101 September 2021 NPS photo
Subadult Female
Year First Observed: 2020 as an independent 2.5 year-old subadult, 2018 year of birth.
Year Last Observed: 2024
Offspring Of: The Bears of Brooks River 2021 eBook identifies 101 as the offspring of 402. That information is noted on page 31 of the Bears of Brooks River 2021 eBook under 101's Bear Book entry. "#101, #102, and #103 are all offspring of #402 from the same litter. #101 is female." There is however no way to really confirm the link between subadults to the mother and siblings without DNA results.
Known Litters of Cubs: 1 (2 Spring Cubs 2023 - MAY HAVE HAD 3 COY, LOST 1?)
Genetics Study Samples Obtained: Unknown at this time
101 was initially observed as a 2.5 year-old newly identified subadult during the 2020 season. #101 is larger for a female at her age. She has lighter ears and a darker face, which is similar to her mother, #402.
Mckate's ID Tips: 101 has her mother's straight profile and upright oval ears. She has a prominent hump and is sometimes referred to as a Toklat bear because of her blonde body and chocolate colored legs. She retains her blonde coat throughout the season.
Mckate's 101 YouTube playlist.
Distinctive Behaviors:[]
#101, #102, and #103 are the suspected offspring of #402 from the same litter. #101 is female. In 2020, she was seen frequently with her siblings and appeared to be the most dominant of them. After being emancipated, it’s not uncommon for subadults to be seen with their siblings. #101 was seen in July and fall of 2021.
Mckate's Notes: 101 spent most of her first year of emancipation in 2020 with her siblings. They were seen fishing the length of the river, but were most often spotted in the riffles.
Life History:[]
2018: Spring Cub with 402 and Littermates 102 and 103, a 4th Cub was lost[]
101 is a female offspring of 402. 402 had a litter of 4 spring cubs in 2018.
2019: Yearling Cub with 402 and Littermates 102 and 103[]
2020: Newly Emancipated 2.5 Year-Old Independent Subadult[]
101 was included in the 2021 Bears of Brooks River book page 31.
2020 Season:[]
Deanna Dittloff (aka deelynnd) created this 2020 season video of 402's subadults 101, 102 and 103, "Bear 402's Subadults 2020."
June 2020:[]
2020.06.29: 101 and 102 pass through the falls, 6/29/2020 video by mckate.
July 2020:[]
101 appears on the list of Bears monitored in July 2020.
2020.07.04: 101, 102 and 103 picnic, 7/4/2020 video by mckate. "101 caught a fish and shared it with 102. Hope 103 is getting some of their scraps. Great to see them all together."
2020.07.06: 908 watches 101,102 and 103 brave the island, 7/6/2020 video by mckate. "Nice to see 908 back on her rock. Poor scared little subs. It looked like the middle girl, who tended to be the bravest, explored a little more, but the cam didn't follow her.
2020.07.08: The emancipated cubs of 402 (101, 102 and 103), 7/8/2020 video by Erum Chad.
101, 102 and 103 in the riffles, 7/8/2020 video by Birgitt.
402's subadults 101, 102 and 103 come to the falls for a meal, 7/8/2020 video by Birgitt.
2020.07.09: Birgitt's 7/9/2020 video of 402's subadults 101, 102 and 103 catching fish and playing on the lower river.
2020.07.10: 101, 102 and 103 fish and play, 7/10/2020 video by mckate.
2020.07.11: NSBoak (aka Ranger Naomi Boak) shared this 7/11/2020 photo of 402's emancipated subadults (101, 102 and 103) in chat. "The 402's this year in July on the Valley Road." The 7/11/2020 date was confirmed.
Please request NSBoak's (aka Ranger Naomi Boak) permission prior to using her photographs!
2020.07.17: Emancipated 402s (101, 102 and 103) at the falls, 7/17/2020 video by Ratna Narayan.
2020.07.20: 402's emancipated subadults at the falls, 7/20/2020 video by Lani H.
2020.07.21: Lani H's 7/21/2020 video, 273 and yearlings meet 402's emancipated subadults 101, 102 and 103.
2020.07.25: 101 July 25, 2020 NPS photo by Ranger T Carmack KNP&P Flickr.
August 2020:[]
2020.08.31: 101, 102 and 103 fish the riffles, 8/31/2020 video by mckate. "103 has caught up in size with 102. That was him throwing the haymaker. 101 still leads the way."
September 2020:[]
101 appears on the list of Bears monitored in Fall 2020.
2020.09.03: Possible 402 subadults 101, 102 and 103, 9/3/2020 video by Lani H.
2020.09.04: A look at 101, 9/4/2020 video by mckate.
2020.09.07: 402 subs (101, 102 and 103) stay together after emancipation, 9/7/2020 video by Hey Princess.
2020.09.11: "Bucky" tries to get 101, 102 and 103 to play, 9/11/2020 video by mckate. "Funny how he tried to separate one out for play. That didn't last too long. They are a tight and cautious bunch."
2020.09.13: Cam viewer and Brooks Falls visitor 907AKSnow shared a 9/13/2020 video of 101, 102 and 103. "Here's the video of the little 402 cubs newly emaciated from Mom, September 2020. They were so adorable!"
The 402 cubs, September 13, 2020, newly emancipated from Mom. Katmai NP, Brooks Camp.
Video by 907AKSnow
907AKSnow also shared a photo of 101, 102 and 103 that was taken on 9/13/2020.
Please request 907AKSnow's permission prior to using her photographs!
2020.09.19: 101 September 19, 2020 NPS photo by Ranger T Carmack KNP&P Flickr.
2020.09.21: 402 subs fishing with beautiful views of Naknek Lake, 9/11/2020 video by Hey Princess.
94 and cubs chase the 402? subadults, 9/21/2020 video by Lani H.
2020.09.23: 101, 102, and 103 gather in the riffles, 9/23/2020 video by mckate.
2020.09.29: 402's emancipated subadults (101, 102 and 103) near the bridge, 9/29/2020 video by Lani H.
2020.09.30: Lani H's 9/30/2020 video, 402 emancipated subadults at the falls.
October 2020:[]
2020.10.01: 402 emancipated subadults in the riffles, 10/1/2020 video by Lani H.
2020.10.05: 101 in the riffles, 10/5/2020 video by mckate. "Her siblings were with her, but we only got a short glimpse of them. They've really stuck together this season."
2020.10.06: 402's (101, 102 and 103) subadults at the falls, 10/6/2020 video by Lani H.
402's subadults in the riffles 10/6/2020, 10/6/2020 video by Lani H.
2020.10.07: 101 October 7, 2020 NPS photo by Ranger T Carmack KNP&P Flickr.
402's subs (101, 102 and 103) at the falls, 10/7/2020 video by Hey Princess.
Nosy subadult sniffs the falls cam, 10/7/2020 video by mckate. "This was one of the 402s."
2020.10.10: 402 subs are still together and visit the falls, 10/10/2020 video by Hey Princess.
2020.10.14: 402's (101, 102 and 103) are still sticking together, 10/14/2020 video by Becky Osberg.
2020.10.23: Hey Princess's 10/23/2020 video, 402's subs fish at the lower river.
2021: 3.5 Year-Old Subadult[]
101 was included in the Bears of Brooks River book page 31.
July 2021:[]
101 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in July 2021.
2021.07.11: 101 watches her mom 402 fish the lip, 7/11/2021 video by mckate. "Another of 402's offspring. This is her second year of emancipation. I wonder if she is still missing her mom?"
2021.07.12: 146 and 101 on the lip, 7/13/2021 video by mckate. "I think that might have been 146 with the first catch, 101 with the second, and possibly 102 waiting on the fish ladder at the very end."
2021.07.14: 146 makes a lip catch, 7/14/2022 video by mckate. "That was 101 watching. She's quickly found the sweet spot on the lip."
2021.07.27: 101 fishes around the near pool, 7/27/2021 video by mckate.
2021.07.30: 101 fishes in the riffles, 7/30/2021 video by mckate.
September 2021:[]
101 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in September 2021.
2021.09.20: 101 visits the falls, 9/20/2021 video by mckate.
October 2021:[]
2021.10.02: 101 appearing very nervous at the falls, 10/2/2022 video by mckate.
2021.10.04: 101 is seen fishing in the riffles in this 10/4/2021 video by mckate.
LunaCre's 10/4/2021 gif of 101 fishing the riffles. This was the last 2021 date that 101 was observed.
2022: 4.5 Year-Old Subadult[]
July 2022:[]
101 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in July 2022.
2022.07.03: Betsy Bear's 7/3/2022 photo of 101.
Please request BetsyBear's permission prior to using her photographs!
101 makes a brief appearance in the riffles, 7/3/2022 video by mckate.
2022.07.04: James and Sally Clarke's 7/4/2022 photo of 101 sitting on a boulder by the far pool.
101 fishes the far lip, 7/4/2022 video by mckate. "She's a beauty like her mother (402)."
2022.07.06: 101 catches a fish on the far lip, 7/6/202 video by twelve22.
101 takes her far lip catch up the hill, 7/6/2022 gif by LunaCre.
2022.07.08: 101 up close, 7/8/2022 video by Flyer 4477.
2022.07.11: 101 on the lower river, 7/11/2022 gif by LunaCre. "She has her mom's (402) long legs."
2022.07.12: 101 (nearest) on the lip, 7/12/2022 gif by LunaCre.
2022.07.13: Amanda Lee's 7/13/2022 photo of 101.
101 chases 307, 7/13/2022 video by mckate. "I guess she didn't like his bouncing. I'm not positive that is him, because he seems a little on the small side for a three-year-old."
2022.07.14: 101 on the lower river with a bunch of seagulls, 7/14/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.07.15: Daniel Glenn Photography's (danielusescanon) 7/15/2022 photo of 101.
2022.07.19: 344 and 101 play, 7/19/2022 video by mckate.
2022.07.27: Is this 101 on the lower river walking in front of 719 and cub on the spit and then by the bridge? 7/27/2022 video by mckate.
2022.07.29: 101 in the oxbow, 7/29/2022 video by Birgitt.
2022.07.31: 101 chases a fish, 7/31/2022 gif by LunaCre.
August 2022:[]
2022.08.04: 101 checks out the riffles, 8/4/2022 gif by LunaCre.
September 2022:[]
101 appears on the list of Bears Monitored in Fall 2022.
2022.09.09: 101 returns after an August hiatus, 9/9/2022 video by mckate.
2022.09.19: 101 stops by the falls, 9/19/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.09.21: 101 finds a fish, 9/21/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.09.23: A glimpse of 101 at the falls, 9/23/2022 video by Itzy LO 335.
2022.09.29: 101 visits the lower river, 9/29/2022 video by mckate.
October 2022:[]
2022.10.01: 101 stopped by the riffles area and interrupted 821's nap, 10/1/2022 gif by LunaCre.
2022.10.03: Possibly 101, 10/3/2022 video by twelve22.
2022.10.04: 101 comes splashing in, 10/4/2022 video by twelve22.
101 under the cam, 10/4/2022 video by mckate.
2022.10.07: 101 pops in and out, 10/7/2022 video by mckate.
2023: 5.5 Year-Old Adult Female w/2 (Possibly 3) Spring Cubs, 1st Known Litter, Lost 1 of the 2 Confirmed Spring Cub 9/8/23 or Prior, Lost Remaining Cub 09/19/23 or Prior[]
July 2023:[]
Please note: there was information circulating on Katmai/Brooks Camp/Bears of Brooks River related Facebook pages that 101 originally returned to the Brooks River (outside of the live cam views) with 3 spring cubs. The park visitor that posted this information to the Facebook pages obtained the information from a KNP&P Ranger while visiting Brooks Camp after a bus tour to the Valley of 10,000 Smokes had to be turned around and cancelled due to a spring cub having difficulty breathing and balance issues in the middle of the Valley Road. The spring cub was reportedly left to die in peace. It is not known if the cub's remains were collected and sent for necropsy. The Katmai National Park ~ Brooks Falls Facebook page was one of the pages this information was posted to; perhaps searching that page in the July 15, 2023 - July 22, 2023 time frame will be able to allow you the opportunity to view this information.
2023.07.17: 101 returned to the Brooks River with 2 spring cubs, her 1st known litter. mckate captured this video of the new family group's arrival:
17 Jul 2023- 101 Arrives with Her First Litter (explore.org)
video by mckate
101 brings her spring cubs to the falls in this video by twelve22:
101 Brings Her Spring Cubs to the Falls - July 17, 2023 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2023.07.18: Michelle Celeste (aka SgtPepper) captured this video of 101 with her 2 spring cubs from the Brook Falls Low View cam.:
Michelle Celeste (aka SgtPepper) also captured this July 18, 2023 video of the 101 family group from the Brooks Falls Low View cam.:
BFL 7-18-2023
video by Michelle Celeste (aka SgtPepper)
101 and her cubs wait by the falls in this July 18, 2023 video by twelve22:
101 and Her Cubs Wait by the Falls - July 18, 2023 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
101 and 910's adopted 2.5 year-old niece (aka "909F") have words in this video captured by mckate:
18 Jul 2023- 101 and 909F Have Words (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.07.20: 101 fishes the lip video by twelve22:
101 Fishes on the Lip - July 20, 2023 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
101 catches several lip fish in this video captured by mckate:
20 Jul 2023- 101 Catches Several Lip Fish (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.07.21: 101 and her sleepy spring cubs video by twelve22 (sound on):
101 and Her Sleepy Cubs Stop by the Falls - July 21, 2023 (explore.org)
video by twelve22
2023.07.23: 101 makes a catch on the lip and returns to where her cubs are parked July 23, 2023 gif created by Blair-55 (p 15:04).:
2023.07.24: 101 waits for the lip with her 2 spring cubs in this video captured by mckate:
24 Jul 2023- 101 Waits for the Lip (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.07.26: 101 tries to take 910's fish from 910's adopted 2.5 year-old niece (aka "909F") in this video by mckate:
26 Jul 2023- 101 Tries to Take 910's Fish from 909F (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.07.30: One of 101's spring cubs is a female gif of cub urinating created by LeafyHyrax (p 11:31). Blair-55 created these gifs (#1 & #2) of 101's spring cubs waiting for mom (p 14.49).:
101's female spring cub is limping and urinating in mckate's video. It's hard to tell these two tiny cubs apart, but mckate thinks this one has a more narrow natal collar on her left side and maybe a lighter face:
30 Jul 2023- 101's Cub Limping Cub is Female, decd. (explore.org)
video by mckate
101's two spring cubs graze in this July 30, 2023 video mckate captured. The spring cub on the bottom is a female.:
30 Jul 2023- 101's Cubs Graze (explore.org)
video by mckate
One of 101's spring cubs falls behind and trees itself in this July 30, 2023 video captured by mckate. mckate provided this information in the description of her video:
"I'm not sure which of the cubs this was, but it got left behind as mom went up to the falls. It tried to catch up, but took the wrong path and came upon 806 and her cub rather than its mom. It went back to where it first became separated and decided to climb a tree for safety. It was a little harrowing watching it dangle as it descended, but thankfully mom heard its cries and was waiting at the bottom of tree. It was only separated for about 10 minutes, but it felt much longer."
30 Jul 2023- 101's Cub Falls Behind and Trees Itself (explore.org)
video by mckate
September 2023:[]
2023.09.08: 101 returned with one spring cub. 101 lost her other spring cub 09/08/2023 or prior. mckate captured this video of 101 and her remaining spring cub:
8 Sep 2023- 101 Returns with One Cub (explore.org)
video by mckate
101 and her remaining spring cub fish the lower river in this video mckate captured:
8 Sep 2023- 101 Fishes the Lower River (explore.org)
video by mckate
Scooch (Mister) created this gif of 101 and her remaining spring cub (p 20:23). The file is larger than the wiki permits to upload, please click here to view Mister's gif. Blair-55 created these gifs (#1 & #2) of 101 and her remaining spring cub (p 20:31):
101 and her remaining cub graze in the riffles in this video captured by mckate:
8 Sep 2023- 101 and Her Cub Graze in the Riffles (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.09.11: 101 and her remaining spring cub walk the lower river in this video captured by mckate:
11 Sep 2023- 101s Walk the Lower River (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.09.14: Mckate captured this video of sisters, 811 (near) & 101 (far), with each of their offspring, fishing the cutbank. 806 and her spring cub make a cameo appearance.:
14 Sep 2023- Sisters 811 and 101 Fish the Cut Bank (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.09.19: 101 appears to have lost her remaining spring cubs. They were seen together 2 days ago and the remaining spring cub appeared to be doing well. mckate captured this video of 101 without her remaining spring cub.:
19 Sep 2023- 101 Appears to Have Lost Her Remaining Cub (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.09.24: Now a single adult female, 101, fishes the riffles in this video captured by mckate:
24 Sep 2023- 101 Fishes the Riffles (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.09.29: 101 walks Spit Road in mckate's video:
29 Sep 2023- 101 Walks the Spit Road (explore.org)
video by mckate
October 2023:[]
2023.10.02: Sisters 101 (single female from 402's 2018 litter) and 811 (402's 2015 litter) with her remaining yearling fish the cut bank in this video mckate captured:
2 Oct 2023- Sisters 101 and 811 Fish the Cut Bank (explore.org)
video by mckate
2023.10.08: 101 walks the oxbow in mckate's video:
8 Oct 2023- 101 Walks the Oxbow (explore.org)
video by mckate
2024: 6.5 Year-Old Single Adult Female[]
July 2024:[]
2024.07.05: 32 Chunk courts 101 (402's 2018 offspring) while 402 attempts to fish the lip of the falls in this video by Terry Miller aka sundogsNM. 402's 2024 2.5 year-old cub is not observed with 402 at this time and is presumed to have been emancipated.:
05 Jul 2024- 32 Chunk pursues 101 past her mom 402 (explore.org)
video by Terry Miller (aka sundogsNM)
Why 101 Does Not Have An Official Nickname:[]
101 does not have an official nickname. The NPS has moved away from officially naming bears at KNP&P.
Known Courting & Mating:[]
101 Mated, Returned w/2 Spring Cubs, 1st Known Litter in 2023:[]
101 must have mated in 2022, she returned to Brooks Camp with 2 spring cubs in 2023.
32 Chunk & 101 Courting:[]
2024.07.05: 32 Chunk was observed courting 101 in close proximity to her mother, 402. Terry Miller aka sundogsNM captured this video.
Known Litters of Cubs:[]
1st Known Litter, 2 Spring Cubs, Lost 1 on 9/8/23 or Prior, Appears to have Lost Remaining Cub 9/19/23 or Prior[]
2023: 2 (or 3) Spring Cubs, 1 female (7/30/23 video urinating)
Did 101 return to Brooks River with 3 spring cubs? See 07/15/2023, 07/21/2023 & 07/22/2023 above for information regarding this possibility.
101 returned to Brooks Camp on 09/8/23 with 1 remaining spring cub.
101 was observed alone on 09/19/2023
2024: Single Adult Female
Known Relatives:[]
Mother: 402 (per page 31 of the Bears of Brooks River 2021 eBook)
Father: Unknown
Littermates: 102 and 103 (per page 31 of the Bears of Brooks River 2021 eBook)
Maternal Siblings: 503, 811 and 812