??: Park visitor Jack Denger captured photos of 128 Grazer and her spring cubs during the 2016 season and shared them on his Instagram: 128 Grazer with 3 spring cubs , 128 Grazer with 3 spring cubs , 128 Grazer napping with her smallest (female) spring cub (902) , 128 Grazer with her smallest (female) spring cub (902), 128 Grazer nursing her spring cubs , 128 Grazer with 2 of her 3 spring cubs (larger darker male left & 902 right), 128 Grazer nursing her 3 spring cubs , & 128 Grazer with her 3 spring cubs .
2016.??.??: Cruiser created this video of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs from 2016 Explore.org live cam footage:
2016.??.??: Mocha's video of 128 Grazer with her 3 spring cubs.:
2016.??.??: Another 2016 video by Mocha of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs.
2016.??.??: 128 Grazer's runt (902) showing some talent video by Mocha.:
2016.??.??: KimBear17 shared 2016 snapshots of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs in chat on 4/12/2020, #1, #2 and #3.
2016.??.??: CarolineB shared 2016 paintings of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs on 4/12/2020, #1, #2 and #3.
June 2016:[]
2016.06.18: On the morning of June 18, 2016, 128 Grazer and her 1st known litter of 3 spring cubs were observed walking along the Valley Road. Ranger Tammy Carmack captured a NPS photo that Ranger David Kopshever shared in his 15:39 bearcam comment and in his A Cub's Fist Spring Katmai Terrane blog:
2016.06.20: 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs video by JoeBear:
Jen shared these snapshots (#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 & #5 ) of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs.:
Approximately 16:42, 128 Grazer with 3 spring cubs near lower river video by Mickey Williams:
Erum Chad (Erie) captures more of this time period in this video :
2016.06.23: Jen shared this snapshot of 128 Grazer with one of her cubs riding on her back while crossing the lower Brooks River near Naknek Lake. Jen shared this snapshot of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs near the corner.:
After June 23, 2016: In late June, sometime after June 23, 2016 Kevin Lee captured video of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs. 128 grazers 856 in this video between 10:22 - 11:22.
Carol Gray Photography was there at the same time and captured multiple photos. Click the > to see the sequence of 11 photos. 856 looks at least twice if not three times as big as 128.
Park visitor Theresa Bielawski witnessed the 128 Grazer/856 altercation and shared a series of photos in chat on 4/17/2021. Theresa commented "One more group of pics promised on the book club meeting. Here is what "Being Grazered" looks like. It was pretty terrifying because it happened so fast and he just came unsuspectingly down the trail. He is so much larger than her and could have easily probably killed her or seriously injured her, at least. Afterwards she sat at the base of the tree her cubs were in still huffing & jaw-popping. It is pretty amazing to hear. She had a couple of puncture wounds on her face and a gash on her chest - 2 pics of little Peanut trying to make mom feel better a couple hours later when they took a nap right by the treehouse. This was July 2016." Theresa's photos of 128 Grazer and 856, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10 and #11. Theresa's photo of 128 Grazer's chest wound and photo of 128 Grazer with spring cub 902. It is uncertain if the wound was a result of the altercation or happened previously.
Please request Theresa Bielawski's permission prior to using her photographs!
June 2016 - July 2016:[]
2016.06.29 - 2016.07.03: Park visitor 13blove13 captured this video between June 29, 2016 - July 3, 2016. 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs can be seen from 0:35 - 1:00.:
July 2016:[]
Grazer’s aggressive disposition worked well for warding off threats, but presented another issue: too much time was spent worrying about the dangers around her and her cubs, and not enough time was spent catching fish. Her physique showed the lack of balance between the two needs. Even by mid July, 128 looked as thin as a lean spring bear. It is normal for sows with cubs to be skinnier than they are without cubs. Caring for cubs means less time fishing, and the calories gained by fish that are caught are “shared” among the family. Slowly but surely, Grazer adapted her behavior to compensate. Through the month of July, 128 Grazer has demonstrated how balancing those conflicting needs is, like many things in the bear world, a learning process. 128’s three spring cubs are her first litter. Soon after arriving to the Brooks River, she fiercely defended her cubs when 83 “Wayne Brother” approached too close to the family group on his way to the falls. Just a few days later, 128 also charged 402, chasing her away from the river. Both of the bears 128 drove off are much larger than her.
Throughout the middle of July, we watched 128 inch closer and closer to the falls. She became less stressed by the presence of other bears, allowing large males like 480 to approach within a dozen yards or closer. She spent less time looking over her shoulder and more time with her eyes trained on the schools of salmon in front of her. Towards the end of July, 128 even got up onto the lip, sometimes treeing her cubs while she fished. Still, Grazer remained vigilant. As are all bears, Grazer and her cubs were often at great risk by fishing at the falls. Late in July, 128 again needed to defend her cubs aggressively, this time against the largest bear on the river, 747. A few days later, her cubs were swept over the falls (August 6, 2016 video by Brenda D - unavailable as of 2021), sending Grazer into a frenzied panic. In each brush with danger, 128 successfully protected her cubs. So far, Grazer seems to be winning in the “risk vs. reward” game of survival.
As a result of her adapted behavior, “Grazer” has put on more weight. Her cubs have too. If and when we see “Grazer” again in the fall, there is no guarantee she will have all, or any, of her cubs with her. But whether she raises her cubs to be weaned or not, 128 is on her way to being a successful bear. As the season continues, we all hope to watch as she continues to balance the demands of her own survival against those of her cubs.
In July 2016 park visitor, Jenny of Zealandia Designs, captured this video of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs treeing themselves. Jenny also wrote a blog: Katmai Bears 2016, The Year of the Cubs where you can ready about her trip and see additional photos::
2016.07.??: Laura Lyn Photography captured multiple July 2016 photos of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs, #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12, #13, #14, #15, #16, #17, #18, #19, #20, #21, #22 and #23. Photo #16 shows just how tiny 128 Grazer's smallest cub was. That cub is now known as 902.
2016.07.01: Ranger Jeanne captured these photos of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs: Photo #1 & Photo #2 .
2016.07.02: Ranger Jeanne captured these photos of 128 Grazer's spring cubs: Photo #1 & Photo #2 .
128 Grazer attacks 83 Wayne Brother video by Mike Fitz:
Jenny of Zealandia Designs captured this video of the interaction where 128 Grazer "grazered" 83 Wayne Brother. Jenny also wrote a blog: Katmai Bears 2016, The Year of the Cubs where you can ready about her trip and see additional photos:
2016.07.04 or PRIOR: On July 4, 2016 at 11:19 Ranger Mike Fitz commented including photos and information about and photos of 128 Grazer and her 1st known litter of 3 spring cubs: photo #1 & photot #2

128 Grazer with 3 Spring Cubs Ranger Mike Fitz posted July 4, 2016 11:19
"...128 Grazer hasn’t made too many appearances on the bearcams (especially compared to bears like 410 and 747), but she’s frequently hovering on the fringes of the falls and fishing in the riffles. When 128 is near the falls, her cubs often react to the movements of other bears by fleeing to the base of tree and frequently climb up it.
128 also seems to be quite defensive, more so than most other females with cubs at Brooks River. We’ve witnessed her charging and sometimes attacking male bears who approach her too closely, including larger males like 83 and 747. We know that other bears pose a threat to her cubs, so why would a bear take her cubs to Brooks Falls?
This is 128's first known litter. Motherhood is a new experience and challenge for her. It is not uncommon for bears with cubs to alter their behavior to give their cubs a greater chance of survival. 128, like 409 Beadnose, frequently fished on

2 of the 3 Spring Cubs of 128 Grazer Ranger Mike Fitz posted July 4, 2016 at 11:19
the lip of Brooks Falls last year when neither had any cubs. So far this year, we haven’t seen either bear visit the lip. While 128 has made her way to the falls, 409 has completely avoided the area as far as I know. In contrast, 402 fishes at Brooks Falls regardless of her cubs’ age.
If you take your cubs to Brooks Falls, the reward in food can be exceptionally high, but the close proximity of other bears increases risk to cubs. If you avoid the falls in early July, then rich food sources like salmon are harder to find, but your cubs may face less threats from other bears. Each bear actively weighs risk versus reward when searching for food and raising offspring. This is especially conspicuous when we follow the stories of mother bears and the challenges they face."
2016.07.06: Park visitor and cam viewer, PhotobearsBry, captured a video of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs. On April 14, 2017 at 08:26, Bry commented and shared several photos from the footage he shot. Photo #1 , Photo #2 , Photo #3 , and Photo #4
2016.07.07 : 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs encounter 409 Beadnose and her 2 spring cubs. Note how the bears stand their ground but avoid an actual fight. Video by Mike Fitz (former ranger at KNP&P):
You can also read Mike's "When Mother Bears Collide " October 6, 2016 blog about this interaction.
Ranger Jeanne captured this photo of two of 128 Grazer's spring cubs.
Jen shared these snapshots (#1 , #2 & #3 ) of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs. Jen also shared this snapshot of 128 Grazer and 1 of 3 spring cubs. Jen shared this snapshot of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs.:
Approximately 17:26 128 Grazer and 3 spring cubs video by Mickey Williams:
5;26pm July 8, 2016 128 Grazer and spring cubs at the falls Katmai National Park and Explore video by Mickey Williams
Approximately 18:19 128 Grazer catches fish after fish and her smallest spring cub gets her share of the catch video by Mickey Williams:
128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs video by Rob Rager:
Jen shared this snapshot of 128 Grazer with 2 of her 3 spring cubs.:
2016.07.09: Mike Fitz recorded this video of 128 Grazer nursing her 3 spring cubs on 7/9/2016. Mike described the video: "While nursing her three spring cubs, this mother bear reacts to the approach of another bear. While she tries to determine if it is safe to stay, her cubs keep trying to suckle milk."
2016.07.10: 128 Grazer sends her 3 spring cubs up at tree in response to a male bear in the area. Juergen captures Ranger David Kopshever's periscope in this YouTube video :
July 10, 2016 Grazer 128 and her 3 COY tree climbing via Ranger David Kopshever on periscope video by Juergen
Photographer and Brooks Camp visitor Mark Kostich shared 7/10/2016 photos of 128 and her 3 spring cubs in chat in October, 2020, #1, #2 and #3. Mark Kostich's photos were possibly taken around the same time as Ranger David Kopshever's Perisope chat above.
Mark commented: "I have one more image that I really need identified! And this one may be the hardest of all. This female was photographed July 10th, 2016. She had three spring cubs at the time. In this picture, she ran her cubs up a tree to avoid an approaching male. After this image, she ran the male off and returned to her cubs. The image was taken from the "Falls Deck" facing away from the falls into the nearby pine trees. Any ideas??
Thank you all again so very much for your kindness and friendship!
Please request Mark Kostich's permission prior to using his photos!
Permission to post any photos he posts in chat on the Wiki, must say "copyright © Mark Kostich on the photo."
128 Grazer breaks up 2 of her cubs fighting, 7/10/2016 video by Cheryl B.
2016.07.12: 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs fishing the lip of Brooks Falls on the evening of July 12, 2016 video by Erum Chad (Erie):
2016.07.13: 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs video by Erum Chad (Erie):
2016.07.16: 128 Grazer catches 2 fish at once with her dash and grab fishing technique in the video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
128 Grazer goes after ?409 Beadnose and steals her fish, 7/16/2016 video by Cheryl B.
2016 07 16 01 30 28 Brooks Falls, Alaska Grazer 128 goes after Beadnose 409 and steals her fish, video by Cheryl B
Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs on July 16, 2016 at 21:23 (p 08/27/16 13:02 ).: Truman Everts shared photos of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs on 3/26/2020, photo #1, #2 and #3. Truman stated re: photo #3, "It's actually a pretty decent shot of the 128 family group... :) ...which surely went in the 'bad' pile because of the visitor's hand on the left. As a rookie, I got tons of visitor hands, heads, cameras, etc. in my first platform pics." We love this photo Truman! Truman Everts shared this 7/16/2016 photo of 2 of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs on 4/23/2020.
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!
2016.07.16 - 2016.07.21: Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer (p 08/27/16 11:15). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer with her 3 spring cubs (p 09/09/16 17:07). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs (p 08/28/16 17:52). Truman Everts also captured this photograph of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs (p 08/27/16 12:57). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs (p 08/29/16 18:13). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 2 of 128 Grazer's spring cubs (p 08/29/116 16:58). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 1 of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs (p 09/03/16 08:51). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer's largest spring cub (p 08/28/16 15:46). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer's smallest spring cub (p 08/28/16 16:18). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer with her 3 spring cubs (p 09/08/16 16:00). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer with her 3 spring cubs. Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer with her 3 spring cubs (p 09/07/16 19:30). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer fishing the lip (p 09/03/16 09:41). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs (p 09/07/16 07:30). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs (p 09/08/16 18:09). Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs (p 09/09/16 07:36). Truman Everts shared this 7/18/2016 photo of 128 Grazer on the lip on 3/26/2020. Truman Everts shared this 7/18/2016 photo of 128 Grazer on the lip on 4/2/2020. Truman Everts photos from his 7/16-7/21/2016 trip were shared on chat by Birgitt (with permission ) on 4/12/2020. Photos #1, #2, #3 and #4.
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!
2016.07.19: Truman Everts captured this photograph of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs; the largest (903) is chewing on the smallest's (902) ear (p 09/02/16 07:01).:
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!
2016.07.25: 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs video by Erum Chad (Erie):
2016.07.26: 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs on the morning of July 26, 2016 video by Erum Chad (Erie):
2016.07.27: 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs can be seen from approximately 10:45 into this video by Erum Chad. 128 grazers 801 at approximately 31:00 into the video.
Early morning: The 128 family settles in for a brief rest. The small one decides to join the pile. Mom then creates a wet spot that the small one decides that it's not to her/his liking and moves back. Mom then gets up to get fish. When the fish is brought back, the small claims it for herself/himself -- make sure you have the sound up. Video by Jusywho:
This July 29, 2016 video by Stmango captures 128 Grazer's interaction with an injured bear (possibly 451):
Amalia Garduno also captured this same interaction between 128 Grazer and an injured bear believed to be 451, video on 7/29/2016.
2016.07.30: 128 Grazer "grazers" 747 video by Melissa Freels:
Video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
Video by Cheryl B:
128 Grazer's cubs nip at teach other, 7/30/2016 video by LuvBears.
128 Grazer thinks 775 Lefty is too close, 7/30/2016 video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
2016.07.31: 128 Grazer, her cubs and a skirmish with 747, 7/31/2016 video by Arlene Beech.
Grazer and her cubbies, and skirmish with 747. Brooks Falls cam. 31 July 2016, video by Arlene Beech
August 2016:[]
2016.08.02: 128 Grazer backs up 747 video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
2016.08.04: 128 Grazer's darkest cub slips off the falls while 128 is fishing and she does not notice. The cub safely makes his way to shore, 8/4/2016 video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
2016.08.05: 128 Grazer's spring cubs have an argument video by Elizabeth Arizona:
128 Grazer's smallest spring cub swept down river video by Melissa Freels:
128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs go over the falls video by Jusywho. As Grazer #128 made her way to the lip from the far bank, her cubs followed her. In the closeup shot, you can see Small having a hard time managing the upstream current. All of a sudden, you see Medium go over and then followed by Large. Grazer runs down via the Fish Ladder to check on the two. As she does that, Small goes in the drink, too, to all of sudden pop up by the log. Small jumps back in to join the rest of the family.
Joe Bear created a very comical version of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs "playing water slide" over the falls, 8/6/2016 video. Turn you volume up.
Park visitor Scott Pluta captured video of 128's 3 spring cubs washing over the falls, 8/6/2016.
Stmango's slow motion video of 128 Grazer's spring cubs washing over the falls:
Brenda D also captured video of 128 Grazer's 3 spring cubs going over the falls on 8/6/2016. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
A 2nd 8/6/2016 video by Brenda D gives a low cam view of the cubs sliding off the falls. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
128 Grazer grazered 755 Scare D. Bear video by Melissa Freels:
128 Grazer decides that 480 Otis looked at her funny video by stmango.:
2016.08.07: 747 does not want 128 Grazer fishing the lip, 8/7/2016 video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
2016.08.09: 32 Chunk gets too close to 128 Grazer's cubs video by Melissa Freels.:
128 Grazer bulldozers 32 Chunk, 8/9/2016 video by 12gizmo16.
2016.08.20: 2016 Bear Profile: 128 Grazer KNP&P Terane Blog by Ranger David Kopshever.
September 2016:[]
2016.09.??: Brooks Camp visitor Brian Lashchuk captured this wonderful video of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs in September of 2016. Brian usually visits Brooks Camp in September so it is assumed that the video is from that month. The smallest blonde cub is now 902, the larger blonde cub is now 903, the darkest cub did not receive a number from the Rangers and is not believed to have been seen by them. Some chatters believe he may have been observed in years after emancipation.
2016.09.16: Cam viewer and Brooks Camp visitor Lisa Robertson (aka Larinor) shared a photo of 128 Grazer and 1 of her 3 spring cubs. "Grazer and one of her 2016 cubs. Photo was taken by me on 9/17/16." Lisa Robertson (aka Larinor) shared a photo of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs. "Grazer and gang were napping just feet off of the falls trail on 9/17/16. That's Grazer's ear about 1/3 of the way down on the right side. The 3rd cub was using her as a pillow. Photo was taken by me (from at least 50 yds away)."
Please request Lisa Robertson's (aka Larinor) permission prior to using her photographs!
October 2016:[]
128 Grazer's aggressively protective approach to cubrearing appears to have paid off — 128 was last seen in fall with all three of her spring cubs, looking healthy and well fed.
2017: 12.5 Year-Old Adult Female with 3 Yearlings[]
128 Grazer was included in the 2017 Bears of Brooks River book on page 39:
2017 Season:[]
2017.??.??: 128 Grazer's 3 yearlings (903 left & 902 right) in 2017 from KNP&P's April 18, 2018 06:56 tweet:
2017.??.??: 128 Grazer with her yearlings gif images (#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 , #5 & #6 ) shared by Xander-Sage . Xander-Sage-2 shared snapshots, snapshot collages and a GIF image of 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings on 4/12/2020. #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7 and #8.
2017.??.??: Ed Mackerrow (aka Inlightofnature) wrote this blog (including many great photos) about 128 Grazer and her 3 yearling cubs (902 and 903 are two of the three). A Nap in the Cool Dirt
2017.??.??: 128 Grazer can be seen from the 05:24 - 05:49 mark into this 2017 video by Karen Hanson.:
2017.??.??: 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings can be seen beginning at 11:41 into this video by Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd).:
2017.??.??: 128 Grazer's 3 yearlings gif created by Xander-Sage .:
2017.??.??: KimBear17 shared 2017 snapshots of 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings in chat on 4/12/2020, #1, #2, #3 and #4.
CarolineB shared 2017 snapshots of 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings on 4/12/2020, #1, #2, #3 and #4.
2017.??.??: 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings during the 2017 season photographs (#1, #2, #3 & #4) by Cheekyjoy (p 08/28/2023 14:32).:
Please request Cheekyjoy's permission PRIOR to using their photographs!
June 2017:[]
2017.06.??: 128 Grazer and two of her 3 yearling cubs looking for salmon heads on the beach of Naknek Lake in early June 2017 video by KatmaiBears:
128 and yearling cubs looking for salmon heads on the naknek lake beach in early June 2017 by KatmaiBears
2017.06.??: 128 Grazer with her yearling (903) in June 2017 from KNP&P's November 3, 2018 11:39 Facebook post :
2017.06.??: Melissa Freels shared this June 2017 photograph from her trip to Brooks Camp of 128 Grazer.:
Please request Melissa's permission prior to using her photographs!
2017.06.06: 128 Grazer with her 3 yearlings observed on the spit from the lower river wildlife viewing platform NPS photo by Ranger Russ Taylor. 128 Grazer with her 3 yearlings at the mouth of the Brooks River and Naknek Lake NPS photo by Ranger Russ Taylor. 128 Grazer with her 3 yearlings from the lower river wildlife viewing platform; the male darker yearling gives 128 a kiss NPS photo by Ranger Russ Taylor.:
2017.06.07: 128 Grazer with her 3 yearlings KNP&P June 8, 2017 05:00 Facebook post : Photo #1 & Photo #2
2017.06.10: 128 Grazer naps with her 3 yearlings on the spit NPS photo by Ranger Russ Taylor. 128 Grazer with her 3 yearlings on the beach at Brooks Camp NPS photo by Ranger Russ Taylor.:
2017.06.21: 128 Grazer has a fight with her aunt, 409 Beadnose in this video by Erum Chad (Erie):
Bear 128 Grazer and 409 Beadnose fight 2017 06 21 23 05 35 954 Brooks falls video by Erum Chad (Erie)
LuvBears shared this June 21, 2017 snapshot of 128 Grazer with her 3 yearlings. Jen shared these snapshots (#1 , #2 , #3 & #4 ) of 128 Grazer with her 3 yearlings.:
2017.06.23: 128 Grazer protects her cubs video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
128 Grazer has a fight with an unknown bear, 6/23/2017 video by Erum Chad.
Bear 128 Grazer had fight with unknown bear 2017 06 23 Brooks falls Katmai Alaska, video by Erum Chad
2017.06.24: Melissa Freels (aka MelissaInOR) captured this photo of 128 Grazer's smallest cub (runt) during her trip to Brooks Camp.:
Please request Melissa's permission prior to using her photos!
2017.06.24-07.08: Truman Everts photos from his 6/24-7/8/2017 trip were shared on chat by Birgitt (with permission ) on 4/12/2020. Photos #1, #2, #3 and #4. Truman Everts shared this 7/2/2017 photo of 128 Grazer and her smallest cub now known as 902 on 4/13/2020. Truman Posted "You 'grazer' to protect the dearest little things on the planet. :) 128 almost nose-to-nose with her tiniest...often called Peanut, until growing up (!) to be Bear 902. :)
This is one of my very favorite moments from my 4 summer excursions to Brooks Camp." Truman Everts shared an additional photo of yearling 902 on 4/13/2020. Truman Everts shared 6/24/2017 photos of 128 and her 3 yearlings on 4/22/2020, #1 and #2. Truman Everts shared this 7/2/2017 photo of 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings on 5/10/2020. "MOTHER'S DAY, 2020 - (10 of 10) Last scheduled ;P "Mother's Day at Brooks" posts...I know that I've posted quite a few shots (but not this one, I think) of this magical session of 128 (aka: "Grazer") nursing her 3 yearlings in 2017. Because I was on a platform rarely used for photography, and Ms. 128 felt safe enough to nurse right there, I got sights, sounds, photos (and 4K video) the likes of which I never ever imagined. I wonder now if she's been back to mothering the last few months, without me even knowing..." Truman Everts shared this 6/24/2017 photo of 128 Grazer on 5/28/2020.
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!
July 2017:[]
2017.07.??: Theresa Bielawski shared this July 2017 photo of 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings on 2/6/2022.
Please request Theresa Bielawski's permission prior to using her photographs!
2017.07.02: 128 Grazer and yearlings feasting at the riffles and the falls video by Arlene Beech:
2017.07.03 Approx 6:26: 128 Grazer with her 3 yearlings and 39 and her 3 yearlings standoff video by Flyer 7474. This standoff between 128 and 153 (Two encounters) lasted for about an hour: This is an edited version of those two encounters between the two family groups:
Ratna Narayan captured this 7/3/2017 video of 128 Grazer and her yearlings at the falls. The cubs rest and play.
In a 2nd 7/3/2017 video, Ratna Narayan captured further play fighting amongst the cubs.
2017.07.05: Truman Everts shared these 7/5/2017 photos of 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings on 5/10/2020, #1 and #2. Truman Everts shared this 7/5/2017 photo of 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings on 5/4/2020. "At Brooks you may just stumble across a scene like this at 9:30 in the morning...and totally be at a loss for words to describe the awesomeness of getting to see the famous 128s behind the scenes..." Truman Everts shared this 7/5/2017 photo of 128 Grazer and 2 of her 3 yearlings on 6/11/2020.
Please request Truman Everts' permission prior to using his photographs!
2017.07.06 or BEFORE: 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings at Brooks Falls video by Christine Saucier published on 07/06/2017:
2017.07.06: Park visitor Olatz Azcona Munárriz shared two 7/6/2017 photos of 128 Grazer and her yearling 902 on 4/27/2023, #1 and #2.
Please request Olatz Azcona Munárriz's (aka Olatz) permission prior to using their photographs!
128 Grazer sends her cubs up a tree video by Arlene Beech:
2017.07.07: 128 Grazer and yearlings video by Arlene Beech:
Brook Camp visitor Olatz A.M. captured a 7/7/2017 video "An evening with 128 Grazer and her yearlings at Brooks Falls."
2017.07.08: Olatz Azcona Munárriz shared a 7/8/2017 photo of 128 Grazer and her yearling 902 on 4/27/2023.
Please request Olatz Azcona Munárriz's (aka Olatz) permission prior to using their photographs!
2017.07.11 or prior: Park visitor John Hung posted 10 videos from his visit to Brooks Camp in 2017. The dates the videos are posted are from 7/11-8/10/1017 so the following video of 128 Grazer's 3 yearlings is from 7/11/2019 or prior. The cubs are seen from 01:26-02:01 playing on the lower river. The smallest blonde cub is believed to be 902. The larger blonde cub is believed to be 903. The 3rd dark cub was not identified by the Bear Monitor and thus was not assigned an ID number.
Shel posted 7/11/2017 photos of 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings on 4/12/2020, #1, #2 and #3.
Shel posted this 7/11/2017 Explore Recorder video on 4/12/2020. "128 Grazer and her three yearlings are seen from about 48:57 to 58:28 on the below video. The lighter colored cubs are now numbered 902 (smallest) and 903. The darker cub had not received a number as of the end of the 2018 monitoring season. As far as I know, 2019 monitoring season information has not yet been released to the general public. Explore Recorder video -- 7/11/2017."
2017.07.16: 128 Grazer "grazered" 151 Walker and 273 video by Erum Chad (Erie):
2017.07.18: 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings can be seen beginning at approximately 09:00 into this video by Explore Recorder.:
Tiny Julz captured this snapshot . Suzzi captured this snapshot . Shel also shared these snapshots (#1 , #2 , #3 & #4 ) (p 03/01/2020 07:41 )
2017.07.19: 128 Grazer and the wolf video by Victoria White:
128 Grazer and the wolf video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
2017.07.21-07.22: Could this be 128 Grazer's male darker yearling in this photograph by ElaineInDE ? On 4/12/2020 ElaineDE granted permission to post the photo of 128's possible darker male yearling. ElaineDE shared this 7/21/2017 photo of 128 Grazer on 4/11/2020. Shel provided further documentation on 4/12/2020 that this yearling seen on 7/21/2017 was probably 128's darker yearling. Shel provided a 7/22/2017 snapshot of 128's darker yearling for comparison to ElaineDE's 7/21/2017 photo. Shel commented "I definitely think Elaine's 7/21/17 photo Is 128's dark cub. Even the fur patterns on the head (such as the triangular-like point in front of the right ear [edit: seen in the 7/22/17 photo I posted]) are very similar."
Please request ElaineDE's permission prior to using her photographs!
7/22/2017 snapshot of 128's dark yearling by Shel.
7/22/2017 Explore Recorder video of 128 Grazer and her 3 spring cubs. The darker yearling can be seen at 21:40. Shel noted that "I think the correct date for this video using AKDT would be 7/22/17 (rather than the listed 7/23/17, which I think reflects PDT/Explore headquarter's time zone)."
2017.07.22: Park visitor and cam viewer, Scammin, captured these photos of 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings observing 480 Otis during his trip to Brooks Camp: photo #1 & photo #2.Scammin shared a 3rd photo of 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings watching 480 Otis on 4/12/2020.
Please request Scammin's permission prior to using his photographs!
128 Grazer's cub bluff charges 480 Otis video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
Flyer 7474 captured video of 128 Grazer having a tiff with 151 Walker in the riffles on 7/22/2017. This would count as a "Grazering." Turn your volume up!
2017.07.22-07.24: Scammin shared a 7/22-7/24/2017 photo of yearling 902 (with a tick) and her dark male sibling on 4/12/2020.
2017.07.23: Scammin shared 7/23/2017 photos of 128 Grazer and her yearlings on 4/12/2020, #1 and #2.
Please request Scammin's permission prior to using his photographs!
2017.07.24: At approximately 06:03 AKDT Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA) captured this video of 128 Grazer with her 3 yearlings and an unknown bear.:
2017.07.26: At approximately 17:57 AKDT Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA) captured this video of 128 Grazer in protection mode at Brooks Falls.:
2017.07.28: 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings enjoying the lagoon video by Martina.:
2017.07.29: Jen shared these snapshots (#1 , #2 & #3 ) 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings.:
2017.07.30 Approx 18:05: One of 128 Grazer's yearlings gets a surprise when a jumping salmon lands on their back video by Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA):
2017.07.31: At approximately 20:15 AKDT Rockatte captured this video of 128 Grazer as Medusa.:
August 2017:[]
2017.08.01 Approx 18:01: 503 Cubadult gets "GRAZERED" in this video by Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA).:
2017.08.03: 128 Grazer and her yearlings are seen fishing at the falls in this 8/3/2017 video by Brenda D. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context. Birgitt noted that "At the 5 minute mark in this, Grazer's dark cub takes off down the island and comes back with none other than 901! Who chases him until she encounters Grazer. When Grazer moves off, we get a good look at 901." 284 and her other yearling can be seen on the right side of the screen briefly.
2017.08.04: At approximately 10:50 AKDT Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA) captured this video of 39 and her 3 yearlings with 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings. The history between 128 and 153 this year continues as 128 runs off one of 153's Yearlings and an encounter follows.:
This video by Brenda D begins with a view of the 153 family group. 128 Grazer and her yearlings enter the scene and 128 has a discussion with 755 Scare D. Bear. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
In this video by Brenda D 128 Grazer and 153 collide. Note: Video unavailable as of 2021. Thumbnail left for context.
128 Grazer with her 3 yearlings and 747 video by Birgitt:
128 Grazer "grazered" 747 (again) video by Melissa Freels:
747 does not want 128 Grazer fishing the lip, 8/29/2017 video by flyer7474. 128's 3 yearlings run when 747 approaches.
08:18 & 09:03 am: 747 and 128 Grazer with her 3 yearlings. 128 bluff charges 747. 128 later charges 747. 747 chases 128. Video by Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA):
128 Grazer "grazered" her own yearling video by Melissa Freels:
128 Grazer scolds her cub, 8/30/2017 video by LuvBears.
128 Grazer and 719 have words video by Melissa Freels:
2017.08.31: Flyer 7474 captured this 8/31/2017 video where 128 Grazer's dark yearling "takes apart the fallen tree."
September 2017:[]
Afternoon: 128 Grazer and yearlings spend the afternoon at the falls video by Flyer 7474:
15:08: 128 Grazer and yearlings and the boar 128 "Grazered" video by Flyer 7474 (aka SteveCA):
128 Grazer's cubs and the tree video "Tree gets mini-Grazered" by Melissa Freels:
719 gets Grazered video by Melissa Freels:
Grazer Takes on 719 and Mini 503 (402's 2.5 year-old emancipated subadult), September 2, 2017 video by Melissa Freels
Explore published video on 9/7/2017 of 128 Grazering 719. The interaction actually took place on 9/2/2017.
Approx 20:00: 128 Grazer's smallest yearling on the lip of the falls video by Flyer 7474:
2017.09.?? (maybe around 2017.09.06): 128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings video by Little Adventures:
2017.09.05: 128 Grazer scares 806 who later fell over the falls, 9/5/2017 video by Erum Chad.
Bear 128 Grazer scared the little lip fisher subadult bear who later fell over falls, video by Erum Chad
2017.09.10: 128 Grazer and 2 of her 3 yearlings (902 is one of them, the smaller of the two, the one 128 is playing with first) play in the lower river video by Birgitt:
2017.09.14: 128 Grazer and 3 yearlings in lower river area. 128's smallest yearling scratches. Video by LuvBears:
2017.09.19 Early Morning: 128 Grazer's smallest yearling snapshot by Darlene Martin :
2017.09.21 or Prior: Explore Highlight video of a bear running from 128 Grazer.:
October 2017:[]
Add here
Fall 2017:[]
128 Grazer and her 3 yearlings cubs (902 & 903 are believed to be two of the three cubs) near Valley Road NPS housing video by KatmaiBears:
128 Grazer's aggressively protective approach has continued to pay off — 128 kept all three cubs healthy through the end of the 2017 season.
2018: 13.5 Year-Old Adult Female Initially Observed with 3 Offspring, Emancipated Larger Darker Male Offspring First, Shortly After Emancipated Larger Blonder Male Offspring (903) & Smaller Blonder Female Offspring (902 "Fifi" / "Bonsai"), 128 Returning to Single Adult Female[]
128 Grazer was included in the 2018 Bears of Brooks River book on page 41:
2018 Season:[]
2018.06.21 - 2018.09.18: JG shared these snapshots (#1 , #2 , #3 , #4 . #5 , #6 , #7 , #8 , #9 , #10 , #11 , #12 , #13 , #14 , #15 , #16 , #17 , #18 , #19 , #20 , #21 & #22 ) of 128 Grazer taken during the 2018 season between June 21, 2018 and September 18, 2018.